It's absolutely self-confident to be able to say such words, but whether it's low-key or not, they can't say it clearly.

In their opinion, Mo Yanke only has a low profile in this matter.

After all, just now he said that he just wanted to play, and play can make the business play so big. This sentence simply made those bosses listen to it. They had to cover their hearts and vomit blood.

Listen, people say it's just for fun, it's only for amateurs, but can you stop being so good at it? It's just for fun. Several other companies can't catch up.

This realm of playing is absolutely beyond others.

"I was a little surprised to have such a great achievement later. However, we have to say that President Wang of our hospital is very capable and really has a good leadership. "

Wang Jie is over there. He feels that there is sweat on his forehead. It's clearly in winter, and the greatest credit for the hospital's development is not him, because the leader behind this is not him. This important decision was carried out only after Mo Yanke's instructions.

However, Mo Yanke's words have not been finished.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm leaving. I wanted to live a quiet and simple life with my wife, so I didn't want to announce my identity so soon. But obviously some people are not used to my wife and I'm quiet and happy, small action constantly, then I have to stand up. I'll put my words here today. If anyone is disrespectful to my wife, I'll let him know how I write "Mo Yanke."

Now, Mo Yanke is officially speaking on such an occasion. He looks cold and has a fierce look in his eyes. Everyone should know that Mo Yanke is arrogant and reckless in warning. In the face of the media, in the face of all the people who may see today's interview.

He has no fear.

He warned all the people that if they offended him, he would definitely make that person die ugly. The end must be unimaginable.

No matter how many people think that Mo Yanke has been decadent since he left, it's useless, and can't play any role any more. When he has no value any more, Mo Yanke got up, and he got up as a king. It's amazing how long it took to make such a big move in such a short period of time.

What they don't know is that Mo Yanke may have developed by various means without anyone knowing. It's just that they don't know. What they see is superficial.

However, Mo Yanke said just now that he just wanted to live an ordinary and simple life with his wife, but someone bothered him, so they thought of all kinds of things.

Whether all the recent unsettled events have something to do with them is a matter of speculation, which naturally leads to the question.

"Mr. Mo, since you say so, we are more curious about who you say is disturbing your life."

"It's not easy for me to say that. You know, maybe I'm down. There are so many people who want to kill me." Mo Yanke's light words seemed to say all kinds of things.

But it didn't explain, it didn't make it clear who wanted to destroy their simple happiness. So everyone began to guess who it was and whether it was mo Yanzhe.

But they're just guessing.

At that time, when Mo Yanke came down from that position, it was a sensation. Everyone was sorry and said that the Mo family shouldn't have done that. After all, he had been in that position for so many years. There was no merit and there was hardship, but who could understand the things in this big family.

When you step down, the people who are next to you may be doing something else. It's a common thing in big families to change dynasties.

This intrigue is also necessary, but Mo Yanke was in a weak state at that time. Now the comeback of this dealer has to make people think whether there will be a bloodbath after that.

"Mr. Mo, at the beginning, when you came down from that position, would you have hatred in your heart? We all know the relationship between you and the Mo family. Now that you are out of there, what is your relationship with them?"

A reporter obviously asked a sharp question.

Mo Yanke suddenly became serious, "I have nothing to do with Mo's family. When I came out from there, I said that Mo's family has nothing to do with me. I can't say whether I hate it or not. It's a change of dynasty. Some things are on the table. I have to leave."

That's very clear. He's a smart man. He can hear it. There is a reason.

Some people have interviewed Mo Yanzhe before, but for this matter, Mo Yanzhe's answer obviously has no way to compare with Mo Yanke's. whether he is a smart person or not is really obvious at a glance.

At that time, what did Mo Yanzhe say? Mo Yanzhe said that the incompetent man would step down naturally. He was doing it for the future development of the company. This was absolutely boasting of himself and slandering Mo Yanke. But what did Mo Yanke say? I can't say whether he hated it or not. This is a change of dynasty. Some things are on the table. I have to leave. It's absolutely different when you compare them. One seems to have no level, and the other seems to have deep meaning. Mo Yanzhe slandered Mo Yanke and made it clear that he had no ability, but now this scene.Is this a scene that people without local people should have? How big the show is.

If you have no ability, you can open a hospital as big as that. Can you open a hospital from one to several. So by contrast, we all feel that the skills between the two brothers are absolutely different.

It's not a grade level at all.

When everyone thought Mo Yanke was finished, they just gave you such a surprise. You can't even think about it.

So many people look at Aimeng, envious eyes are red. This lucky man was so blessed that he let such a strong and powerful man protect her. Although Mo Yanke came down from a high position, he was absolutely capable. When he went down from one place, he came up from another. Can it be like this without ability. Without the ability, will there be such brilliance as today.

Certainly not, so everyone thinks that Aimeng is probably the happiest woman in the world at the moment.

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