"I've got you. You're not allowed to run. If you run, I'll deal with you."

"Well, if you don't run, I won't run. If you let me go, I won't either." This experience is really enough, after no matter what things can not affect her.

"You can't run away!"

"That's for sure. I'll be your man all my life. You can do whatever you want. You can do to me whatever you want."

"I'm very tight!"

"I hold the ground more tightly than you do!"

Big palm moved, he did not hesitate to scratch her, want to use this way to tell her, he is actually in her side, has never left.

In fact, she knew why she was so frightened because he was afraid that it would be a dream. After waking up, he would disappear. Half a month, in fact, it was like a year for them. There were too many things happened. In fact, they could not help themselves, but what could they do.

But fortunately, he's back now. I will never leave in the future.

Her tight body relaxed a little at once. She should have listened to him. He coaxed her again.

"Dear, close your eyes and have a good sleep. It will be fine when you wake up tomorrow. It's all right. "

She slightly dropped her eyes for a while, but it seemed that she was still not at ease. Suddenly she glared at him and threatened him.

"If you dare to disappear, I will not let you go, let you look good and die."

He was smiling and holding her firmly with tender eyes.

She pursed her lips and softened her voice. "In a word, you don't leave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid you'll leave again. You don't know how I've been here for half a month. During the day, I have to deal with Mo's affairs. At night, I can't sleep. Xiaole even secretly adds sleeping pills to my milk. Do you know that you're the villain. Why didn't you listen to me and save that kind of girl People. "

He sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. At the beginning, I was lack of thinking. What I should be thinking about is my fault, but it's really hard for you these days." In fact, on the plane back, Shen Luo said something about it, so he knew something about what happened recently. "Well behaved, sleep well. If you are angry, if you have resentment, when you wake up, you can settle with me."

"That's what you said. I must teach you a good lesson, teach you disobedience, make me so sad for so many days, so sad, you villain. It's too bad. "

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. Come on, have a good sleep."

In this way, she was finally moved. She blinked unwillingly, but quickly opened her eyes again.

"Look, I'm here. I'm not here. Don't worry."

She nodded her head happily.

"Close your eyes and go to sleep. If you don't, I'll go." He encouraged her.

"Then you are not allowed to run." She still looks worried.

"No running. Rest assured to sleep. " He has a lifetime to coax her. So don't be in a hurry for a while, as long as it's back, then it's good, as long as it's back, then there's more time in the future.

She closed her eyes and quickly opened them again.

"You're not good again. Open your eyes again." Step by step, he took her.

In fact, she is very easy to coax. Sometimes she is very obedient. Therefore, under his coax, the time of closing her eyes is longer and longer, until, after the eyes are closed, she doesn't open them again.

She fell asleep. This can be heard from the steady breathing. Finally, I fell asleep.

But he didn't feel happy or anything.

In the dark, although he closed his eyes, he was thinking about something all the time. Then, a long time later, I heard her whisper: "ah Ke -"

it seems to be unconscious, but also like instinctive confirmation.

"Here, darling, sleep well. Here I am. Don't worry. Sleep well for me. Don't open your eyes for me, or I will punish you."

He patted her on the back and coaxed her like a daughter.

For her, he wanted to give her all his emotions and let her get the greatest happiness and peace.

In this way, she called several times in the night. Every time, he answered, and she didn't cry any more. It seems to be a lot more stable. It seems that there is no emotion like that just now. It seems that it is much better than just now. It should be much better. It should be very good.

When she woke up in the morning, she was smiling at him like a flower with a red face.

"I had a good sleep last night. I slept till dawn."

It was the best sleep she had ever had since he left. In the past, every time I went to bed, I would not wake up crying in my dream, or I would wake up with eye pain and headache in the morning. But today, there are no negative symptoms. Feel a burst of comfort, feel the whole body is not comfortable, feel a lot of heart, no sore eyes, no other symptoms, feel good."I had a dream last night." She smiles sweetly, and there is something in her eyes that twinkles and tempts people to explore.

He asked with a lazy smile and a gentle question. "What did you dream about? Tell me, what did you dream about?"

She put out her tongue gently, with a playful face.

"If I don't tell you, it's a good dream."

Then he gave him a big kiss on the face, gave him a soft wet kiss, and with a smile, he opened his hand around her shoulder and got out of bed.

"I'm going to wash. Don't move. I'll come out right away and wash your clothes."

Even such words unconsciously reveal the fear that he will disappear, and even the state of taking a step and looking back, taking a step and looking back. I'm afraid that if I really go in and wash, then the man will disappear.

Probably, this kind of fear will take a long time to really eliminate.

"Go ahead, I'll wait here."

Since she was so afraid, he tried his best to get rid of her worry and her fear!

Because of him, he had to find a way to solve this kind of thing. He didn't want to see her like this. He wanted to see her well. Happy, happy.

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