Su Bin gaped behind him. "What?! If I'm not mistaken there are ten profiles inside and not one of them is who you're looking for?"

Guan Ning did not answer. He just continued smoking his cigarette. Silence once again enveloped them. After a minute of silence, Guan Ning faced Su Bin. "Seems like you don't want my car anymore."

Su Bin laughed dryly. "I don't care about your fucking car anymore. I'm also curious about this mystery woman. What kind of a woman is she to pique your interest?" He rose from his seat. "Fine. I'll look into it again. I better go. It's late." He walked towards the door.

Before Su Bin could touch the knob, Guan Ning called him. "Wait. Ge told to come to his office this morning at 7." He looked at his watch. "It's already 1 in the morning. Drive safely." He only gets an "Hmmm" from Su Bin as a reply. And the door closed.

Guan Ning heard the sound of a car engine drifting away. He again stared out into the darkness. He must find that woman as soon as possible.

At 7 in the morning, Guan Ning drove to Yinyang Enterprises. He and Su Bin arrived one after the other. As they took a seat, they immediately discuss about the plans of the incoming party three months from now. Their meeting went smoothly.

Same goes at Yinyang Publishing. The days went by peacefully. The reason why Min Chu is being rushed to the hospital is still not known to the people in the company.

Liu Yang peacefully worked on her novel. She is making a little progress.

Friday came by unknowingly.

Liu Yang is arranging her things, getting ready to leave, when a message came. She unlocked her phone and saw it's Li Jun. He messaged them on their WeChat group.

Li Jun: Girls, I've already booked a table at Galaxy Bar. 8pm. See yah! :D

Yu Mei: Table? Not a private room? Why?

Li Jun: Yes, Young Miss, a table. Is there a problem?

Yu Mei: T_T Fine!

Wan Li: @Liu Yang, wait for me at the parking lot.

Liu Yang: Okay! See you later, girls!

Liu Yang gathered her things and head for the parking lot. Wan Li arrives a few minutes later and saw her leaning at the passenger door. Wan Li unlocked his car and they entered simultaneously.

"Let's stop by at home. I have to get some extra clothes," Wan Li said while starting the engine.

"How long are you going to stay at my apartment?" Liu Yang narrowed her eyes at him.

Wan Li arched his brow, "For as long as I want. Do you have any problem with that?" He steps on the gas.

Liu Yang grimaced. "No, I don't. I was just asking."

After getting Wan Li's clothes, they head straight to Liu Yang's apartment and rest for a bit. It's still too early.


Guan Ning left ReadIt at 5. He entered his car and drove to Niu mansion directly with a heavy heart. Is he ready to face his father after 11 years? Is he ready to face Min Chu?

Since Niu mansion is a little farther from the city, it took an hour for Guan Ning to arrive. He hesitated and stopped a few meters away from the gate.

He took out a cigarette, rolled down the window and started smoking. He's getting a little bit tense at the moment. After smoking, he collected all of his courage and made a decision.

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