Mo Yanke is not a fool, how can he not see some things, even if Aimeng really hurt the fence, but he only saw the red mark on her neck, he understood.

Raising his eyes, he looked at the fence fiercely.

As soon as Li Luo was watched by Mo Yanke, he began to cry.

"ACO, don't believe Aimeng's words. She just said it on one side. It's not like this. I almost died just now. Look, I'm here, here, look at my neck and forehead. I'm the one with the most serious injury. Don't be cheated by Aimeng. This woman is not simple. You don't know what I saw just now. She must have come to you for something. You must have been cheated by her weak appearance. "

She pointed to her neck, which also had finger marks, and to her head, whose blood had almost congealed, but which had obviously left a dark brown mark. She cried with tears. It's a little disturbing to watch.

"My head is about to be broken by Aimeng. Aimeng wants to kill me. She is too cruel. You don't see how cruel she was just now."

"It's not my own head to blow." Aimeng calmly raised his head in Ling's arms and looked at the fence fiercely and coldly. "Unlike you, I don't admit what I have done. I pinched you, but you pinched me first. At that time, you almost broke my neck. Later, you suddenly fell down. When your strength was small, I had the chance to open your hand and pinch you in turn. But all of a sudden you hit your head. That's the truth. Everything you just said is nonsense. "

Aimeng really felt angry. How could this woman confuse right and wrong? She wanted to kill her just now, but now she wanted to bite her back. Her anger soared in her heart. How could there be such shameless people in the world? They really opened their eyes to tell lies, and told the truth of the matter in reverse, so that things would not change It's like this. When he was angry, he drove his breathing. Originally, he had a bad cold. Now if he didn't rely on Mo Yanke, he would fall down.

"Aimeng, don't talk nonsense. You've smashed your head. Aimeng, if you lie, you have to say that you can get by a little. Who would be so self abusive and smash his own head. I'm still young, and I want to die. Is it so stupid for me to smash my head? I'm not one of those idiots who will do things like this. If you say this, others won't believe it. Am I tired of living, and I want to die? I can't make a good head, but I want to die. If I don't make a good head, I'll make a fool. I'll take this kind of thing Are you kidding me

Aimeng was blocked for a while, then cold voice, witty retort.

"It's because you broke it yourself that you can control your strength. How can you be dead if you control it by yourself? Besides, I don't think there's anything big about your forehead. It's not that you can't die. Besides, you haven't become a fool. If you really become a fool, you'll be the first one to give up. "

Li Luo was surprised. Unexpectedly, AI Meng's reaction was fast enough. But at this time, she was going to bite her to death anyway. AI Meng was the one who wanted to kill her.

Because if she doesn't, there's no way to get away at all. Let alone get away at that time, she doesn't even have the chance to leave here. How much effort and preparation she has made for today can't be wasted. She has to go out. It was the only obsession in her heart.

"Where do I have such great ability, Aimeng? Who do you think I am? I'm just a woman. Even if I like Ke, which makes you uncomfortable, you can't say me like this. I won't admit anything I haven't done. You want to kill me, but you are still arguing there. Aimeng, I really despise Bi." She sneered, full of sarcasm. "And you think it's fun to smash your head. It is clear that you are cruel and want to kill me, because you are afraid that I will take Mo Yanke away, because you are afraid that you will lose in the end, and you are afraid that you can't afford to lose at that time. But for just now, you didn't succeed, ah Ke. " She turned to Mo Yanke and pointed at Aimeng angrily. "She's going to steal your things. Just now I saw her open the door of your study, trying to get in and keep doing it on your computer."

"You're the one who stole. Don't spill your guts and turn things upside down. " Aimeng's cold retort. This is angry, but actually there are people in her territory, so spiteful to speak to her, can not be angry, things have been fenced off, the woman said the opposite, clearly not like that, but was said to be like that, clearly not she did, but she wanted to kill her.

And when she said that, it seemed that she really had a motive to kill. She really looked at this woman. I really feel that she exists in her own life. It's really troublesome and irritable. I don't like to see Mo Yanke's attitude towards her every time. But she doesn't have the heart to kill her. Even if she has this heart, she doesn't have the courage.

She has always been a timid person, even to kill a fish have to struggle over there for a long time, still there has been reading, in the end still can't do that kind of person, how can she really kill this woman, think impossible. If she had the courage, when she didn't resist just now, she would have done it. Would she wait until now. It's ridiculous.The fence fell and shrieked at once. "You still want to quibble that there is a USB flash disk on the ground. If I didn't want to stop you and argue with you just now, how could that thing fall to the ground? You were just discovered by me that your behavior was bad, and you wanted to kill me. You also want to deny that you have the ability to admit it in front of ako."

"Li Luo, I should say this to you. You have the ability to admit everything you did today in front of Mo Yanke. I don't think you have the ability."

Aimeng suddenly thought, suddenly seemed to want to understand some things, just how she would faint, even if the body is how weak, it will not faint, and at that time took the medicine, plus last night's sleep, it is fever.

At that time, she just drank a few mouthfuls of boiling water, and then she was suddenly surprised in her mind.

"Li Luo, did you just put the medicine in the boiling water?"

Being seen through, the fence was slightly stunned, but it soon came back to me, "what are you talking about? What do I do with your medicine? You gave me the water. I haven't suspected that you gave me the medicine yet."

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