AI dream in the heart white one eye, demeanor, have demeanor won't do that kind of thing to her. She even felt dirty.

Along the way, no one spoke and everyone was silent. If it wasn't for a phone call from Mo Yanke, Aimeng even felt sleepy.

"Hey, brother, is your charity party over? Come and have a drink. Yucheng is also here. Come and have a drink. "

"Well, well, you wait for me." Mo Yanke hung up the phone and looked at the time, only to find that it was a little late. It was at least half an hour's journey from here to the city.

The quiet in the car, on the contrary, let Aimeng hear clearly, even if she is not willing to talk with this man, but she also knows that at this moment in this place, she has no ability to be brave. "You have something to do. Just let me down when you get downtown. I'll go back myself."

Mo Yanke didn't speak. Looking at this stubborn face, he wanted to say something. However, as long as he remembered that she had a relationship with Mo Yanzhe, he felt a burst of anger in his heart. He just answered with a faint "EH."

Aimeng didn't know how she fell asleep. When she woke up, she found that it was not the way back, but the way in another direction. The night life was just beginning.

"Well, I said, you put me down in the city. Where is this?"

"Why, I don't know this place any more. I thought Miss AI was very smart when she left 500 yuan. She was unexpected and forgetful." Mo Yanke's mouth rose, a burst of irony.

Aimeng suddenly felt embarrassed. If this was changed to the past, she would definitely resist. But now, she feels that it is futile to resist with this kind of man. Should she feel regret? Why did she meet him at the beginning? Why did she leave the 500 yuan? She thought that he was the male public relations officer of the hotel.

If time could go backwards, she would never be.

"If you are here, you can let me down. I will go back myself." Aimeng looks at the time. It's almost early in the morning. In another hour or so, Xiaole will be off work soon, and then he can go back.

"Go back, why, since you're here, just go in and sit down. I didn't spoil your work at night. You should be glad."

Aimeng's face suddenly turned white, and her feet seemed to follow him in vain, with passionate music, fanatical dance, and moving crowds everywhere. She rubbed some painful eyebrows, and some didn't adapt very well.

Her appearance in the box on the second floor surprised Fang Yucheng and Shen Luo. But after all, they are all people who have seen big scenes. Everyone here is not a fuel-efficient lamp. How can they think more about these small accidents.

"Come on, how about the banquet in the evening? I know that you should spend a lot of money on a Russian royal necklace. You can't give this necklace to that model Ren Tiantian." Shen Luo passed a glass of wine with a smile.

"What's wrong? It's not charity." Mo Yanke seemed to have some dissatisfaction and drank the wine in one gulp.

Aimeng is sitting in the corner of the sofa like a fool at the moment, watching three people drinking wine. She doesn't even understand why Mo Yanke brought her here. She is very tired at night. At the moment, she really has no mood to watch these people drinking. Vaguely leaning against the sofa, she fell asleep. If someone didn't kick her calf, she would have fallen asleep so deeply.

"Get up, who allows you to sleep here."

"Ah Ke, you are so rude. You are a girl at least." Fang Yucheng said with a smile, he knows this girl, some time ago, the girl that ako asked him to investigate, Aimeng.

"Brother, you don't know that some women are so ungrateful, but now these women are people who can warm our beds with some money. I'm spending money to have fun." Mo Yanke's smile made him feel cool. "Why, haven't you woken up yet? Come and pour us wine. I'll give you a tip when the service is good. I think it's better than standing in that place for two or three hours. "

"I'm going back. Thank you for bringing me back today." Aimeng gets up, turns around and wants to leave. She has nothing now, but she can't lose her self-esteem. If her father can see it, he doesn't want to.

As soon as Mo Yanke heard AI Meng's words, he suddenly fell a glass of wine and said, "stop, who allows you to go." The transparent glass slammed at her feet. She was startled. He pinched the palm of his hand. Biting his teeth and looking back, "Mr. Mo, I'm not an employee here. I don't have to serve you. If you need service, I think you have money and can find a better waiter to serve you. Thank you for taking me back to the city at night. I think I should go back."

Aimeng tries to tell herself that she must calm down at the moment, because she is afraid that in the next second, the man will rush over and pinch her neck to kill her.

But he laughed, so brilliant smile, step by step into, put her hard against the wall, close to her ear, suddenly with only two voices said, "how, I give you a chance to make money, just like today, I give you money, how." Light pick tone, let dream angry want to hit, clench fist, seems to endure for a long time.But at the moment, the mobile phone in the bag rings properly. She pushes Mo Yanke in a panic, opens the door and rushes out.

Quickly go outside, want to find a quiet place, she does not know if Xiaole know, she appeared here, how to explain. Will Xiaole go to find Mo Yanke for her, but that man is a devil.

Kang Xiaole just left work, thinking that he had just sent so many messages, but Aimeng didn't return. He thought about what happened. He called as soon as he got off work, but he called for the second time in a row, but no one answered.

It's early in the morning now. I don't know if I'm home.

Aimeng has made great efforts to get out of there and avoid the noisy music. When the second telephone ring is about to end, she picks it up and tries to calm her voice. "Hello, Xiaole, are you off work? I'm outside the bar. I'll pick you up and go home together."

"You dead girl, you want to scare me to death. Just now you sent so many messages, you didn't return any of them. Now the phone hasn't been answered for so long. OK, you wait, I'll come out right away, and we'll go home together."

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