Su Bin arrived at the mansion minutes after he got the prank call from Guan Ning. He's now thinking of a way to deal with him. The servants recognized his car and opened the gate.

As he gets out of his car, his phone started to ring. He looked at the caller ID and smiled. "Babe? What is it? Is there a problem?" He answered while walking towards the front door.

"Nothing. I just miss you." The person on the other end of the line sweetly answered that made Su Bin's heart bloat. "Did you arrived at the mansion?"

He chuckled at her cuteness. "Hmm. I just arrived. And I miss you, too."

The person on the line giggled. "Oh, by the way, I just want you to know, I'm having a girls' night out…tonight…at 8. With my best friends." The girl stammered. Her voice barely audible on the phone.

"Where?" Su Bin furrowed. His voice holds authority in it.

"At Galaxy Bar. I won't drink much. Promise" The girl insisted.

Su Bin's heart softened. He sighed in resignation. "Fine. Do I have to fetch you later?"

"No need."

"Okay. Call me if you need me."

"Hmmm. Bye. I love you."

Su Bin stopped walking. After a year of dating, a simple 'I love you' from this girl still creates some great impact on him. Is this the thing they call 'butterflies in your stomach'? He might be experiencing it right now. Ah, she's his girl after all.

"Hello? Su Bin? Are you still there?" the girl on the line woke him up.

"Hmm, Babe." He chuckled. "Sorry. I love you, too. Bye. Behave yourself out there."

The girl once again giggled. "I will." And the call ended.

Su Bin can't help but smile while staring at his phone after the call. He inhaled and exhaled deeply. He's in euphoria right now. He reached for the knob of the front door.

As he pushed the double doors wide open, his eyes saw something so shocking. His feet stood rooted to the ground and his jaw dropped drastically on the floor. He shouldn't be seeing this kind of scene.

The couple didn't know how long they've been kissing. They were so immersed in their kiss that they did not notice Su Bin's arrival.

"Ahemm!" Su Bin cleared his throat that startled the intimate couple.

Min Chu immediately pushed Guan Qing away. She looked towards the direction where the voice came from and saw Su Bin standing at the front door. Awkwardly looking at them.

Min Chu's face is now crimson red. 'Why in the world are they kissing in the living room?! For god's sake, this is so embarrassing!'

"I..uh…umm," she clearly doesn't know what to say! "I…think I…left something upstairs. I better go. Nice to see you, Su Bin." Then she hurriedly left the room and went upstairs almost running.

"Darling, be careful!" she paused at Guan Qing's warning and started walking slowly but surely.

Su Bin frowned. That was weird?

"Su Bin. Didn't know you're here already." Guan Qing started a conversation. Trying to erase the awkwardness in the air.

Su Bin laughed dryly. "Ha-ha-ha. Yeah. Sorry for disturbing you two." He scratched his not itchy head. "Is Guan already here, Ge?" Su Bin asked even though he already knew the answer. He saw Guan Ning's McLaren parked outside.

In the corner of Su Bin's eye, he saw a silhouette from afar and his smile froze. 'Fuck!' he cursed internally and closed his eyes as if in pain. The silhouette then retreated and walked towards the garden.

Guan Qing saw his expression and asked in a worried tone, "Su Bin, are you okay?" Guan Qing walked towards him and tapped his shoulder. "I think Guan's in the kitchen with Mother. Should I call him for you?"

Su Bin looked at Guan Qing and smiled as if nothing happened. "No need Ge. I'll go find him myself."

Guan Qing nodded. Su Bin left the living room.

Instead of going to the kitchen, he turns towards the garden.

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