"The school's procedures are done." As soon as Jinghao came back, she saw Aimeng sitting on the sofa. She was silly. Since that night, she didn't seem to see her smile. In the hospital, although she drank a lot of chicken soup made by her mother, her face still didn't get better. Her body injury can be cured, but it may be difficult to heal in her heart.

The gauze on the back of the head had been removed for a long time. Because there was hair blocking it, it seemed that some of it could not be seen. Some of its hair had been cut off. Aimeng was afraid of ugliness, so he wore a hat.

She has lived here for several days since she was discharged from hospital, but most of the time she just sat there by herself, sometimes staring out of the window in a daze, sometimes curling up on the sofa, like a lost child.

Aimeng also heard the sound of closing the door, then suddenly looked up, "you're back, what you just said, I didn't hear clearly."

"I said, have you finished the formalities at the school?" He knew that today Aimeng was going to go to school to go through the suspension procedure. He wanted to accompany her, but she refused. The reason for her refusal was that she didn't want to have another trouble.

"Well, it's done. It's going well. Besides, thank you for Mo Yanke's business. "

"That's what I promised you. No need to say thank you. By the way, I may go out these two days to do something. You can stay in the villa by yourself

"Well, it's OK. The food in the refrigerator is full. I can solve it by myself. Go and do your work." She didn't want to be a burden to anyone, and if it was, she would hate herself.

Kang Xiaole heard about AI Meng's suspension from other students. During this period, she wanted to find him, but she was blocked by Shen Luo. He said that Meng Meng probably didn't want to see anyone now, so she could only send a text message every day to ask if there was anything wrong.

But now Mengmeng has suspended school, so it's not easy to get in. Why do you suspend school. But she wanted to look for it, only to find that the old villa had been gone for a long time, and she could see clearly what was going on in the newspaper, but she didn't know.

"No, I'm going to find Mengmeng. Mengmeng's mobile phone has been turned off all day."

"Don't go. You can't find her for the moment. She should be with Jinghao now. That man has always lived in seclusion. I don't think it's easy for you to find him This is not Shen Luo's exaggeration, it is true.

"Then what should we do now? I'm worried that something happened to Mengmeng, and things in the newspapers are boiling. How can Mo Yanke say that even if Mengmeng does something, he can't say such hurtful words. What does it mean that it doesn't matter before, and it won't matter in the future? He also says that it doesn't matter whether he lives or dies in the future."

About this, even Shen Luo has no way to intervene, because the real thing may not be like this, but only the party concerned knows.

On this side, after Jinghao went out, Aimeng was completely shut up in the villa, completely cutting off the contact with the outside. The mobile phone has been turned off, even the phone card has been removed, and the mobile phone has been put into her pocket.

She wanted to be quiet. She didn't want to be disturbed any more. Recently, too many things have really happened. Maybe she can think about what to do next only when she is quiet.

But recently, as soon as she calms down and closes her eyes, she will think of what Mo Yanke said on TV. Although he didn't say it himself, that's what he meant. If he didn't mean it, Wang Lin won't say it like that. It doesn't matter before, it doesn't matter after, and it doesn't matter in the future.

This sentence is really wonderful, but she has no way, she feels so painful, they have been together for so long, but now for him, she is nothing, so long, what is everything between them. Those memories seem not imagination, it is true, but he can wipe out everything so clean.

At that time, she prepared dinner for him every day after school. She even knew what he liked to eat, what he didn't like to eat, and his habits. But now she left the villa, as if everything had returned to the origin.

If time can go back, how she wants not to know him at the beginning, then all the stories can be rewritten.

But I can't. It all happened like this.

Knead some painful eyebrows, these days always headache, in fact, the brain injury has long been good, but from time to time will hurt up.

She was a little hungry, so she made something to eat casually. Now she has no strength, and even has a great effort to cook a bowl of noodles.

When washing the dishes, my hand slipped, but I broke a bowl. It was so loud.

When picking up the fragments, she scratched her hand carelessly, and the blood immediately came out, but she laughed, looking at the blood, laughing so happily.

I picked up the things and put them in the garbage can. After I cleaned them up, I just washed them in the water. The feeling of ten fingers touching my heart was very painful, but she didn't care. Maybe it should be so painful. Only when it was painful did she know that it was a lesson and that life was just like this.Maybe her life was too comfortable before, maybe she was too happy before, so God would punish her with such things.

Noodles to eat half but how can't eat down, eat to the mouth of things have no taste, a eat down on stomach pain, don't eat also pain, maybe her body was tortured bad. Recently, no matter what you eat, you will have stomachache. If you don't eat, your stomach is full of acid. If you eat it, you will feel uncomfortable.

Half a bowl of things are all poured out. It's just a little work, but it can make her sweat. She is only 18 years old, but she looks like an 81 year old.

She wants to be quiet. It's better to be alone and then don't come to her for anything. Don't bother her with anything.

It's better to be on your own.

After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, I went to the bedroom. I felt uncomfortable even climbing the stairs. I covered my aching stomach. I felt terrible. Would I die like this.

It's very quiet in the villa. It's not big, but the location is very remote. Maybe it's because of Jing Hao's identity. They say he's a killer, but she's not afraid because she knows he won't hurt her. So she can be so at ease in this villa, in his territory.

Recently, sleep has been bad, as long as you close your eyes, you can think of a lot of things in your head, all about Mo Yanke.

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