He was a little dissatisfied, eyebrows slightly pick, then the domineering came back. It's like going back to the past.

She was used to not paying attention to it, so she was not moved and still coaxed him into being a child.

"Well behaved, if you are not well behaved, I will leave you alone. Look at you. How old are you? You are so disobedient. What's the matter

Then he gave him a kiss on the forehead. Then he stroked his face with both hands.

In fact, he can be hard to come, anyway, in the end, the little woman will cooperate. But - I can't bear it!

Because I love her so much, I love her, respect her and refuse to disobey her.

Finally just gently let her rely on their side, just side of the face, kissing the face of love dream, coax her.

"Sleep together. It's getting late. Look at you. The dark circles are so heavy. Are you disobedient during my absence? "

"No, I've been sleeping. It's just you."

"I'm not back now. Let her go of the past. We won't want to live well in the future. It's good now."

"Well, now." Then he closed his eyes with a smile. Look, a little shy. Probably, it's because we've been separated for a long time.

When he smiles in his heart, he hugs her tightly!

Just at night, I was awakened by a low voice with crying.

"Ah Ke, ah Ke."

What fell into her eyes was the way she was crying. Tears down the corner of her eyes, annihilation in the pillow, not disappeared, but fell in his heart.

This heart, really hurt.

After he left, did she look like this every night. In my sleep, I cry, I call him, I worry, I fear.

This mouth, began to suffer, this woman is really let him see good sad, are his not, are his wrong, let her worry.

"A dream."

But she fell to the ground more and more fiercely, like a nightmare.

No wonder the eyes are red, and there are all kinds of red blood in them, but they can't return to the normal state of transparency. It turns out that she cries like this every night, and the blood is crying like this.

"Mengmeng" he had no choice but to pinch her shoulder heavily.

"Ah, Ko." She screamed, opened her eyes, and then scared him and cried.

"You're scaring me to death. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go."

It seems that I haven't recovered from my dream.

His heart, suddenly feel very uncomfortable. It is estimated that this matter has taken root in her heart. Even now that he has come back, she still can't return to normal. She is still afraid that he will leave. It's really distressing to see that if she knew to save the fence, she would be shot by that woman and pushed into the sea. He thinks that he won't save people. I'd rather bear a curse on my back than suffer from her. Because looking at this, it's really distressing and uncomfortable.

I don't want to remind her that she was dreaming just now, but now she wakes up. Just think of it as a dream, and then in the dream, he guarded her and completely went to her roots.

"I'm not going Don't go Not going anywhere. I'm always by your side, "he comforted her slowly and steadily.

"Really." She asked incredulously, looking at her anxiously.

"Of course it's true!" He picked eyebrows, tone unhappy, "I always mean what I say, you don't believe it!"

She hastened to ingratiate herself with him. "Believe, believe, I believe, I believe everything you say!"

That flattery, all with a little humble. However, why she is humble, it is not because of too much love! Too afraid to lose him.

That's why it's more painful.

Dream dream, you like this, let me what to do, let me how to do, fortunately I came back alive, if I really disappeared in the sea, what should you do. You fool, you fool.

"Dream, my dream."

"Don't leave me." She sniffed, laughed at him, and flirted. That eye, only he, can't hold other people.

So trapped in a dream, I still feel some have not come out.

Love is too deep, so hurt is also deep. It's really hurtful.

He stretched out his hand and slowly wiped away her tears with the gentleness of 100000 points. His warm smile never stingily appeared on his face.

"I promise you, I will not leave you. No matter when you open your eyes, I will be by your side. If you don't believe me, you can try. I'm sure I'm by your side. I'll never let go of your hand easily in my life. I'm sure not. "

"I don't want to close my eyes. If I close my eyes, you will disappear. Really, it's like this every time. As soon as I wake up, you will disappear. If I don't wake up, you will still be there. The feeling is real, so I'd rather I don't wake up."Just like just now, she has not been asleep, but greedily looking at him, and kissing him to confirm his absolute existence.

And he stretched out his hand, and with one palm he covered her eyes.

"So, you can't see, can you?" He asked gently, and next second, he moved the big palm away. "So you can see it again."

She tilted her head in confusion.

He touched her face and explained. "If you can't see me, it's like closing your eyes. Seeing me again is like opening your eyes. Mengmeng, you just closed your eyes and opened them again, and I'm still here. So, now close your eyes, I promise, when you open your eyes, I will still be there. You were dreaming just now, but I have come back. Don't worry, I won't go, I won't go. "

She hesitated, biting her lip and looking at him.

"Darling, close your eyes. Believe me, have a good sleep. I will be here tomorrow. Don't worry."

She said. "You are a little different today!"

His smile is more gentle, black eyes with tolerance, exuding the general intoxicating soft like alcohol.

"So believe me. Darling, close your eyes. Look at your eyes. The dark circles under your eyes are already so heavy. If you don't have a good sleep, you will be ugly to death. "

Then he took her hand again. "I hold your hand, you can feel me. I'm not going to run, darling. Close your eyes. "

She suddenly backhand, to grasp his big palm, like only the potential of the kitten general, to threaten him.

"I've got you. You're not allowed to run. If you run, I'll deal with you."

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