Mo Yanke went out of the door of the nightclub and got on the car. After twisting his eyebrows, his eyes darkened. The black car immediately shot out like a sharp arrow.

He didn't know what he was doing tonight. He was absent-minded all the time, and his mind was full of Aimeng.

Back at the villa, he couldn't help but go straight to her room. This time back, Aimeng did not live in the master bedroom, but moved to the guest room, he did not say anything, just let her toss.

Only when he opened the door, there was only a large amount of moonlight in the room. Through the huge French windows and gauze, it was light enough to let him see everything in the room.

There was no one in bed. Where did she go at this time.

Look at the time. It's two o'clock in the morning, but there is no one in the room. When he came back yesterday, she had already fallen asleep, but now there is no one. The quilt is folded well.

He searched all over the villa, but did not see anyone, but her things are good, did not take away, the brain suddenly had a bad premonition, is Aimeng with the child left.

"Hello, Wang Lin, send someone to find Aimeng. She's gone."

Hang up the phone, he drove away, damn, so big night where will go, just didn't expect, the car just opened out, the sky is full of falling snow, snow.

He remembers that Aimeng likes to see snow very much. He said before that he would like to see what snow looks like if he had a chance. But because it is in the South and the weather in the south is warm, it seldom snows. But this winter is very cold, and it's piercing cold.

Where are you going in such cold weather.

On this side, Aimeng is walking alone in the street. I don't know what time it is. I only know that there are fewer and fewer cars in the street. It seems that she has no place to go. If she goes to Xiaole's home so late, will it disturb her.

But she didn't want to go back to the villa. When she went back, she was afraid that it would hurt the scenery and make her feel uncomfortable when she saw Mo Yanke.

I don't know how, after a big circle, I went back to the original place. This used to be AI's villa, where she was born and raised. Now, weeds are everywhere outside. I still remember sneaking into the villa last time. In fact, there is still no change in it, but there is no one to live in. Instead, there is a lot of grass growing. It turns out that this is a home, but it's not a home Yes, now it's a house.

She did not expect that things would change as they are today. I opened the iron door and went in. I just casually took out a tissue from my bag, spread it on the floor, and sat down. I walked a lot this evening, but now I can't bear it. I just ate some fast chocolate, which can't relieve my stomach pain at all.

But she doesn't want to go anywhere. She has money with her, but she doesn't want to go to any hotel. Now she can't see her future at all. She doesn't know what to do with the child. If she wants to be born, she must save money. She is like this now, and she doesn't want to have her own child born later. She is also poor.

Even if you don't want this child, you need money. Maybe you will leave Mo Yanke in the future. She can't understand and understand the man.

She leaned on the door of their house before, and her consciousness was a little confused. She was sleepy, but it was very cold. Suddenly, snowflakes floated in the sky. She suddenly looked at the sky with surprise. It snowed, and it really snowed.

It's really rare. It snows in the south. Hand, took a snowflake, instant melting in their own hands.

Mo Yanke drove the car around for a long time, but he still couldn't find her. He even went to Jinghao's villa. He knew later that Jinghao had transferred the ownership of the villa to Aimeng before he left, which means Aimeng is now the owner of the villa.

"Damn, where did this woman go? When she called, it was empty. He suddenly remembered whether her number had been changed, but she saw that she was using her mobile phone. Damn it. Damn it. " His fist hit the steering wheel hard.

"Wang Lin, do you have any news over there?"

"Mr. Mo, our people said that Miss AI left the villa at more than 10 o'clock and went to the nightclub. But afterwards, our people followed and lost her at the traffic lights, so they didn't find it."

"You said she left after 10 o'clock."

"Well, yes."

"Well, go on and tell them to have a look. That's it first. " Hang up the phone, suddenly meditated, she went out at 10 o'clock, why go out, how she also went to the nightclub, she did not tell him where, then she went there to do, she is not a person who likes to go to such a place, then someone must have asked her to go.

Brow a tight, more than 10 o'clock, he was there in the box, beside any sweet, will not.

Turn around the front of the car and suddenly drive that way.

And Aimeng has fallen asleep, leaning by the door, his consciousness is a little fuzzy, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, but Mo Yanke has found all the places he should look for, and finally there is only one left.It's 5:30 a.m. now. In a few hours, it will be dawn. For nearly four hours, Mo Yanke can't help but worry.

AI's villa, as expected, saw AI Meng sitting over there, snow white. If it wasn't for the scarlet scarf, I can't tell whether it was snow or people.

After a night of snow has been some accumulation, and AI Meng just sat outside AI's villa all night, his body is covered with snow, his face is covered with snow, and his eyelashes are covered with thick snow. Mo Yanke walked in. The woman leaned peacefully over there, her face was frozen pale, although only two eyes were exposed, but she could see that she was pale, and the whole person shrank over there It's all snow. I can't tell whether it's her white down jacket or her white snowflake.

He reached out and said, "AIMUN, get up and wake up." He just explored the temperature of her body, and knew that she had been sitting here for more than four hours, and her body had already frozen.

Does this woman have a brain pit? In the winter, she ran to sit here, looking for death. Suddenly, she held up with great strength. But Aimeng didn't feel anything. She let Mo Yanke hold her. Then she put her on the car, turned up the air conditioner, took off her coat, and her skin was already blue with cold.

What did she want to do? Did she see him and other women, or did she feel that the baby in her stomach was not his Mo Yanke's, and then she wanted to destroy the corpse cruelly, so she tried to abuse herself like this.

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