Sword Among Us

Chapter 988: Bai Xiaosheng's reminder

Chapter 988, Mr. Bai Xiaosheng's reminder

The hunter family Yulong was killed twice by the blood league and the five poisonous door design. Not only did it succeed in arousing the most crazy murder and fierce counterattack, but also letting happy realize that "Lingbo Weibu" and "Magic Endless" 》The combined lethality;

Of course, there is also a set of 4 pieces of magical instruments contributed by the three groups of wild wolves - without this set of equipment, it is really impossible to win the devil's altar and get all the supplies of the devil.

But happy is not going to end like this!

The destruction of the devil's altar is only a punishment for a good hall...

Blood League.

Still safe and sound.

I don’t want to be in a **** coat.

Leaving the devil's altar, happy and disappeared from the people's vision, going to a city hundreds of miles away.

But what makes you happy is that it is unexpected.

It didn't take long before I left the devil's altar. I was happy to get the book of the pigeons of Bai Xiaosheng.

The latter congratulated him on the success of this successful destruction of the devil's altar, and then said a word that makes you happy and very different:

"Happy, your destination for this trip should be Baokang County?"

"How did you know."

Happy and very replies: "I am a few hundred miles away from Baokang County. Can you guess it?" For others, maybe you will cover up the temptations, but for Bai Xiaosheng, Happy directly admitted that he really planned to go to Baokang.

"Besides me, I am afraid I have guessed a lot."

Bai Xiaosheng returns to the channel:

"Your revenge is the devil's altar of one of the most important sub-districts of Yipintang, which brings a heavy loss to Yipintang... But it is definitely not enough to retaliate against Yipintang. Moreover, for the Blood League at the helm of blood, your revenge will definitely not Weak, it will only be sharper."

"I speculated that the blood alliance in the vicinity of the devil's altar, can only match such a place in the devil's altar! It is Baokang County!"

Bai Xiaosheng’s letter has a sound:

"The resources of the devils and altars, because of the special resources of the fire unicorn, are comparable to the ordinary resources, even ten resource points!"

"The entire Central Plains, there are few comparable to the devil's altar... There are also many resources in Baokang County, and there are incomparably rich resources of Shenlongjia, which are combined to form a warehouse in the suburb of Baokang County. I am afraid that resources will not be less than the devils!"


Happy heartfelt reply: "Appreciate!"

Bai Xiaosheng did guess well. The purpose of his trip was to capture the resources accumulated by the blood league in the Baokang County.

Bao Kang’s life professional players are many...

The blood alliance has accumulated nearly 10,000 life players to create wealth for him. The resources that are obtained every day in the altar are a small number. This year, the scale has long been formed, and it should not be underestimated.

"I want to admire you, the entire rivers and lakes, operating until now, for five years, no one dares to single-handedly give such a scorpion to the scorpion! Bring such a heavy blow to Yipintang! For the blood league shot, to be honest, you are the number one in the Central Plains..."

After a certain emotion, Bai Xiaosheng paused:

"Original, Blood League and Yipintang are suspected of contacting the wolves. You should avenge them. I shouldn't stop and say anything. However, this time, the power of the devils and the devils, your strength must have been noticed by the wolf organization, and happy focus. ... If you continue to do so, the more strength you show, the more negative it will be for your future development. I hope you know this."


I heard the true reminder of Bai Xiaosheng’s tone, and I was so addicted:

"Do you want to persuade me to stop?"

"Not persuasion, but hope that you can temporarily slow down the pace of retaliation."


"Although I also want to fight Yipintang and Blood League, but there is a more important enemy of the wolf in the back, I have to think more." Bai Xiaosheng replied: "Now people, for those outside us, The strength is very mysterious... but I believe that once you have no more astounding performance, the enemy will know the bottom line of your strength."

"...Do you mean to keep me mysterious?"

Happy response is very fast.


Bai Xiaosheng said:

"The deeper the strength is hidden, the less likely it is to be defeated by the enemy. I think you have the potential to become the second ‘one emperor’ and become another myth of the Central Plains.”

"Too heavy."

"It's not a lift, it's a real feeling. At least the current emperor may not be able to kill thousands of masters like you. You are similar to an emperor, but the route you take is completely different."

"Which is the solitary peak of an emperor, the lonely peak that is daunting, the high, the kind of piercing the sky... but you feel like a smashed sword! But the two enemies you face It is as unfathomable as the sea."

"...you mean the evil king."

"The Daoist Devil's Law is the Supreme Master's Book. One Emperor once told me that even if he realized the twelfth sword and the thirteenth sword, he did not have the full grasp to defeat the evil emperor..."

Happy face changes slightly.


"With your strength, it is only a matter of time to deal with the blood alliance and Yipintang seriously. But if you give the wolves enough time to understand you, once they join hands, your revenge plan may not be able to proceed smoothly."

Happy and careful thinking about it, Bai Xiaosheng's worry is not unreasonable.

Today, since the people of the wolf organization can use the effect of the celestial star to lurk in the Central Plain for a month without being noticed by Bai Xiaosheng, then the evil king is completely likely to appear silently in the Central Plains and appear in front of himself. .

It seems...

This time is really high-profile too much.

It seems that from the silent silence to the other party's heart and mind, Bai Xiaosheng's flying pigeon biography has come again:

"Now I am shielding you, can evade Yipintang and blood alliance, but may not be able to pass the prophet. If you continue to be very strong and conspicuous, the wolf will definitely focus on your every move, and then discover you bit by bit. All... But from now on, keep on keeping low-key and mysterious, maybe your situation will change. These are a kind reminder from allies."

Bai Xiaosheng’s speech is actually more cautious and careful, and the wording is as euphemistic as possible, because his time with dealing with happiness is not long.

But to his surprise, he was surprised to hear his proposal.

"I know what to do."

Happy resolutely turned away from the line that was going to Baokang County and headed for Beijing.

"I am very glad to hear that you said that if you need help in the future, please feel free to contact me, including the troubles encountered during the mission, maybe I can also contribute."

"Can I have a problem."

"You said."

"Where is an emperor now?"


After a few moments of silence, Bai Xiaosheng replied: "The rivers and lakes have passed down after he lost, but in fact, he is now fully understanding the last two swords. At the same time, he is also one of my allies. As for his detailed position, I used to Promise to have him..."

"I know, I can get you personally admit that he is still in the rivers and lakes, I am relieved." Happy and relieved: "In fact, a year and a half ago, I was prepared to challenge him, but unfortunately did not have the opportunity to meet him, wait for the future. One day, he realized that all the thirteen swords were killed. I must find an opportunity to teach the sword of an emperor!"

"...I think, by the time, he must also want to play against you." After a long time, Bai Xiaosheng felt it.

"I hope so."


After the end of the dialogue with Bai Xiaosheng, happy naturally did not move to the Baokang County, where the blood league was guarded by the soldiers. Instead, it took less than an hour to destroy the altar of the blood league in a nearby small town, and then symbolically The land was slaughtered by more than 400 people, and once again disappeared.

This time it disappeared, but it was not for three days to show up in front of anyone!

The destruction of the demon and the altar is a major event that shocks the martial arts, but the destruction of a small altar in the blood league is very inconspicuous.

Not even a wave of ripples!

The people of the blood league have no voice, and others are paying attention to the events of the devils. Naturally, they rarely mention a small town altar that everyone has never heard of.


At the same time, in the apartment that was temporarily put together, the lonely three wolves ushered in the first guest to visit.

"Little white! Little black! Little seven! You are all there."

"Feng dance, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are more intellectual than the school."

"Yes, I don't know if it is still single..."

"Don't force me to swear."

The phoenix dance color facelessly walked into the apartment, interrupting the flattery of the three:

"I went to the hospital to see it. Kaixin's rehabilitation engineer said that his current rehabilitation progress is good. It will take a long time to leave the hospital. But it is you, what happened?"

"What is going on?"

"You don't seem to have a good time to meet each other, but also squatting at the brothers who brought us to the front of the color-dressing door. Now everyone looks like that, what are you going to do?" The phoenix dance color dress went straight to the top of the subject.

This time I returned to South China, mainly because some time ago, many old brothers of the color-clothing door were poisoned by the blood league. Now that she is in a bad state, she can't stand it anymore, only to find the lonely three wolves.


The three men looked at each other and did not speak.

"You help revenge, deal with blood, I have no opinion, you pull everyone together to deal with blood clothes and dream clouds, I have no opinion, but why not let fun know?" Feng dance color clothing question: "Some posts on the official website forum Come out, you will be pushed down by all means by all means. Do you really think that I don't know what you are doing?"

After a pause, seeing the lonely three wolves have nothing to say, the phoenix dance color clothes are very unscrupulous: "The days of many brothers have been very difficult, and now it has died several times, the situation is more difficult, you know that happy now There are a lot of resources, why don't you let him know? Just because of your embarrassment..."

"Feng dance, don't say it, you don't understand..."

Xiaoqi was black with a face and looked out the window silently.

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