This kind of environment can at least make them safe for a short time. But it was only a short time. They all thought that the cars would be safe after they left, but it was only a short time. There were more storms below.

Mo Yanke quickly took out his pocket phone and gave a command to the other end of the phone. "According to the location of my mobile phone, I immediately sent someone here. Someone killed me."

Then when he hung up the phone, he took a look at the surrounding environment. Then he took a piece of clothes on the hanger and put it on quickly. The wound on his arm was a little shocking. Although the bullet didn't go in, it just wiped his arm, but the bullet from this kind of gun was powerful. Even if it just wiped, it also made his arm numb and painful.

White shirt, fresh blood dye more and more, quickly put on the clothes, and then pull Aimeng, casually grabbed a woman's coat, fortunately, this shop, men and women's clothes are sold, no matter whether the size is appropriate, put on, swipe the card, and then quickly leave this position.

When he quickly put on his coat, the blood on his hand had already attracted some people's attention. Mo Yanke pulled her out without thinking about it.

But go down the stairs in the opposite direction.

Aimeng thought about his injury, while running, said anxiously. "It doesn't matter whether the wound on your hand is serious or not. Do you want to bandage it first?"

"It doesn't matter. It's not in the way. We have to leave this place as soon as possible. brook no delay.

His intuition tells him that it's not over yet. Maybe there is more than one sniper. Maybe there are people lying in ambush everywhere. He still doesn't know who has the courage. But now this situation does not allow him to think about such a problem.

They quickly went down the stairs and then turned to the first floor. Generally, this kind of shopping mall can't only have such an exit, so Mo Yanke was looking for the back door.

Sure enough, in the most corner of the toilet, there is a door, open, is a street behind.

The coat blocked the wound on his arm, and the wide clothes also covered Aimeng's body, making them look like a little couple walking hand in hand on the street.

But even if they changed their clothes, this face is still easy to recognize.

The mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, and Mo Yanke pressed the answer button.

"Boss, we have arrived. It's just behind you at ten o'clock, but don't look back. Keep going. We're being followed

Mo Yanke was stunned, but he continued to keep pace. "OK, I see. You get rid of them first. Then we'll still be on this street. Get rid of them and keep coming back."

Mo Yanke kept a tight face, and then continued to walk forward. He took Aimeng into a small supermarket by the road. When he pretended to buy things, he could see through the glass door that, sure enough, several cars were driving along the road. Wait until you're sure they did.

He looked down at the pale woman in his arms and asked, "are you very tired? Just wait a little longer. When they come to pick us up, we will be safe. Hold on for a while. "

AIMUN gasped and shook his head. The big coat on her looks funny, just like a child's stealing adult's clothes, but she can't care about it now. Mo Yan Ke looks up here a little bit tired, how about you Aimeng didn't dare to touch the man's arm with his hand. He just took a look and said.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." He is more worried about this little woman. I don't think he has seen such a scene before. Now he has walked so many roads and trotted all the way. I don't know her physical strength can't stand it.

He loves her. Looking at her smiling face pale, it is estimated that she was scared. The sweat on her forehead was caused by the violent running just now.

"But you just shed a lot of blood, how can it be ok?" Aimeng couldn't help sniffing.

"Good, don't cry. It's OK. It's OK after a while. Don't be nervous. We'll be safe soon."

The clerk of the small supermarket, looking at these two people, looked at them with strange eyes, and then thought that if he didn't buy anything, he was still talking over there.

She couldn't understand them, so she could only look at them with her eyes.

Aimeng was embarrassed to see, and then some shy put his head close to Mo Yanke's chest.

It's just this brief silence, which is suddenly abnormal.

Suddenly a can about three centimeters away from her brain burst open. Mo Yanke suddenly drags Aimeng and runs to one side.

The small supermarket is not big, but there are several rows of shelves. At the moment, they are hiding in a dead corner, but Mo Yanke can't be distracted. He is very nervous.

He focused on the end of the shelf he was leaning against. He reached for a bottle of canned drink. He has no weapons. If someone comes here with guns, they will die.Because of this change, there was a lot of noise in the small supermarket. It was no one's small supermarket. The clerk had already fled, and several of them came in after Aimeng. Now they were holding their heads and squatting on the ground shivering.

It is estimated that they have never experienced such unexpected events. After all, where will they encounter shooting.

Aimengwo was over there. She almost held her breath and did not dare to make a sound. She knew that the situation was more dangerous than just now. If someone came in at the moment, they could not escape at all.

If Mo Yanke was alone, she would certainly be able to escape, but if Mo Yanke took her, she would not be sure. After the violent running, she now had no strength all over her body, just forced to support. But she can't relax. If she relaxes, it will affect Mo Yanke.

Now she doesn't know who those people are aiming at, Mo Yanke or herself. So there is really no way at the moment.

We have to wait. And then they found that there was no hope of leaving the target. But it's just the thought and hope in her heart, but it can't represent the tense situation.

She didn't even dare to look up, but she shrank in fear beside Mo Yanke. Don't dare to say a word. If you say a word, it will definitely expose their position at the moment, which will only lead to more murders. So she can only stay so quiet. Mo Yanke is more nervous than Aimeng at the moment.

He can have an accident himself, but he must not let the little woman around him have an accident. With this cognition, his spirit will be more concentrated.

Hold the bottled drink with the uninjured hand.

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