As long as she thought that she probably wanted to destroy her baby because she didn't think it was his, the anger in her heart would not come up, and the anger slowly devoured his reason.

The air conditioner in the car has been turned on very high, but Aimeng still keeps her eyes closed, and the temperature on her body is still very low. He knows that she's OK, but it's only because she's been frozen for a long time.

Hands keep rubbing her hands, thinking warm up, maybe it will be OK. Started the car, was originally to the direction of the villa, but still supernatural to Chonghe hospital, in the end or ruthless.

"Mr. Mo, you are."

"Don't talk nonsense. Get a ward and examine her." Mo Yanke is holding Aimeng in his arms, but his tone is still serious.

Wang Jie just took a look and recognized AI Meng. What happened in the hospital last time was unforgettable to him. Seeing Mo Yanke's tense appearance, this man could not let go.

After all, people are soft. No matter what it is or who it is, once you touch the softest place in people's heart, you will be reluctant to let go.

"OK, I see. I'll arrange it right away. You come with me."

Just after a series of examination, AI Meng is not a big problem, just because the whole person was frozen unconscious, so did not wake up for a long time.

"She's OK, it's just that she's too cold to be conscious. Don't worry. " Wang Jie picked up the tools around him, stood up, and then couldn't help frowning. Aimeng was pregnant, and initially determined that the child was only a few months old. Although there was no accurate instrument at the moment, as a doctor, he still knew this.

I'm pregnant, and I'm still freezing outside. If I'm a few hours late, I guess the baby in my stomach will not be able to keep. Aimeng's constitution is not very good. In addition, the last time I made such a fuss, the lost blood still can't be fully recovered. In fact, the baby shouldn't have stayed. Her body is not suitable for pregnancy. If she insists on having this baby Son, I guess I'll have to suffer a little bit.

He and Aimeng know each other during the last time when she committed suicide and was hospitalized. This girl is actually a good girl. He is not very clear about how her age is related to Mo Yanke, but he doesn't gossip. After all, it's not his own business.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?" Mo Yanke stood aside, looking at Ai Meng with pale face and purple lips. What he didn't know was that he was poisoned and couldn't be rescued. Sometimes he really didn't understand what the woman was thinking all day long, and whether she was not thinking the same way as him.

But no one dares to sit in the snow for 4 hours in a few degrees below zero weather, which is a fool's behavior.

Wang jiela took Lamo Yanke to one side, "Mr. Mo, she is pregnant, she is not suitable to have a baby now, her body is very weak, if the child insists on giving birth, it may be life-threatening at that time."

"You said that if the child was born, she would die."


"Then knock out the child."

Aimeng only heard this sentence vaguely and knocked out the child. It was mo Yanke's voice. But she still pretended not to wake up, closed her eyes, but her heart turned upside down.

He said to knock the baby out.

Mo Yanke takes Aimeng back to the villa. She wakes up, but she doesn't speak. She even resists the man. She hasn't even told him that she is pregnant, but he doesn't wait for her to say, but he already knows. He says that he will kill the child. He's really cruel.

But what did he mean, why did he bring her back, and why did he bring her back.

"In the future, you will stay here for me honestly, and you are not allowed to go out without my consent. Please tell me what you need and I will buy it. If I know, if you sneak out again, I'll break your leg. "

Aimeng is still lying foolishly.

"Let me go. It's good for you and me. Now it's bad for anyone. I can live by myself. I won't delay you or drag you down."

"Now you are like this, do you think you have any place to go? Do you have money? If you don't have money, you can't go anywhere. If you leave me, you can still survive here. Following me and having no worries about food and clothing is your best choice. Don't be silly enough to push away. Can't I give you what Jinghao has given you, or can't I do as good to you as he does 。” He said.

She was suddenly angry. It was not that she was stupid, but that she had seen through too much. There were too many unstable factors around him. Either Mo Yanzhe, or the scheming father, or so many covetous people. She was afraid, but she just hated Mo Yan, but she always thought she was conceited, and thought how great she was With hands and feet, I can't support myself. Besides, I don't want to compare everything with Jing Hao. He left, but he was really good to me. "

The man suddenly silent, and then his eyes gradually cold, voice with some irony, "so unwilling to stay with me, that Jinghao so satisfied you, let you desperate to give birth to his child, Aimeng, you can really, you think you can smoothly give birth to this child, I tell you, impossible, if you want to continue to stay with me Then the child must be knocked out for me. I will arrange time to knock out the child at that time. "AI Meng suddenly emotional some excitement, "no, the child is mine, you can't be like this, this or in fact." What she wanted to say was that the child was his, not Jinghao's, but the man's ferocious face scared him.

She grinned bitterly. It turned out that not everyone could believe her. It turned out that all the misunderstandings at the beginning were really so ridiculous. Now, in the end, God was still laughing at her. She thought that she could hide it for a few days. It seems that he still knows. Yes, there is nothing he doesn't know. If he goes to investigate, he will know her She was pregnant, but she didn't know that the child was hers.

"You don't want to keep this child. I won't let you keep this child, so you'd better think about it clearly. If you want to stay with me, you'd better listen to me and beat this child. I don't want anyone to stay."

"It's not like this. It's not like this. You can't do it like this." Aimeng suddenly cried, tears like broken beads, gushing out.

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