"Wife, this is my secret base, mainly to contact with the superior. In addition to me, now there is another you who know the existence of this place. You have to keep it a secret. You can't say it. This matter is related to my life and yours. No one can know it. At the beginning, I spent a lot of time to build this place. You can't see anything on the surface, but in fact, there is a mystery behind it. "

She nodded slightly, still smiling. Suddenly, I thought of something. This man originally regarded such an ordinary place as the safest place. They all said that the most dangerous place is often the safest place. This is true.

Just like now, if you are an ordinary person, you absolutely don't know. At the beginning, when you go in, it's a dirty storage room. There are some sundries piled up in the dream, which looks messy. Moreover, there are spider webs. People who don't know will not pay attention to this place, and it has such a unique look. As like as two peas in the

store room, the door was made exactly like the tiles. It was a place where red wine was stored and then entered.

Sure enough, when designing this place, that person must have worked hard. It's so hidden that ordinary people would not know.

Ordinary people will not have the impulse to come in when they see such a dirty place.

"How could you have thought of this. This place is too hidden. I think it's really hard for others to find it. "

The man smiles, hugs her and sits down on one side of the sofa. The light is on here, which is bright. Although it is very hidden, there is a small window, open, which can bring in fresh air, but this window is not an ordinary window. This is what AI Meng knew afterwards. Even if the window is opened, people outside can't see it. Only people inside can see it, so the magic is here.

"As you know, my identity is quite special, so in many ways, I must be very cautious. If I am not careful, my life will be in danger. So I have to be very careful. "

"I know that, but when did your identity begin?" This is what Aimeng doubts, because this man is about 30 years old. He feels that he has experienced a lot of things, some of which are hard for her to imagine.

"After I was in the army, I was a young and frivolous man at that time. But after I came out of the army, I didn't know how someone came to me, so at that time, I just felt excited and agreed. But later, what happened was not beyond my imagination. Such a thing was very dangerous. This was the beginning It was explained in the organization, but at that time, I was not afraid of it. I thought it was glorious, and I didn't have you around at that time, so I didn't have to worry too much about what to do. Just let go and do it. But later, I met you and married you, and there was nothing to do, but it was the fence that made me difficult, and I felt I was finished I can't achieve such a task, because the fence is sensitive, at least for me, for you, are sensitive, I know, you don't like to see her, these I understand, but at that time I was involuntarily, so I thought, if you know my identity, everything can be solved. But it's just a flash of thought. After all, my identity can't be disclosed at will. "

Aimeng nodded, leaned against the man's arms and continued to listen quietly.

The man opened his mouth and continued to say, "later, I thought, when this task is over, I'll tell you the truth, and explain this kind of thing to you. But this time you leave, I know you are sad, so I'm very anxious, I can't lose you, so I'm excited, all things happened, that is, you see today It's not something we're aware of. "

"In fact, it's my fault. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be like this. It's my fault."

"How can it be? It's my fault. I didn't make it clear. Now I'll make it clear. As long as it's over, it's OK."

That night, they were very happy and peaceful.

Just the next day, Aimeng also plans to take revenge.

Out of the house, she picked three bodyguards with top skills who seemed to be able to hold people, and followed her to the car. This bodyguard was arranged by Mo Yanke when they came back from Paris. He said that there may be many things recently, and he didn't care about her safety. He had a bodyguard around him. He was more relieved, and she didn't refuse. Naturally, I also know that it's an eventful time recently. Just accept what a man says.

But her heart, vaguely excited. She wants to go out because Mo Yanke calls her and gives her a task. She suffered a lot of anger in the fence. Now, she can vent her anger openly. This is a very good thing, so she is very happy. It's exciting, too. I've never been so excited to have a try.She thought happily, as expected, her husband who is frank and lenient is the most lovely. Now there is nothing to hide between them, so it is much more convenient.

There's no misunderstanding. It's a lot of fun to get along with.

Aimeng takes people and goes straight to the fence. On the way, he orders several bodyguards, including Xiao Zhang, the driver who can also act as bodyguard.

At this time, however, I felt proud and annoyed.

Aimeng has always been self righteous, and finally angered Mo Yanke. He abandoned some means. After Aimeng brought back from there, he had resentment and estrangement against Aimeng. In his words, this woman is ready to run away with other men, which is a kind of betrayal to him. If it wasn't for the strength and value of the characters behind her, he would have divorced her.

That night, Mo Yanke came back to talk to her. He said that this time he went to Paris, he was just angry. Then that night, the man unexpectedly stayed. How happy this was. This makes her feel more happy

in her heart

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