"Mo Yanke, Mo Yanke."

She yelled wildly, happily did not know what to do, one hand pressed his chest, the other hand is dead to grasp the mobile phone, for fear of falling, the voice will disappear, the man will disappear. It's like I feel like I'm dreaming, even I don't think it's true.

I feel like I'm hearing something.

"Well, wife, it's me, it's me."

The man's steady voice came from the other end of the phone, which had a kind of inexplicable power to calm people's hearts.

"Ah, Ko."


"Ah, Coe, is it really you?"

"Well. It's me

"Husband, you are good or bad."

"Well. I'm wrong to make you sad. "

He responded so tirelessly that her heart finally became more stable. She felt that it was not a dream, but Mo Yanke's real appearance. He was still alive and he was coming back.

She suddenly vacated the hands that were placed in her heart, and then pinched her hands hard. It was really the man's voice. He's not dead, is he? He's not dead, is he.

The corners of her mouth were raised high. She was smiling. Uncontrollable tears were falling on her face, but it was light and free.

"Ah Ke, ah Ke."

She cheerfully straight call, like a bird like bird, opened the mouth, can't stop.

There was another chuckle over the phone.

She immediately changed her tongue. "Mo Yanke, you bastard."

He was very cooperative and said, "yes, I'm a jerk, I'm a big jerk."


"Well." She wept bitterly.

"A dream."

"Well." She sniffed contentedly. And then sweet smile. The ending is slightly upturned, with a bit of coquetry.

That one laughs again.

"Wife, wife, my wife." His call, slow, low and powerful, seemed to be calling her in her ear. In a trance, she could feel his breath.

Continuous call, revealed as always unspeakable doting. She giggled foolishly, both hands began to hold the phone, as if holding a treasure.

Like a child, strong for a long time, forbearance for a long time, and then finally found the mother's child, it seems no longer abandoned, it seems no longer a person, it seems to really find the way home. She was crying and laughing, tears tears in her eyes, and then looked like a little cat.

It's because I can't sleep well in recent nights. As soon as I close my eyes, it will appear that Mo Yanke falls straight into the deep sea, so I will be awakened by nightmares every night, so I'm always in a bad state, so I will put on some makeup during the day.

But now Mo Yanke is not dead, really not dead. Mo Yanke is coming back. I can't believe it's all true.

But she finally sounded something. Then the feeling of wanting to see him immediately and rush into his arms suddenly surged. He just said, let her pick him up.

Yeah, she's going to pick him up!

Now, now!

She suddenly stood up, eager to rush out to find him, and then flew into his arms.

This posture made Mo Shu and others sitting there not calm down. Qi Qi pushed away his chair and stood up, with an excited look on his face. However, they looked at Aimeng like that and didn't bother. Seeing Aimeng run out, they followed him. For a moment, a spectacle appeared on the aisle outside the president's office: the young acting president was running in front, while the elite of Morse were following excitedly.

What happened? What happened.

The secretaries in the secretary room are not calm, but also follow out, want to see what happened in the end.

"Pa pa pa -"

for a while, shoes and high heels were kicking on the ground, forming a very stable melody.

Mo Yanke on the other end of the phone laughed again. He could probably imagine the scene. But that stupid girl, he didn't tell her where to pick her up, so she ran out in such a hurry. It's really stupid. I don't know where to pick him up if I want to.

Stupid girl.

But his heart is full of his stupid girl. Because full, so will not take into account other, even just so a question, is so happy, so happy, just sure is alive, so happy.

"Wife, don't worry. I won't arrive so soon. Take your time. Don't worry."

Aimeng was stupefied, and immediately closed his feet, but because he was in a hurry to clean up, he didn't stand firm and was about to fall forward. Then a few people in the back were also in a hurry because they were in a hurry. An emergency brake made Aimeng snort. His arm hit the ground heavily, but he didn't care about the pain. He quickly put his mobile phone in his ear again and gasped for breath."Ah, Ko."

I'm afraid he will disappear suddenly!

"Here, here I am!" Mo Yanke coaxed her and asked her. "What's the matter with you?" There's something wrong with that. "Is something wrong with you. Did you fall down? Did you walk carelessly? "

"It's OK. It's OK." Aimeng is a fool. Pain or something, completely ignored by her. As long as their men are still alive, it means everything is good. Just live. There's nothing happier now than to be alive.

"Is it really all right?" He seemed suspicious.

"Nothing, nothing, really nothing."

Other people are also excited or clenched their fists, or red eyes, or wet eyes, or draw cheek, or shake lip flap.

It's not easy. It's him at last. This man is really lucky. He hasn't died in that way. There is a miracle in the world. It turns out that he hasn't died. Because it's quiet, they can hear Mo Yanke's voice on the phone. It's so urgent and real.

It turns out that the effect of waiting has come true. It turns out that this little woman's obsession has really come true. It turns out that he really didn't die. After falling into the deep sea, he really survived and is still alive.

Everyone is also happy because their boss is coming back. Does it mean that Mo's will be a different scene? From the beginning, we were surprised to know that it was true. The man was not dead. At that time, their mood was complicated, and some of them were excited. It was hard to cover up.

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