When I took a bath, I saw a bruise on my back through the mirror. It should have been left when I hit it just now.

Sometimes, if there was no Xiaole, where would she be at the moment? After learning that their family was bankrupt, none of the relatives of the AI family had ever appeared, and even the relatives and friends of her father who used to walk around frequently had never appeared. Should this be the coldness of the world.

"Mengmeng, come here. I'll make some steamed dumplings and eat some first. You should not have a good meal. Before I worked part-time in this kind of place, there was no good food. " Kang Xiaole also has experience in this aspect. After all, she has been relying on these to support herself.

"Wow, there's something to eat, or Xiaole. You know me, I'm sure I'm not full. Don't say, I'm really drooling when I look at those buffet snacks in the evening." Aimeng walked over with a smile. He grabbed one with his hand and put it in his mouth. "Oh, it's delicious. I'm starving."

"If you're starving, just eat more and go to bed early. Tomorrow I'll help you see if you have any other work, but Lele, you're ready. We have to make more money while it's still summer vacation. "

"Well, yes, don't worry. Now I am so poor that I can't find fault with anything. By the way, Xiaole, in the evening, sister Mo gave me 1000 yuan. Before, she said 500 yuan. Although she said an hour more, she also felt more. " When AIMUN came back, he opened the envelope and found 1000 yuan in cash.

"Take it. We are short of money now."


My stomach is full, but I can't sleep when I lie in bed. Recently, her sleep is very poor. As soon as I close my eyes, I will think of my father, and then all kinds of pictures will appear.

But no one knows that the seemingly calm night will be the eve of the storm.

"Ah Zhe, let's wait to see a good play. Tomorrow's news is absolutely wonderful."

"Sister, your action is more timely than mine this time." The man touched the black frame and his eyes were full of smiles.

When Aimeng woke up, it was more than nine o'clock in the morning. Because she went to bed late last night, and she stood for more than three hours at her first work, she was actually very tired.

Sleepy, the door was knocked, "Mengmeng, hurry up, something big happened."

Confused up, took Xiaole's mobile phone, if it is not clearly written on the name, she seems to really forget what happened last night.

Most of the new lovers are down and out, and the subtitles are a headache for her. Who can tell her what's going on? There are several pages of text, not only with pictures, but also with all kinds of introductions, and even dig out Dad's life.

"Mengmeng, what's going on."

"I, I don't know. When I was carrying red wine last night, I accidentally got it on a person. Then I said I'm sorry. Later, I didn't know how I fell down. He saved me." Aimeng said intermittently, anxious tears are about to come out.

How could this happen.

"Don't worry, don't worry, maybe it's not that serious."

"Xiaole, they say I'm ok, but they can't insult my father." AI mengqiang held back tears.

At this time, the mobile phone suddenly rang out, "hello."

"Hello, Miss AI. I'm Mr. Mo's assistant. My name is Wang. I'm downstairs in your apartment. Mr. Mo wants to meet you and say that there is a report on today's news. He wants to talk with you."

This is AI Meng's second visit to Mo's building, but this time things are different. The last time it was mo Yanzhe, but this time it was mo Yanke. She doesn't know what hatred the two brothers have, and she doesn't want to know. Now she just wants to know if Mo Yanke can make those reports disappear.

Dad has already left. He can't be killed, but also be insulted by others.

"Miss AI, Mo is always in it. Go in."

"Well, thank you."

Aimeng knocks on the door and pushes the door in, but suddenly she sees something she shouldn't see. A woman is straddling Mo Yanke's body. They are kissing each other. She feels embarrassed and blushes quickly. She doesn't know whether to go out or go in.

Interrupted by the two people, the woman turned back, "who ah, so do not know each other." When I saw Aimeng clearly, I suddenly changed my posture, and then face Aimeng and said with a sneer, "Oh, isn't this the smelly girl who sprinkled me with red wine last night? Who should I be, Mr. Mo? How can you let this kind of people into your office?"

"Baby, come on, get out first. I have something else to talk about."

"Then you'll have to eat with them in the evening."

"No problem, of course. "Mo Yanke's smile is bright, but Aimeng feels chilly.

”Well, I'll go first Even though she was reluctant, she came down from Mo Yanke. The most important thing for Ren Tiantian to come to this day is that she knows how to handle herself. Although she was abandoned last night, she wanted the necklace, so she appeared today.When Ren Tiantian passes by Aimeng, she suddenly hits Aimeng hard with her body. Aimeng doesn't stand firmly and almost falls down.

"We'll see later."

For this woman's words, AI Meng still smiles. In the future, is there any future? She doesn't want to have anything to do with this man at all. I don't want to stay more than a minute. If it was in the past, she would think that he still had her nostalgia, but now, she doesn't understand why so many women rushed forward.

Until the door of the office closes, Aimeng sees Mo Yanke take out a tissue to wipe her hands and face, even her mouth. She seems to be unable to understand.

"Why, are you here? Do you want to stand at the door and talk to me, or do you have no sincerity and don't want to talk to me?" Mo Yanke is disgusted with throwing paper towels into the garbage can. He doesn't like the kind of women who send them to the door. Just like today, if Wang Lin didn't say that people have already brought them, how could Ren Tiantian be so presumptuous.

"Mr. Mo, today's news, I know you must have a way to solve it. They say it doesn't matter to me, but this matter can't involve my father. My father has died, and there will never be such a thing. My father has always been a good man." AIMUN was a little emotional when he spoke.

"I have a solution, but it depends on my mood."

"Mr. Mo, I beg you. I know you must have a way."

"If I said I would trade your body for calmness, would you?"

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