AI Meng likes this kind of frankness. After thinking about it, he said calmly.

"Now when I'm outside, I'd better not be too intimate with you. I heard that the secret service organization of s country is pervasive. In this way, you can finish the task earlier. Otherwise, I'm always worried about the danger, and you know, I always feel very different about the person who is under the fence. Her scheming is too heavy. "

She is reasonable and always appreciated by him. She took the initiative to put forward this point, he can only be distressed to hold her tightly.

"Wife, I've wronged you."

"It's OK. I see. I can understand you. " Instead, she comforted him with a smile. "I think I'm on a mission. To be honest, it's a little exciting. I feel like there's something in my heart. There are some of them

And he laughed. This woman always knows how to make him happy.

At the invitation of Robert, he went to see the famous Paris fashion show.

As a fashion figure, Aimeng likes this kind of fashion show very much.

After appreciating the really amazing fashion show, he went back to his home. After a night's rest, he had to prepare to go back the next day. Then he got the good news in the morning, that is, Mo Yanke's boss sent a notice saying that the above application was passed. AI was still a little excited. Because ah Ke said that if this thing passed, it means that she can reasonably know what happened between them in the future, and there is nothing to hide from Mo Yanke. This is a very good thing.

The leader said that Aimeng should have some training, but in such a special period, Mo Yanke can only take the responsibility. He keeps saying that he believes in his wife, that he has the ability to guide his wife, so he can work harder. However, if Aimeng's words and deeds fail to bring disaster to the organization, then all the consequences will be borne by Mo Yanke, which was agreed at the beginning.

When the old man said this, he threatened. AIMUN was listening, smacking his tongue. Sure enough, he was a serious little old man. What he said was threatening. It was probably because he was scared to death by Mo Yanke that night.

It's estimated that it hasn't eased up until now. After all, what Mo Yanke said is too explicit.

After Mo Yanke hung up, he comforted her indifferently.

"It's disgusting and cold. You don't have to pay any attention to him. I believe you can do it. Sooner or later, they will look at you with new eyes. It's his fault that they dare not believe my wife."

What's more, he has to bear the fall of the sky, so there's no need to worry.

This absolute self-confidence is really a relief to Aimeng. After all, this mysterious organization, with its reputation outside, gives people the impression that it can enter. It is probably very excellent talents. Aimeng is also involved now, so there must be some pressure. Although I really don't want to go in, it's also a great accident. It's also because my man has that kind of identity, and because of this kind of task, something bad happened.

So things are changing, and that's what it's like.

Aimeng is absolutely impossible to pull Mo Yanke's hind legs. She is proud. If she doesn't do anything, she will do her best. After learning the basic rules from Mo Yanke, she talked with him about what to do next.

The next night, I flew back to city a by plane. It's because it's required that Mo Yanke complete the task as soon as possible. It can't be delayed any longer. It's not good for anyone. It's a torment for Mo Yanke, Aimeng and even for Robinson.

So finish this task early, finish this thing, then all things can be solved, this is good for everyone. We can't keep our time abroad any longer. Moreover, Mo Yanke has taken over the position of president of Mo, so he has the responsibility to lead Mo to climb the trough. There are many things to be done, which are urgent.

Mo Yanke got off the plane and didn't care to have a rest. After he sent Aimeng back, he left directly, because some things couldn't be delayed. It's not easy to get rid of that woman, and there are many means.

that night, Mo Yanke didn't come back all night. Aimeng actually knew, but now he was relieved, as if he knew something Some inside stories, so her inner thoughts have changed. In the past, maybe if a man didn't come back one night, she would feel uneasy, but now she won't.

Because she knew that the task was arduous and that the fence was only the target of his task. As long as she knew that it was enough, she believed that his man would not betray her. She believed it from the beginning.

If he wants to betray, after five years of separation, they may not have the same ending as they are today. So she never regrets her choice. It's just that she was surprised to know that men are like this at the beginning, because she only knows that such things will only happen on TV, in reality, Or happened in their own body, such a thing is really some incredible.But what can we do? She's his wife. She has to follow him in everything. She's just a little worried about the safety of men. Although this matter can be solved in this way, she still has a bad feeling, especially the fence.

The man came back in the evening of the next day, looking haggard. She didn't ask, but told him to have a rest.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the man suddenly said that he would take her to a place, and she was still puzzled. It turned out that he went to the storage room in the villa, where red wine was hidden. Mo Yanke likes collecting red wine, so there are excellent red wine in the storage room, but Aimeng seldom went there.

Suddenly, a door opened. There was no light in it. It was dark. Aimeng leaned on the man and felt chilly. The picture of TV drama flashed in his mind.

But the darkness, which is only a matter of a few seconds, was soon broken by the light as the door was opened. When the man took her forward, she couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise, and she didn't have time to pay attention to the closed door behind her.

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