In this way, Mo Yanke's image suddenly became tall.

When getting out of the car, the appearance of Mo Yanke and AI Meng obviously excited these reporters. As people in this circle, they naturally have their own special channels to get certain information.

It is said that today is the ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of Chonghe hospital branch. However, Mo Yanke is here today. What does it mean? Does it mean that Mo Yanke is the boss behind the scenes.

Chonghe hospital has always been in the name of Wang Jie before, but it has never been mentioned that Mo Yanke is the boss of Chonghe hospital, so we naturally don't know. If the Ronghe department store had not happened so much before, we don't know that the boss behind it is mo Yanke.

The reporter asked impatiently, while taking pictures, trying to raise his voice. However, the well-trained security guards and the accompanying bodyguards brought by Mo Yanke had already done a good job in clearing the way and kept all the reporters out. Indifference Mo Yanke, holding his wife's hand, arrogantly toward the door, without squinting.

As if he were a real king. It's kind of like being king.

The grand hall is the same as the design of Chonghe general hospital, which is basically the same. The little nurses are well-dressed and have already been trained to stand in two rows. When they go to meet them, they are all excited. When Mo Yanke and AI Meng came in, a line of people raised the standard Olympic Smile, cheered and cheered.

"Good Mr. Mo, good madam."

Mo Yanke only "Er" a, look light, directly to the elevator, as if into his home that familiar. Instead, Aimeng raised a smile and nodded to the left and right sides. It's the right politeness. She still knows.

As soon as she got into the elevator and the door closed, she couldn't help laughing and leaning on Mo Yanke.

"Hey, did you hear that? They call me wife. Ha ha, it's too formal. I feel a little flattered. Mo Yanke, what's your game? I don't think everyone knows that you are Chonghe's boss. Look at everyone's problem. It's strange. "

"Wife, they really don't know. The boss is Wang Jie, so they don't know." Mo Yanke suddenly smiles at Ai Meng, which is totally different from his cold and serious image just now. Sure enough, this man will only show that when facing the woman beside him.

Aimeng smiles and nods. "Well, you've done a good job in keeping secrets. They don't even know such a big thing." The woman leaned against the man's chest with a smile. Men also take advantage of the cuddle Jiao body, a school of intimacy.

But the little nurses at the bottom were chattering.

"Wow, the boss is so handsome, and the landlady is also beautiful."

"Yes, you don't know. They are just a perfect match. I didn't expect that our boss is Mo Yan Keye. Before, he knew this man was handsome when he was the president of Mo's company. Now he is more handsome."

"Yes, yes, men are handsome and women are beautiful. They are perfect for each other."

Gossip is the nature of girls, not to mention that it is a dozen little nurses gathered together, it is definitely the gathering place of gossip.

After about half an hour's meeting attended by most of the hospital's key staff, Mo Yanke and AI Meng went to a press conference sponsored by Chonghe hospital, accompanied by Wang Jie and the president of Chonghe hospital.

He was also the boss of foreign trade. When they don't know, people outside think that Wang Jie is the boss of Chonghe hospital. After all, he is responsible for the big and small affairs of the hospital, plus his medical skills. Naturally, no one will doubt that he is not the real boss, and there are others behind him.

Mo Yanke came out with AI Meng, which once again caused the crazy flashing of the magnesium lamp. The too dazzling, too dense white light was as brilliant as a comet gliding across the sky. The sound of "kazha kazha" was like a sudden rain.

Shock, that's absolutely shock.

The contents of this press conference almost made the media of a city tremble. How can this thing be reversed so fast that it's too late for them to have a chance to start.

Mo Yanke was ousted by Mo Yanzhe, abandoned by Mo Yanzhe's family, and expelled from Mo group. Mo Yanke, who fell into the eyes of others as if he had never made a breakthrough again, turned around and became the boss of Chonghe hospital. He had absolute decision-making power in the operation and management of Chonghe hospital. Although the exact amount of his holding was not disclosed, the spokesman disclosed that Chonghe hospital was founded by Mr. Mo himself.

From some angles, this sentence means that Mo Yanke has the largest proportion of shares in Chonghe hospital, and his position will be unshakable.

However, it is true that at the beginning of Chonghe hospital's establishment, Mo Yanke invested his capital. In the end, some small shareholders, such as Wang Jie, joined in. Therefore, Mo Yanke has the largest proportion of shares. He absolutely has the right and status to speak.For the media reporter curious about the reason why he delayed to announce his identity, the man's reply is like this.

"Before, I just wanted to play with my own money. After all, in my opinion, the development of domestic hospitals has not kept up with the pace. I also hope that my own behavior can bring more social welfare. I didn't want to make it public. Of course, I'm a low-key person. "

It's absolutely shocking to say that it's fun. It's amazing that fun can still play on such a large scale. The medical equipment of Chonghe hospital is the most advanced in the city, and even those public hospitals can't be compared. In addition, as long as people who have been to Chonghe hospital or know Chonghe hospital know, if Those who have difficulties in payment can enjoy the highest preferential treatment of Chonghe hospital as long as they find out.

What's more, Chonghe hospital is a private hospital, but the charge is cheaper than those public hospitals. More importantly, people outside know that the president of Chonghe hospital is a miracle doctor who can save a dying person from the line of life and death. So a lot of people come here every day.

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