In the next few days, Mo Yanke and Aimeng went crazy in the streets of the United States.

He has been in this place for many years, even if he has not been to many places, he has heard a little about it. There are all kinds of delicious snacks here and there.

In the next few days, the newlyweds roamed around the United States, enjoying the local conditions and customs of the United States.

Mo Yanke found that Aimeng seems to suddenly change a person, feeling more enthusiastic, feeling more angry. She seems to have returned to her warm and cheerful nature.

They are like ordinary lovers, hand in hand, walking in the streets, calmly accept all the envious eyes projected towards them; they are like lovers in love, but also, they are newly married, must be sweet. They share food, hug and kiss in public. It seems that everything has been let go.

If they are in China, they may avoid the eyes of those people, or worry about whether they will be in the news again. After all, Mo Yanke has a great influence in city A. But here, there is no such worry, here they can play happily. Because the United States is also a relatively warm country. For example, it's normal to see lovers kissing on the street. This kind of freedom, on the contrary, makes them happier.

On the third day in the United States, they changed their travel routes a few days ago, thinking that they would all go back and buy something. So they went into a shop and were picking things up in a shop. Some of the things here could not be bought in a city, so Aimeng was more interested. The things she couldn't buy were good, but she was happy to pick them up, and then Mo Yan Ke was standing next to him. All of a sudden, he looked through the glass of the shelf and saw something. Suddenly, he was tense all over. He pressed down on Aimeng and squatted down in an instant.

Aimeng hasn't responded yet. What's the matter? Mo Yanke has already pulled her to leave. He held her tightly, blocking her with his own body. Then he took her quickly into the shop.

Because this store is not small, so rows of shelves have become their hiding tools.

They got closer to the place with a lot of people. Mo Yanke thought that if the target is them, you can't shoot in the place with a lot of people. The United States is also a society of legal system. If you open fire and get caught, you will be executed.

But it's not.

At this time, a bullet went into the first row of shelves, a crystal ball was broken, and the chemical liquid in it was all wet. All over the place.

Immediately someone exclaimed. People in the shop suddenly became restless. Some people screamed and others ran out in a panic.

Aimeng felt that her heart was a little unbearable at the moment, but her body was protected by Mo Yanke. Although she didn't know what was going on, she also knew that something might have happened, and it was urgent for her to follow Mo Yanke's steps and follow those flustered people outside.

In the distance, on a tall building. Seeing that he didn't hit the target, he frowned, and then moved the camera decisively for the next sniper. He received money to buy his life. If the task fails, he will not get his reward.

It's just that the shot just now has obviously confused the flow of people in the whole street.

Even telescopes can't find the target again in the crowd. Although the pace of people can't catch up with guns, it is convenient for Mo Yanke and AI Meng to escape because of the confusion of people.

Mo Yanke is protecting Aimeng. She is walking fast under her feet after the crowd and all kinds of obstacles. Aimeng is almost dragged by him, because she has never experienced such a scene, and at the moment, the scene that is not clear about the situation makes her nervous. If Mo Yanke hadn't been protecting her body, she might not have been able to walk so fast.

But Mo Yanke is smart. In this kind of scene of people coming and going and chaos, his movement seems to have brought him favorable geographical factors. He quickly left with Aimeng by taking advantage of some obstacles in the surrounding streets.

The man in the high building was obviously worried. He took the money and had to solve these two people today. However, when he aimed at the target, either other people's heads were in front of him, or there were obstacles such as street lights, road signs and so on. Several attempts failed.

But he can't wait. As a professional sniper, he has to deal with today's affairs quickly.

All of a sudden, there was a big shot, a big noise. Then Mo Yanke didn't even have time to look back, only knew that there were all kinds of screams behind him. He knew that someone was injured and probably shot, but he didn't know if it was serious. The current situation doesn't allow him to stop and have a look.

The crowd became more agitated.

Mo Yanke saw a large shopping mall on the street, then frowned and pulled Aimeng to go in. However, the man suddenly fired several shots fiercely. Just when they just went in, a bullet suddenly passed by. Mo Yanke pushed Aimeng, blocked the bullet that should have hit Aimeng and wiped his arm.Blood, all of a sudden emerged, infiltrating Mo Yanke's white shirt, and then all of a sudden bright red.

The smell of blood, suddenly with a strong smell of blood.

"Mo Yanke." She gave a low cry, and her eyes turned red. He was injured. Just as he pushed her in, the bullet passed his arm. The place of the heart suddenly grabbed and hurt. Did the shot hit her just now? Mo Yanke blocked it for her. Aware of this, suddenly from the bottom of the foot to the head, endless fear.

"Shh Mo Yanke immediately lowered his head, then pressed her head, "don't talk."

Once she was distracted, she would go back immediately if she couldn't bear to cry. Although they are now in the department store, but still can not ignore the dangerous situation at the moment.

They followed the crowd up the elevator to the second floor. Then it flashed into a clothing store. Standing in front of the fitting room, there is a thick door in front of it. There's also the crowd.

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