Mo Yanke frowned again. It seems that I am very worried about it.

When we see this situation, we will continue to work hard. "Right, I'm right. She's a villain. Now she's hurting your reputation. People outside are talking about you. They say that in order to get Mo's, you can get their secret documents by all kinds of bad means at all costs. Even if that thing was stolen by Aimeng, in their view, you are Aimeng's husband, and you communicate with each other, so she's here To harm you is to harm others. "

Mo Yanke's brow is more and more deep.

"Why, am I not right?" She pursed her lips. It seems that he is calculating something in this way again. I want to see Mo Yanke's reaction.

Mo Yanke shook his head, but didn't say much. This makes Li Luo see some clues. He feels that Mo Yanke seems to have something hidden in AI Meng, so he is not happy. Had planned to help this man, but suddenly see his reaction like this, in the heart a little uncomfortable.

"If you think it's wrong to say it. Or, in your heart, she is more important than me, so I'm not happy to say that to her. In other words, the relationship between you and her is well deserved. You are so kind to me now. It's all for me to act. "

With these words, she wrongly red eyes, lips also pursed tight, showing a touch of fragile unwilling. In terms of collocation, her pathetic appearance really looks like that.

Mo Yanke was stunned, then sighed, reached for her hand and touched it.

"It's not like that. Don't think about it. Can't you feel your position in my heart? I don't say, just don't want to make you sad. And there are some things I can do nothing about. As you know, I have an engagement with her now. Some things can't be so rigid all at once. After all, I still need her help for the moment. I can't break the relationship for a while. "

"Well, if you don't tell me, I'm really sad. You don't make it clear to me. You'll make me misunderstand. You know, I'll be very sad if you don't tell me anything. In fact, I hope I can share it for you. You know, you're worried. You can't tell me. I can help you I'll help you, won't I? "

Mo Yanke seems to be unable to deal with this kind of her, repeatedly begging for mercy.

"Well, well, I said, I said. Aimeng is still my wife after all. After all, I gave her a grand wedding. I know she loves me, so she won't do too much. At the last moment, I should still be on my side. She has great ability, and the people behind her are also rich, which can help me. What's more, she has the power of Paris, which will help me when necessary. I don't reveal anything now, just want to try to win her power. I didn't talk to you just now. I'm afraid that you will feel useless and sad after saying this. You know, now I'm like an ant on a hot pot. I don't have any way. If I go on like this, I'll be defeated. "

The fence is not sad, but hate. Why does this dream have such great ability. According to Mo Yanke, if she can help him, he will always value her, and then he will be reluctant to make some mistakes. In that way, she will be very uncomfortable.

She wants to kill AIMUN and take her place. Always stay at Mo Yanke's side, instead of being so furtive now.

Although Mo Yanke said so, he told her not to worry. Anyway, Aimeng has the ability and ability to help him, but she obviously felt that Mo Yanke felt that she didn't have the ability to help her, so she didn't want to talk to her at the beginning and pushed her out at the beginning.

Even though she has a position in Mo Yanke's heart, she is afraid that she will not be AI Meng's opponent in the end, but will become a lover outside. She was not happy with that kind of coquettish appearance.

She was so angry that she couldn't help saying sour things.

"Do you think I'm useless. Can't I help you? "

"Don't think like this. You've done a good job. It doesn't matter. Now I just need to get help from Aimeng."

"Is she really that important?"

Mo Yanke patted her hand with a smile. "If you don't understand these things, don't think about them. In short, you can rest assured that in my heart, you are more important than her. In my heart, you have a place. "

When the fence falls, he will blame on purpose. "You men, who love to say sweet words, are probably trying to coax me. I don't believe it. And you used to treat me like that, which made me sad. "

Mo Yanke immediately straightened up his face. "You know my temperament, and I won't say anything to coax you. I admit that I did some wrong things in the past, but sometimes I couldn't help it. Moreover, at that time, if I didn't treat you like that, I would make Aimeng doubt me. If I didn't do that, Aimeng wouldn't help me. What's more So forgive me. I'm not being sweet, I'm seriousLi Luo immediately felt a little bit presumptuous. This is mo Yanke. He is the most serious. He is not a flower. She immediately wanted to raise a smile to make amends for smile, but the sudden aura made her change her strategy, pretending to be stupid and unruly. It seems to be in a joking tone, and it doesn't seem to be in a joking tone.

"Well, in this case, if you want me to believe it, you should leave her and marry me. In this way, I will believe that you have my place in your heart."

Her heart began to clamor, her body began to have a fever, silently praying, quickly agreed, quickly agreed.

But Mo Yanke's answer, like a bucket of cold water, instantly quenched her enthusiasm. All the ideas and expectations just now are gone.

"No way." Basically, he refused without any hesitation. "Aimeng can help me. I can't leave her. If I get divorced at this time, I will be a fool. At this time of divorce, then AI Meng will be angry and ruthless. In that way, I have no advantage at all. "

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