"Under the fence, don't go too far. Although I poured the water, I didn't pour it for you because you said I didn't have the way to treat guests. Moreover, during this period, the water suddenly got on me, and then I got up and went to the kitchen, didn't I? When I came back, you kept telling me to drink water. Finally, I didn't know anything, and you still said me." AIMUN resisted.

"Aimeng, what do you say? How can I do such a thing to you? I came to see you out of my concern for you. Do you know that I care about you like this? I don't admit it when you say so."

"Hum." Aimeng doesn't speak and continues to lean on Mo Yanke.

"Aimeng, I'm not talking about this now. The U disk on the ground is yours. What are you still quibbling about?" But very helpless is, AI Meng's voice has already cried out, after all, the body has not recovered, the throat is still sore, in the voice of a higher level, simply can't compare with the fence. That woman is deliberately, want to use such a strong voice to pressure her.

"Li Luo, don't say the opposite. That thing is clearly you. How can I have such things? This is my home. What I do is not aboveboard. Why should I cover it up like this? Mo Yanke won't hide what I can't see. Even if I want to see it, I can go in and see it aboveboard Why should I do this? "

"Nonsense, I tell you, the reason why you are like this is that you are guilty. When you are sick, you want to know something like Mo Yanke. I just wanted to stop you, so you are angry and want to beat me. We had a dispute at that time

AI Meng's urgent voice, just about to refute, is dragged by Mo Yanke.

"Shh, listen to her first. Don't talk. You're not in good health

AIMUN's lips trembled immediately. Li Luo was immediately proud and thought to himself that this was the beginning of Mo Yanke's leaning towards her. She has said that women are like clothes, so it's easy to take them off from men. It's easy for Aimeng to be defeated by her.

I couldn't help but feel proud.

"It's like this." She cleared her throat and came in a hurry. "Ah, Ke, today I came to see Mengmeng. Didn't I know that she was sick and had a cold, so I wanted to come to see her. When I came in, I did say that I wanted to drink water with Mengmeng, but I didn't say that there was no way of hospitality. Later, Mengmeng said that something happened and asked me to sit down. I thought what she was up to do Well, I've been up for a long time, but I haven't seen it down. So I'm also curious. I thought if anything happened, so I went up to have a look. As a result, when I passed by the study, I saw Aimeng sitting behind your computer. Seeing me, she was very frightened. She suddenly stood up and asked me what I was doing here. She couldn't see me "It's not like I'm going to be here

"I feel strange, not to say that she is sick, how can she appear here and look so flustered. Then I think that your study is always locked when you are not in, so it should not be allowed to enter casually, so I went to Aimeng at that time. At that time, Aimeng ordered me not to come and let me go out. I felt very strange. I asked her what she was doing and how she got into the study. I asked her if you know about it. She suddenly changed her face, pulled out the U-disk and went out in a hurry. "

"I felt that something was even more wrong, so I tentatively asked her if she was stealing information. She yelled at me, told me to mind my own business, and said that I was not qualified. What's more, this is her home. She can do whatever she wants. It's none of my business. I was angry at that time, but after I calmed down, I felt that something was wrong, and the more I thought about it, the more wrong it was. "

"Then I ran to grab her U-disk, and she held on. Then in the process of grabbing, the U-disk also flew, and finally we twisted together. Aimeng yelled at me and said that keeping me was also a disaster. She also said that I came to rob a man with her. She said that she was already upset to see me. This time, she wanted to take such a good opportunity to let me disappear in the world forever. Then she came to pinch my neck and said that I was going to die today. I was scared at that time, and immediately fought back and pinched her. But my leg has just been stabbed and I'm not in good health. After all, I just came out of the hospital. I just stayed in the hospital for a few days. Naturally, I can't get better so quickly. "

"So, where am I the opponent of Aimeng, so I was pressed by Aimeng in the end. Later, she saw that she could not strangle me, and someone outside called her name. It seemed that she would come right away, so she dragged my forehead to the ground. She's so cruel. Her mind is so vicious. Ah, Ke, I didn't see it at all before. Maybe her former gentleness was all pretended, but you should pay attention to it. Maybe this woman was upset from the beginning and wanted to get something from you. Then she came back to you and married you. You know what she's like in the past five years, what kind of life she's had, and what kind of people she's contacted with. Maybe she's already changed Heart. You have to be careful. I'm worried about you. Look at me now. It's all her doing. You don't know how strong she was just now. Her eyes were full of killing, as if she wanted to kill me here. "Then she shed tears and sobbed. "If your men hadn't arrived in time, I might have been... By now, and I might never see you again." She looked at Mo with tears in her eyes and sobbed. "Ah, Ke, you have to make up your mind for me. This is what happens when I'm sitting at home. At that time, I wanted to rescue the information she stole from your computer, so I blocked it. Unexpectedly, in the end, I Sobbing If I knew it would be like this, I would not stop it. But I just hate that she has done anything to hurt you. As you know, my feelings for you will never change. I can't be angry that Aimeng has done something like this to you. "

The fence falls to cry, the score outside is sad, the tear pours down. It's like a broken bead, and then it can't stop. Sobbing, it looks so lovable.

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