"You - you smelly boy, do you want to piss me off? I'll ask you for the last time, where are people hiding?"

"Well, Dad, you can scold me for anything and for as long as you want, but I can't accompany my son. Son, I'm going to get down to business. I can't tell you where she is, because I want to ensure her safety. Now I know exactly what I'm doing, so don't say more. After this thing is finished, you can scold me and beat me But this time I can't listen to you. "

Liu Shen knew immediately, but he didn't care to get angry and asked. "What are you going to do?"

"If it turns out that Mengmeng and I conspired with each other, nothing will happen. It's Mo Yanke who makes a fuss. Dream side, I will talk her through. After all, the relationship between us is good. I saved her life in those years. "

"Are you sure. Hum, the woman said with shame, "I'm sure Liu Shennong will help you again. "That woman has changed a lot. Now it's not what you want. Besides, don't forget that she is mo Yanke's wife, not yours."

"Dad." Liu Yan interrupted him in anger. "Don't worry, I'll get through to her. She hasn't changed. She's still Aimeng before, and I'm kind to him. She won't do anything unfavorable to me at that time. Even if she wants to repay me, she still owes me. "

she hasn't changed.

This words is very heavy, as if to remind his father, don't wear colored glasses to look at Aimeng, not everyone will be in front of the interests of nothing, not everyone can say Aimeng, this woman's beauty, others can't understand.

When he said this, it was enough to show his feelings for her.

Because of trust, he can show such ease in front of his father. Even insisted that in this matter, Meng Meng will be on his side in the end.

However, Liu Shen expressed doubt, "I think you may not be able to succeed in this matter. This woman is not what she used to be. She used to be young and she could listen to you, but now people may not do that. You'd better be careful yourself."

"OK, I'll go now. I'll hang up."

He really hung up. Liu Shen stared at his mobile phone and muttered "Stinky boy". In the end, he is not confident in Aimeng, and he will not watch the danger his son will face. So, just in case, he must be prepared.

If it is true, ginger is still old and spicy. Liu Shen was not wrong. Liu Yan was overconfident and made things simple. As soon as he made the move of driving to Aimeng, Mo Yanke led the people and stopped him by force.

Even with a strong hand.

As soon as he guessed, he knew that Liu Yan would not make fun of his future, let alone the future of the Liu family. If so many people in the Liu family were involved in his affairs this time, they would be implicated. When he and Lin Yu left just now, he saw that he had received a phone call, which should have been made by the old man Liu Shen.

I guess I was severely educated.

So in waiting to see Liu Yan like this, he had to move ahead of time. Liu Yan wants to be excused, he will never allow it.

His patience with the Liu family is enough. Taking this opportunity, it's time to start to clean up. At that time, my uncle's message was very clear that someone deliberately encircled and suppressed this incident. So even though there was no charge, he was still under house arrest, and even broke all contacts with the outside world.

That's how they figured it out in the first place. But the Liu family has gone too far. A Liu Shen has gone through a lot of trouble behind his back. Now a Liu Yan wants to beat his woman's idea. How can such a thing be tolerated. He is not a shrinking turtle. His women were taken away by force, he would sit and watch, that is impossible, even if there is a task in the body, even if it can't make the fence that woman suspected because of such things, he also can't care so much, if the dream is really something, it is considered that the task can be successfully completed, so what, he is not rare.

So, on the main road, he forcibly stopped Liu Yan who was driving.

It is indeed mandatory to stop Liu Yan. But the reason given by Mo Yanke is reasonable.

"Mr. Liu, I've found the person. How about you coming with us? Let's see what it's like."

He and Lin Yu invited him at the same time. Liu Yan had to go even if he didn't want to. At this time, there is no room for him to refuse. Because this matter was intervened by the police, all things are not so simple.

Liu Yan was shocked. He didn't believe Mo Yanke had such great ability. He instinctively thought that he was talking nonsense. This man was found so quickly, which is a great mockery of his Tibetan technology. Mo Yanke is no longer able to achieve this level, and his mobile phone was taken away by him. Except for that mobile phone, other things in Meng Meng's body can't hide any tracker. How could Mo Yanke have such great ability to do things like that? So his intuition told him that they must be cheating him.He doesn't believe it!

But with a cold face, he got into the car and didn't fight much, because now if he resisted, Mo Yanke would have many ways to convict him, so in front of the police, he had to be honest, go up and sit beside Mo Yanke. Lin Yu sat in the front seat of the co pilot, a driver responsible for driving. Liu Yan was a little confused because he was too calm. He sat there confidently, as if everything was in his mind. Moreover, Lin Yu, as a man, should not work with Mo Yanke to cajole him. After all, he is still in police uniform.

If you know the law and break the law, you should not do it.

Well, Mo Yanke really found it. He still didn't believe that the place was so hidden and the security system was so perfect that it was impossible to find it in a short time.

He didn't know if something happened in the middle, but his mind is a little confused now. If he doesn't find it, Mo Yanke is just a gimmick, that's OK. But if he does find it, he must come up with a reason to get rid of it, otherwise there will be no way at all.

Because I was thinking of going to talk with Mengmeng first, but now the dreamer didn't see her and didn't know what she would say.

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