Probably because he's away for far too long, as Guan Ning rung the bell of the gate, a young girl in a servant's dress greeted him and asked who he is. He was a bit surprised but understood the girl's situation and smiled. He then introduced himself.

"My surname is Niu."

The girl widened her eyes and gave a 90-degree bow. No wonder the guy in front of her looks like the First Young Master. The madam told them that Second Young Master is coming home today.

"I apologize Second Young Master. I'm still new here." The girls apologized while bowing.

"It's fine. Just open the gate for me." He smiled and walked towards his car.

The servant immediately opened the gates for him. He parked his car into the wide courtyard.

As he got out of his car, he sighed and looked at the mansion for a couple of seconds, melancholy written in his eyes. The European style mansion still looks the same 11 years later. He hasn't been home for years.


The word seems so alien in his mind. Guan Ning just scoffed and entered the house.

He entered the living room and saw no one. Maybe they're busy in the kitchen, he thought. He pulled out his phone, calling Su Bin when he heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. He looked up and froze on the spot with his phone next to his ear, ignoring the call being answered.

He is still in a daze when the person stopped and stood in front of him.

"Guan. You're here." The person gave a reluctant smile at him.

Guan Ning let out a breath and composed himself. He immediately ended the call without batting an eye.

Meanwhile, in a certain someone's car. "Hello, Guan? What is it? I'm nearly there. Hello?" Su Bin noticed no one is answering him back through the earpiece. He checked the phone in front of him with his other hand while the other is maneuvering the steering wheel. He realized that the call ended minutes ago. Su Bin glared at his phone. "What the fuck is wrong with this man?!"

Back into the old house.

Guan Ning smiled. "Min Chu. I didn't know you're here at the old house." Clearly, he's delighted to see her.

Min Chu pursed her lips together. "It's been a long time since I've seen you. How are you?"

Guan Ning looked at her beautiful face, out of breath. Yes, it's been a long a time. It's been a long time and he's still in love with her. He wanted to tell her that so badly. He wanted to tell her he's not okay these past years. But…

Guan Ning is about to open his mouth to speak, when a person called Min Chu from upstairs.

"Darling? Who are you talking to?"

The both of them looked at the direction of the voice. Gun Qing, who is walking his way down the stairs, looked at the two of them innocently. He's shocked to see Guan Ning at the old mansion.

"Guan! You're here." Guan Qing said as he approached the two of them. He stood beside Min Chu and snaked his hand on her waist and kissed her hair.

Guan Ning looked away, hiding his jealousy. He couldn't stand this display of affection. A sudden pain crept inside his left chest. "I think I need to find Mother first," he suddenly said to the couple. Hiding the pain with a smile and immediately turn his back and head towards the kitchen.

Guan Qing responded with an "Hmmm" with a smile, not noticing the sadness in Guan Ning's eyes. Min Chu, on the other hand, noticed the sudden change of expression on his face. She furrowed her brows, her thoughts ran wild. Could it be that Guan Ning is still into her? But it's been years already.

"Darling? Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Guan Qing's worried voice woke her up from her thoughts. She looked at him, who is checking her body all over. She cupped his face and smiled. "I'm fine. You're over-reacting," she kissed his lips to give him assurance.

Guan Qing's eyes became hooded after her kiss. He looked at her lips, and before Min Chu knew it, her lips were already claimed by her husband. Kissing her deep.

As they were having their intimate act, they didn't know that a pair of eyes is looking at them from afar with clenched fists.

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