Sword Among Us

Chapter 989: 400 point arm

Chapter 989 400-point arm strength

A month.

In the past month, Chen Kaixin still did not appear.

Instead, I was happy. In a month's time, I continued to travel back and forth through two different time and space, and tried my best to grasp the message of the two sides.

After many years of the world's many messages, the other side of the world provides a variety of information, so that Silver Fox, Xiaobei, Lei Zhan, lonely three wolves, phoenix dance and other people, including Xu Xin Xu Yao, in another The world on one side grows rapidly.

The Central Plains is already the world of Mufu, Chivalry, Fengfeng, and Fengmeng. Although the people of the wolf have tried to get involved and secretly sneak into the Central Plains many times, except for the Yipintang in the northwest, the entire Central Plains has no place for them. At the office.

This time...

Silver Fox and others have quietly broken through to the realm of liberation.

In the era of liberation, in the happy and continually going back and forth, it is quietly coming to the world here.

Yi Pintang took root in the Western Region.

The four major alliances of the Mufu are more divided in this period, and the stars are scattered all over the city of the Central Plains!

Although the funds consumed are quite large, the veins formed by the four major alliances are all in one move of all the forces of the Central Plains.

Happy has gradually adapted to the current life...

There is no Chen Kaixin, the days of the world going back and forth between the two sides.


Because the other side of the happy still needs further development, people on the natural side can only hang and live the same days of asceticism.

of course.

With the rise of the level of "Invincible Body", even if all the equipment is removed, it is difficult for innocent prisoners to cause substantial harm to the happiness of having "Jiuyang Shengong", "Yi Jin Jing" and "Invincible Body". The level of the latter two martial arts has climbed at a much lower rate than before.

It happened that this day, the silver fox brought a wind chime and came over the door to add glutinous rice...

"Silver Fox, I will do things for these two days."

During the dinner, happy:

"The progress of recent cultivation is getting slower and slower. I think you brought a few brothers of Jinyiwei to catch a group of heavy criminals who are incompetent."

"Nothing is the peak, no problem, as long as it is not a mythical situation." Silver Fox smiled and promised, then looked at the wind chimes: "In fact, the strength of the wind chimes has recovered almost the same, even if it is the master of the early days of the mythology, pull the small A few people in the north, it’s not difficult to catch our gang prisoners."

"Okay, I remember."

Happy and serious words let the silver fox and the wind chime stay:

"Happy, you won't be serious?"

"At the beginning of the mythology? Silver Fox is bragging."

"I didn't brag."

Silver Fox does not squint.

"But..." The wind chimes looked strangely, with a little worry: "Happy brother, you have been practicing in the prison for more than a month. The progress of the cultivation is not slow, but it is slower than we are outside." Some, now many people outside the world have rumored that you have something wrong."

"The rumors of the outside world don't care."

Happy naturally know that the door is not out of the door, it is the wild wolf organization.

After all, the assassination of various places has made the wolf organization nowhere to be accommodated because of the happy exposure. It can only be used as a blessing in some countries that are relatively backward and weak – but they dream of returning to the life that controls everything. .

"You cultivate your own, I really cultivate, the speed will not be slower than you." Happy know that once you enter the era of liberation, the sneaky and the beasts will not open for too long, and it will be easy to catch up with them.

"I have remembered the strong things in the early days of mythology. If it takes a long time, I may really need you to do it. It is not good. I will collect information on the location of a group of mythical powers."

When I was happy talking to the silver fox, Xu Yao and Xu Xin never talked. Until then, Xu Xin suddenly spoke:

"If you are a strong myth, I know a few..."


"The four wicked people in the Valley of the Vulgar have never been eradicated, and the evil thieves around the Valley of the Vulgar are also free from the situation and inaction. The Shihua Palace has never been deep, but there are rumors that the strength of the month should be in mythology. In the medium term, there is also a black wood cliff, a big devil, if you want to take shortcuts, rely on the mythical master to quickly improve the strength, these should be good."

After that, Xu Xin continued to bow his head.

Compared with the cold attitude of a month ago, Xu Xin has made happiness a lot easier.

Although the cracks in the space-time interval make it seem that there is a barrier between men and women that is more difficult to heal.

However, from Xu Xin collecting these materials, it is not difficult to see that Xu Xin is still very concerned about himself, and wants to do his best to help.

"Thank you."


The silver fox and the wind chime looked at the happy and Xu Xin in a strange way, only to realize that the atmosphere between the young couple was a bit strange.

"The news of the mythical strong, I try to help you collect, but the recent outstanding is not a small limelight."

"I heard that killing a master in the early days of mythology has already ranked in the top ten of the global list. The global singularity list is also preparing to make a place for him." Happy nodded and smiled: "This kid is doing Very good."

He is still very proud of Ren Jie’s efforts and achievements.

After all, this kid was dug out by him. Now he has a well-organized Dali in the north and has saved him a lot of heart.

"There is one more thing, Ren Jie, and some high-ranking people. Recently, they seem to have gotten some mysterious organizations. These organizations are more or less directed to Yipintang and the wolf organization..."

"I know! The wolf organization has a big heart. This time it has fallen a big head. It will definitely not be willing to give up. There will be further action. You only need to pay attention to maintaining the pattern of the Central Plains and the internal stability of the Mufu. The water comes to the ground and the soldiers will stop."

Here, I am happy to have such a statement, because he is the world's strongest, the first big gang of the Central Plains and even the head of the world's largest league. The wolf is just one. Organizations that are not fully mature.

After the meal, I returned to the game, and as always, I began to temper the "Invincible Body" and "Yi Jin Jing", but the thoughts drifted to the other side.


A month's time.

During the month of happiness, the cat did not go out in the ghosts. During the day, she practiced hard and used the sneaky ‘devil baby insects’ at night to rush the two sets of newly collected light powers to the great realm, adding hundreds of internal forces!

In addition, a set of "Silla Law" outside the "Devil's End of the World" is also on the big realm! "Invincible Body" climbed to the tenth level, "Yi Jin Jing" was upgraded to the tenth level, and the internal force suddenly increased by more than 150 points.


The attributes of happiness are as amazing as rockets:

Root bone 487; arm force 399; body method 386; understanding 377;

Internal force 1049.

The internal force has already broken through the thousand-point mark, and the distance from 1280 points that is not needed is only two hundred points.

"It’s almost time."

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Arm power 399 points!

The 400-point arm required by the Xuan Tie Epee is only the last point.

Today, the roots, body and savvy are all beyond the standard, only the last arm!

As long as the last bit of force is made up, the weapon can be replaced, and the black iron epee is really used, and the artifact with unknown attributes is used.


For the arrival of this day, I have cultivated two sets of martial arts secrets and solved a set of knives.

The root bone attribute is soaring to the height that many current rivers and lakes masters can't reach - 487 points!


Seeing happiness suddenly stopped, Yu Long of the hunter family quickly approached, strangely glanced back and forth on the demon baby insects and happy body: "There is not much time away from Tianming, no longer looking for one?"


Happy long, a sigh of relief, laughing at the past:

"Retirement for a month, I have to do it, I have done it all."

"Is the arm enough?!"

Yu Long quickly came to his mind and shot a blush in his eyes.

The other members of the hunter family also excitedly surrounded: "Can you take the black iron epee?"

"It's still 399."

Happy paused and explained: "But it's almost the same. Now it's not too early. Even if you look for a demon baby, you can't break through the 400 mark. Instead of waiting for another day, it's better to break through 400 points."

During the talk, happy in the eyes of a group of brothers and sisters of the hunter family, from the Qiankun bag, a small purple bottle surrounded by brilliance.

"Innate medicine!!"

A group of people have inhaled and their eyes are shining.

Happy smile and nod:

"At the beginning of destroying the devil's altar, in addition to a large amount of supplies, it was unexpectedly found a bottle of congenital medicine that improved the total attribute by one point."

"All the attributes?"

Yu Long’s face is a change.

Everyone is exposed to envy.

The congenital holy medicine, now on the rivers and lakes, has sold far more than the dream of life and death, entering the ranks of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Such a thing that can enhance the full attribute is worth a billion dollars, and it is rare to see a bottle in the market for several months.

The bottle was drunk, and the group of hunters was excited and heartbroken.

Without such a burning money!

But when I thought of happiness, I was able to equip the black iron epee immediately. The complex emotions were swept away, and everyone looked nervously.

Happy did not let everyone continue to wait, after drinking the congenital holy medicine, a warm flow quickly swam away, without hesitation, took out the dark epee that had been lying for more than a month from the Qiankun bag.

Xuan Tie Epee!

prior to.

Because the innate nature is not enough, every time I get a happy hand, there is always a feeling of holding a dead and dying.

But this time it is different!

The Xuan Tie Epee fell into the hand, as if it had come alive. A layer of gray light quickly covered the body of the epee, and it seemed to be poured into the body with endless power.

"this is……"

Surprise shines from the eyes of happiness.

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