"And now they are hard to protect themselves. Shen Luo, although he has rights, the Shen family is not his own. Behind such a big family, what to do still needs to be considered. He still has a grandfather. Now, for the sake of his little girl friend, Yucheng doesn't care about such things most of the time."

"What do we do now?" Li Luo seems to be worried, but in fact, when he sees Mo Yanke like this, he already has an idea in his heart.

Suddenly he opened his mouth and suggested with a smile. "There should be some people who have good skills or are good at getting information. This kind of thing should be OK. If you think about it carefully, there should be people like this." That's obvious enough. I think I know.

Mo Yanke still frowned. I don't know. I can't think of anything.

Li Luo no longer talks, but quietly pays attention to the expression change on Mo Yanke's face. After a while, Mo Yanke sighed.

"In fact, some of my brothers have a little ability in this aspect. After all, they have unique skills. The family's affairs are so big. However, it is too difficult to move the Liu family. Now the Liu family is regarded as a's greatest strength. I really can't help it. If I'm not the president of Mo family, I will lose a lot of rights. Besides, my friends are all family members. I can't involve them because of selfishness. Now my uncle's case feels like a big quagmire. If you don't find someone who really has the ability, other people will come in and have to follow. I don't think we can come out at that time. "

"Then do it yourself." The fence suddenly came such a sentence, eyes slightly become sharp, not let Mo Yanke face the slightest change. She wanted to see how the man would react after she said that. Because she needs to be tested, too. Try to find out whether the man is that identity or not, or what other things are hidden in the man. She needs to know these things. This is only the beginning of the task, and she must do well. In fact, I thought that the best thing is that Mo Yanke had better not have that kind of identity. This kind of thing, it's better not be like this. Then, as long as you work hard, you can get everything. Including this man.

Mo Yanke didn't feel the same panic as if he had been told a secret. Instead, he still scratched his hair like a trapped animal, some annoyed and some brainless. Naturally took over the words of the fence.

"I don't have the ability. I'm a businessman. If you want to make money and talk about contracts, I can help myself. But if I can do it myself, I won't let my uncle come to this situation, and I won't let the Liu family and the Lin family be so arrogant. I have no choice but to do so. If there was a way, I would not be so sad now. "

That's right. Li Luo nodded in his heart. If Mo Yanke is really the secret agent revealed by that person, the uncle's affairs should be settled earlier, and there will be no case that Mo Yanke's own company was attacked by all parties on that day, and finally had to rely on his brother's help to fight back.

The last time Chonghe hospital's stock fell by a large margin, Ronghe department store's business has not been handled well and is still in the process of closing. At the beginning, she was interested in helping, but Mo Yanke didn't do it, but now it doesn't matter to see him like this.

Is it true that their initial guess was wrong. It's not Mo Yanke at all.

If only that were true. Because, this is the result she expected, if it is not such a status, then it will be very good, as long as she makes a little more efforts, this man will surely fall in love.

Mo Yanke frowned again as if he was upset.

"Forget it, don't say that. Said you do not understand, white let you follow me worry. It's annoying to talk about it. "

Li Luo was anxious at once. How could this work? If he didn't say it, she would not be able to say anything.

She quickly raised a smile and looked at Mo Yanke gently.

"Why. I still want to help you share some. Tell me about it. Tell me about it. Maybe I'll help you then. I'm not sure. "

He said. "You're good at recuperation. Don't worry about these things. You're a patient now, so you don't have to worry about such things. You just need to take good care of your own body. Look at you. You look so pale. Have you lost weight recently?"

"I'm all right. You don't have to worry about me. I'll listen to you. Maybe I can help you figure out something. You know how powerful this person is."

He seemed to be laughing. "You are not in this circle. What can you do? And even if you know the general situation, you are also a lady after all. What can you do? Well, just give me a rest. You don't have to think about other things. I'll try to find a way to ask for help and see who can help."Li Luo felt that he was despised by him, so he pretended to be unhappy. After all, she was the one with the ability, but he didn't think much about it.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I can think of a way. You have to know that some major events in history, often some seemingly insignificant figures, played a key role. Besides, what's wrong with women? This society is not what it used to be. What this man can do is that women can do. Even if I really didn't help you a lot, I can always help you a little. Sometimes I can give you some advice, which is always OK. How to say, it can be better than Aimeng. She has been a drag on you. Even if Chonghe helped you last time, what's the matter? You didn't give me a chance to help, otherwise I wouldn't do worse than her. Now you see, it's because of him that your reputation has been damaged. Do you think she is a villain who specializes in doing something to hurt you

Then he looked at Mo Yanke with deep meaning, waiting for his next answer.

She won't give up any chance to slander AIMUN.

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