At this time, there was a sudden voice.

"Ah, Ke, let's get on the boat first!"

The familiar voice belongs to Shen Luo. It's too familiar, because every night I get that call at that time.

"Where are you now?" Sitting on the ground, Aimeng asked this question instead of everyone.

"I don't know where I am now, and I don't know the direction here. It's a little vague. But we should be able to get out of here soon. "

Aimeng's heart was raised. "Well Where can I pick you up? How are you now? Is there anything wrong? Is there any injury? Is there any discomfort? Is there any gunshot wound Look at her, this fool, patronizing happy, has been forgetting to ask the most important thing.

She finally thought of the most important thing, that is, where the man is now, said to pick up, but where people do not know, really stupid ah.

Then what happened to his injury? He was shot at that time. I don't know if the bullet proof vest has any effect. Now I'm still in a mess.

Mo Yanke's answer, naturally, is always calm. In the face of her, even if there is something, he will say nothing. Because he was reluctant to let her worry.

"It's OK. I'm fine. Don't worry."

AI Meng just heard the sound of whine coming from her mobile phone. When she contacted the island, the sound of whine should be the sea breeze.

"Be careful." But Shen Luo said there.

AIMUN's heart was tight. "You're really OK. Don't lie to me

She clenched her teeth, and her tone was a little tense.

Mo Yanke laughs. The kind of habitual smile that doesn't matter is that the falling of the sky doesn't seem to affect his smile.

"It's really OK. When you see me, you'll know I'm ok. Don't worry. It's really OK."

Shen Luo also explained. "Mengmeng, ah Ke, it's OK. It's just that the road on the island is not easy to walk. I told him to be careful. Don't talk too much. We're going to get on the boat and leave the island now."

"Ah, I won't say that. You go first, go first..." She hurried back.

"It's OK, you say. I listen. I love your voice. I miss your voice "low voice, still with a little smile, very warm.

Aimeng "mm-hmm", but he didn't know what to say, so he was silent. However, she pricked up her ears and tried hard to figure out what was going on there. Then she began to imagine what it would be like.

The sound of "Wuwu" is a little loud. It seems that it's not just the sound of the sea breeze. It feels like the wings are flapping. You can also hear the voice of others, but it's not very high. Some of them are not very clear.

"A dream." He gave a cry.

"Well." She rushed back. "I'm listening." She wanted to listen carefully to what the people were saying and what they were saying, but she couldn't hear it clearly and couldn't hear anything. She just heard a voice, which seemed to be someone talking. But I don't know what I'm talking about.

I couldn't hear it. I got his hint and called him back in a hurry.

"Ah, Ko."

"Well." It's like a voice coming out of the nose, low.

"Ah, Ko." She called, just his name. In this way, it probably won't affect his walking.


It's just such a faint "mm-hmm" sound, but it makes her have great satisfaction, giggle into a group. As if, have seen him, and as if this and their closest man, sitting beside them.

But it is obvious that Mo Yanke has something to hide. He lay on a stretcher and was carried on the boat by Shen Luo's people. Then he was quickly sent to the medical room prepared in the morning. Because he was seriously injured, but he hid his dream. Because I don't want her to worry.

When Shen Luo was looking for Mo Yanke, he made the most complete preparations and thought about everything he could think of. First of all, an operating room is necessary. Mo Yanke was shot in the chest. It's extremely dangerous. If you find him, you may have to have an operation immediately. Then equipment such as chest X-ray and blood test should be prepared.

Mo Yanke was pushed in and had a chest X-ray first. The situation was as he said at the beginning - OK. Among the two bullets that entered his body, one was blocked by the bullet proof vest, and one of them was almost the most lethal. This is also the first bullet for Mo Yanke.

It's a lucky thing that two bullets went into one.

The quality of American bullet proof vests is very reliable. The extremely dangerous bullets are blocked by bullet proof vests. However, the short-range bullet attack still produced a strong effect. That is to say, although the bullet did not penetrate the body armor, at that time, because of the powerful kinetic energy, the small bullet suddenly hit the human body like a huge stone. This kind of strong bombardment will kill people, even if it is serious.Fortunately, Shen Luo's gun was not a high-end one, but a common one that can be easily found in the market. At that time, Shen Luo did so in order to get rid of Mo Yanke's suspicion.

Because if it is a very advanced pistol, then it will certainly cause doubt at that time. So for this kind of thing, I thought about it at the beginning. I didn't do anything like that. It was just an ordinary pistol.

In this way, in case of an accident on the other side of the fence, the s country can't find anything out from the ordinary guns. Since it's ordinary, the power of the gun and the bullet will not be very good.

In this way, the bullet did not penetrate the body armor, and the kinetic energy generated was not strong enough to kill Mo Yanke. At that time, Mo Ke felt a great pain in the chest, but he didn't feel like he was killed by the hammer.

Fortunately, his body had instinctive reaction because of countless training. At that time, he avoided the second lethal bullet with such a twist.

No matter how good the bullet proof vest is, it can't hold your dense shooting. Because the first bullet, the bullet proof vest, had been damaged. When the second bullet came, the bullet proof vest blocked part of the kinetic energy, but could not hold on any longer. When it was shot through, the bullet went into Mo Yanke's body.

So there was such a huge pain, but fortunately, his sense of survival has always been very strong, because the dream in his mind, thinking that if she left like this, then his little woman would not live.

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