Sword Among Us

Chapter 987: spider

Chapter 987 Spider

"Report it."

"This mission is indeed shameful, but the Central Plains has such a powerful master, and it is not timely to report to the head to know that our situation will be more difficult."

On the deck of the ship that went out to sea, the ugly wolf, the golden robes, and the blood prison knife finally made a difficult decision.

This time, the Central Plains has been lurking for more than two months, and it has consumed a large amount of manpower and material resources. It is easy to obtain an excellent plan to kill the "Qi Ling" of Bai Xiaosheng's disciples.

But what makes them most depressed is that even the entanglement plan that goes home is also put into the water.

"How, what did the boss say?"

The pigeons returned to the wolf's hands after passing through the ocean in detail. The blood prison knife and Jin Luozha came close together and looked at the face of the wolf as if they were dyed into colorful cloth. Asked.


"I swear, the head will punish me this time, and I will have the opportunity to return to the Central Plains in the future. I must give the boy a good look."

Jin Luochao has been ready to meet the anger of the head.


The wolf's complex face was repeated several times, and his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"What happened to you, I want to kill us." Blood Prison Knife couldn't bear to take the paper: "I will see."

The wolf's face was very different, but it was surprisingly not blocking the blood knife's excessive behavior, and the jaw-dropping deep inhale, his eyes cast deep into the sea.


What Jin Luosha did not think was that after the blood prison knife took the paper, it was repeated several times with the same evil, and did not speak for a long time.

Jin Luochao is not too lazy to say that he has grabbed the paper directly from the hands of the blood prison knife...

I saw it above:


"What does the boss mean?"

Jin Luozha looked stiff for a long time, only to look up confused.

There is no expectation of thunder and anger on the note, nor ridicule and accountability. An extremely important task seems to be as boring as seeing a normal Obasan on the roadside.


Jin Luosha looked at the team leader: "Your brain is so good, you guess, what is the mood of the first reply to this question, how do I feel so awkward."

"I don't know, I asked ‘spider’ first.”

The wolf was also full of stunned and overwhelmed, and after a long time of thought, he made a decision, and another pigeon was sent out.

The spider is a relatively close to the head. It is better to talk, and you can guess the mind of a few bosses...


They got the news.

It turned out that ‘head children’ had learned the news of the failure of the wolf group mission before they reported it, and they were paying close attention to everything that happened in the Central Plains.

"..." The three of them suddenly collapsed.

"You three idiots, the official website has already disclosed your affairs for a long time before they think of reporting? Why not be late?"

"... Is the head very hot?" The wolf cautiously asked.

"Crap! The things that are determined to be defeated are in the hands of your veterans. The plan for the first year is broken. You have not reported it in time. Do you think that the boss will feel good?"

"..." The three wolves are pale.

"Reassure, the Central Plains have made several major events in succession. It is all your opponents 'happy'. The head already knows the strength of this guy. Now it is estimated that you are not thinking about you. You don't need to worry too much."


The wolf is quite a bit of a surprise, and the face changes suddenly:

"What's the big thing to do?"

"Well, I know Yipintang."

"Of course, it is said that it is prepared to secretly cooperate with us, take Xiaobai Xiaosheng and attack the wind building, and become the new ally of the largest power organization in the Central Plains. This time, it can be lurking in the Central Plain for more than a month, which is also proof that a good person does have some points. Ability and timidity." The wolf replied: "How come suddenly to a product hall?"

"A sub-altar of Yipintang has just been destroyed!"

There was a shocking news over there!


The three men were surprised.

Although they know that the Central Plains are intricately complicated, Yipintang is not the most powerful organization of the Central Plains. However, below the Fengfeng Building, Yipintang is the most powerful giant, and the strength is not much worse than that of the wind building... even if it is a wind building, It is also impossible to dare to move a good hall.

Who dares to move in the Central Plains?

“Is it related to happiness?”

The wolf contacted the clues mentioned before the spider, and the heart was amazed.

"Yes, that's what he did!" The spider replied:

"This guy not only single-handedly destroyed a very important altar of Yipintang, but also killed more than 3,000 Yipintang masters. This strength, even if we are a wolf organization, can do no more than ten!"

"...this guy, so powerful?" The wolf swallowed a hard sip.

Kim Rocha is ready to take back the previous curse.

Destroying a altar may not be difficult, but to complete thousands of kills with a single shot, even if there is an endless remedy, it may not be possible.

They are very aware of the difficulty!

No wonder it can catch the attention of the head!

"That's enough. After we brought all the happy information out, the head found a lot of things..."


"These things shouldn't have been told to you, but it shouldn't be a secret now..." The spider replied: "This kid is not only responsible for "Yi Jin Jing", "Zhen Long Shi Shi", "Ling Bo Wei Bu" III The door is absolutely out of school, and, in fact, can compete with the mythical elite!"


The three wolves are petrified again.

"It was the prophet who saw it with that thing." The spider threw a blockbuster: "You also know that the mythical npc has been challenged by many people, but the dignity of the peak is still unspeakable! Few people can fight against the mythical peaks alone!"


"But before destroying the devil's altar, Happiness had been confronted with a very famous mythical peak in the Central Plains for half an hour, alone, and the mythical elite was scared away!"

"After the yin!"

The three wolves are stunned.

The trio is the person of the Central Plains, and naturally understands the strength of the Yin.

"So, the Central Plains did have a very good newcomer?"

"The most important thing for the first thing is that this person actually broke your plan, and it was also linked to the stubborn enemy of the Central Plains, Bai Xiaosheng."


The three wolves finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

A powerful enemy that can threaten the wolf organization and the most stubborn enemy alliance, so that, if the Central Plains, etc., there is another top master who can compete against the wolf organization master!

Infiltration and control of the Central Plains, I am afraid to add a heavy resistance!

"What are you going to do?"

"Xian Er and Tao Hong recently practiced the Jianmen Gate ‘Yi Jianshu’ has reached Dacheng. Together, they can easily kill ordinary mythical powers. The head has already ordered them to go to the Central Plains to perform a secret mission...”

"Secret mission?"

"Is it inappropriate? Although Xianer and Taohong are of good strength, but when they reach the Central Plains, they are unfamiliar with life. I am afraid it is easy to be targeted by Bai Xiaosheng."

"They are not familiar. Are you three very familiar? The first one told me, let me tell you three, now, immediately, immediately, return to the Central Plains, you don't have to come back, turn back to the Central Plains to help Xianer, Pink... ... If this mission fails again, the head will punish you to go to Africa to catch the 'eaten sick rat'."


"I am listening."

"You said so much before, in fact, just telling us three, this mission environment and task content?"

"Well, it’s a wolf. The head said, you must have a way to let the Jin Luosha and the blood prison knife go home to the Central Plains. Well, the call ends here. What are the questions, I will not be free. Answering you, a question of 10 million, or you can choose to ask directly."

"...damn spider."

The wolf smashed the paper in his hand and gnashed his teeth to the depths of the sea.

After a long time, a small boat was put down from the ship and fell into the water.

Three ugly guys on the face, stepping on the sea to return to the Central Plains.


The demon and the altar were destroyed, and several families were happy.

The hunter family was also taken care of by the blood league and the five poisonous people at the moment, and even the city gate did not dare to take a half step.

However, since the news that the devil's altar was destroyed by a single-handedly-killed horse, the five poisonous disciples and the **** men's horses disappeared.

The hunter family, Yu Long and others, went out of the city and walked around for a long time. Finally, they did not encounter the harassment of the blood alliance and the five poisonous doors.


"It's boring."

"I thought I could meet a few blood league people." Da Pang Xiao Pang squatted and twisted his neck and looked around. He was disappointed and disappointed: "There is a 'fire unicorn blood' in hand, I can't wait to let the blood league The five poisonous people will kill a few more times."

"Don't give us a chance."

Many nearby martial arts people heard their words, and their faces were twitching and they didn't know what to say.

no way.

Now the hunter family is a celebrity!

The devil's altar was destroyed because it was a book of flying pigeons from Yulong, which brought indelible loss and shame to Yipintang.

This point, although there is no rumor outside, but a group of people in the hunter family is not preaching!

Now a group of people in Yulong have been happy to send the blood of the fire unicorn.

A healing artifact that increases the force of tens of points and restores all internal injuries.

People who are tempted to **** and five poisonous doors continue to come to their own troubles, and die a few more times, so that they can kill more people and vent their anger.

They naturally don't know.

Since the news of the devil's altar, Meng Yun and Xue Yi have ordered the suspension of orders against the hunter family.

Although the face is lost.

But with the life of a group of humble little characters in the hunter family, it is stimulating and happy, and for the sacrifice of a hundred times of a disciple, this is obviously an unequal trade!

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