She almost shut herself up in this villa for two days. Except for drinking some water, she hardly ate. She just lay on the bed all the time and her brain was in a state of dizziness.

In recent days, the only thing she can know about the outside world is TV. She also knows from TV that Mo Yanke has come back. This time, she has brought back a huge project, which may even affect the whole life of mo.

His position should be stable. Without her, he can go further.

She turned off the TV, she entered a state of sleep, her stomach has been in pain, not even better, but she does not care, perhaps no one cares about it.

Dad left, the only person in the world who was so good to her left, the rest.

Sleeping in a daze, she seemed to feel someone pinching her neck. She thought she was dreaming. She tried to wake up and saw Mo Yanke's hard face. Is it a dream or a reality.

She blinked and shook her head. When she felt the weight on her neck, she realized that it was real. The room was dark. The only light was projected through the curtain.

It's not a dream, but why is mo Yanke here? This is Jinghao's villa. How did he get in.

Suddenly shaking his head, trying to get rid of his imprisonment, he said in a weak tone, "let go."

"Let go! You think I'm going to let go. I want to strangle you now. " Mo Yanke looked at her coldly, half kneeling beside her, his hand still unconsciously put down.

Suddenly got the fresh air, Aimeng coughed a few times. "How did you come?"

"How can I come? Why can't I come? Do you think I'll let you sleep in other men's bed? However, you are not such a woman. It should be the same with who you sleep with." Mo Yanke said with ridicule that there was no emotion between the words.

Aimeng actually wants to say that things are not like this. The reason why she does this is really because of her. Fang Yucheng said that if she continues to stay by his side, she will eventually become his stumbling block, but he doesn't want to be like this, and don't become his stumbling block. She wants him to be good. He has paid so much for everything today, and deserves those things Yes.

Clenching his lips, he didn't say anything after all.

Even if she said, would he care, would he believe it? He should think that she was amorous.

Mo Yanke stood on the floor with one foot, half kneeling with one foot, and looked down at her. The feeling that he really wanted to tear her apart was too real.

"Why, don't you talk? Do you think you are wronged now? You should be wronged when I treat you so cruelly after you have done such a great thing."

AI dream a Leng, suddenly some didn't respond to come over, "you say this is what meaning." She didn't understand, she didn't understand.

"What do you mean? It seems that you are very good at pretending. You just want to leave me and think that everything will be ok if you leave me. Don't be self righteous. I won't appreciate you for that, and I won't look up at you for that. You are nothing but one of my many women. Besides, don't you think that you have any love between us How great, even if you die in front of me at this moment, I will not be what

Heart suddenly become cold, maybe just now she is still extravagant, maybe because he knows, so to love her, but it is not. To him, she is nothing but a person.

So she knows.

Suddenly some helpless smile, "what's the matter, just say it, I listen."

Mo Yanke reaches out his hand and pinches her neck. He pulls her up from the bed and leans his head. He squints at her with disgust in his voice. "How about your body? You must have served Jinghao well recently. Do you know who he is? Do you know that he kills people without blinking an eye?"

"He's a good man, not like that."

"Good man, I bah, good man. It is estimated that only you in the world will think that he is a good man."

Abruptly pulled open the quilt that covers on her body, stretch out a hand, want to tear her dress. Aimeng suddenly understood why this man came here at this time.

She understood why she would come at such a time, but she didn't want to, she didn't want to endure such insults at such a time and in such a situation, and she hated such insults.

"Go away, don't touch me. Don't touch me. Go away All of a sudden, there was a crazy scream.

"Go away, don't touch me. You are my person. Why can't I touch you? Have you forgotten that I said that you will always be my person, even if you die, you will also be my person. But now I have to think about it. A man who has been touched by a man feels too dirty. You know, I like clean people. I will feel sick if I have been touched But for the sake of you being with me for such a long time, I think I'll try my bestAimeng's face was pale with fright. His words were too hurtful. "You can't do that."

"No, why not." Mo Yanke admits that he is crazy and is about to be crazy by this woman. What he hates most is others' self righteousness. He thinks that she is something. He thinks that if he leaves, he will be fine. He thinks that if he leaves, he will be fine.

Don't you think he's going to die soon? Do you think he's going to collapse soon? Maybe he should really thank her for getting such a big project on this business trip. If it wasn't for her stimulation, he might not be able to get everything he thought of in such a short time, and then come back quickly.

Aimeng has no way to resist, for Mo Yanke, she has never been able to resist, "you let me go, or I will call someone."

"Call people, who do you think you can call, Jinghao? Don't worry, he is so busy with tasks that it's impossible for him to get rid of them. But thank you, too. He was already washed white, but because of you, he had to take over the task. I think it's hard to predict his life and death now, so it's useless for you to break your throat. There is no one else in this villa except you and me Mo Yanke felt that he was crazy, that he was crazy, and that he had lost his mind.

"You are a madman, you are a madman. Don't touch me. Don't touch me. Go away and let me go. "

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