But the old man must be really angry, because his son made such a matter of no sense, he is now full of fire want to vent.

"What you have done, it can't leave no trace. Son, don't overestimate yourself. In this world, there are heaven and people. You think you have done it perfectly. But I tell you, it's just a matter of time before that woman is found. You smelly boy, you really made a big mistake today. Even if you want a woman, what woman will not have you as a son? Why do you take a fancy to that woman? She has been married and is someone else's wife. Don't forget that, and Mo Yanke can't just forget this time. "

Liu Yan was silent.

"You'd better pray that the woman won't be found, or you'll let her go quickly, or something will happen, which is not what you can imagine. You have only two choices now. Either you'll give me a clear account of this matter, and then wait for the legal sanction, or you'll go back and let her go, so that the woman can be smart, But I don't think you are smart enough to choose the former. "

Liu Yan is still silent. He is not a man without brain. He understood what his Laozi said. Can understand is one thing, psychologically, he is not willing to do. It's just like anyone would make a mistake. Sometimes you know you should do it, and it's good to do it, but you just don't want to do it. Sometimes you know it's wrong to do this kind of thing, but you feel uncomfortable. Then you do it for no reason, so it's not clear, Sometimes people are confused. And they don't know it.

On the phone, the old man saw that his son didn't say a word, so he hummed and continued,

"if I were with you now, I'd slap you to make you sober up. We've worked so hard for a long time, and we're going to ruin it because of your move. Hun boy, is our Liu family's future important, or your own important, is your parents important, or Aimeng important. I, your mother, your sister, yourself, so many people behind our Liu family are working hard for this event. Do you know if you are not careful this time, you will lose everything. When the time comes, will you or I bear all the things? Even if you do, what will you take to bear? Do you have the capital to bear? "

"Dad, don't force me like this. I know what I'm doing. I won't make fun of the future of our Liu family. But this time, it's between Mo Yanke, me and Aimeng. For other things, I know what I should do."

"Liu Yan --" the old man yelled and scolded. "I don't believe in this evil. Our whole family can't compare with an Aimeng. What's the woman that can fascinate you? A married woman is a woman who has married twice. What can attract you?"

"Dad, you don't understand me, and you don't understand Aimeng. She is a very good girl, and you will find out later. Now I don't have the time, and I can't explain such things to you. I know that you think what I'm doing now is a jerk and risky, but I really know it myself."

The roaring sound is like thunder, which can make people feel shocked. "You know, you know a fart. If you know, can you do such a thing now? Don't explain anything to me. Anyway, you go back to release that woman and warn her that this thing can't be said nonsense."

Liu Yan was ashamed of his father's drinking and scolding, and finally put down his embarrassment. To this father, he showed his frailty that he seldom showed in front of others.

"Dad, I just want AIMUN."

That's why I've been foolishly trying to do what I want to do.

At this moment, he was incredibly weak. It's like a son who has been taught by his own Laozi. Now he is looking down to review his mistakes.

The anger in the old man's heart rushed up and blocked the place at the top of his heart. He couldn't go up or down, but he was stunned to be blocked there and made him hurt. Now, after all, his son is still like this.

However, the two children of the Liu family, one of whom is the eldest son of the Mo family, and the other of whom is the wife of the youngest son of the Mo family, will be a joke.

Although the Liu family is not a big family, they are also famous in city A. in the oil business, they dare to be second, and no one says they are first. But even if they are powerful and powerful, what can they do? Their sons and daughters are not easy to worry about. How did the Mo family treat them in those years will not be forgotten. But now this son made paranoid things, really let him angry, but is a woman, who is not good to find, it is Aimeng.

"Tell me where you hid her."

In his gloomy tone, he could not help but reveal the murderous opportunity. It seems that he has already decided in his heart what to do now. Since his son is willing to tangle, he will not be soft handed. For such people, he must kill them all. In order to avoid future trouble.When Liu Yanyi heard his father ask where he was, a trace of bad mood flashed through his eyes. He was silent and didn't intend to say it.

"Dad, why do you ask? I know what I should do. You can rest assured that this matter will not affect the Liu family."

"Just tell me where you hid her, and don't talk about anything else."

Liu Yan was awe inspiring, his face changed, and he became cold and firm.

"Dad, don't touch her. For the last time, if you touch her, you don't want your son. In those days, my sister's situation was different from mine. Mo Yanzhe was worthy of death, but Aimeng was not. "

His words were like thunder. Liu Shen could not help shaking. He was angry, angry with his son's indomitable. This is the brain show funny, said so much, did not listen to a word.

"You - you smelly boy, do you want to piss me off? I'll ask you for the last time, where are people hiding?"

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