Sword Among Us

Chapter 997: Wild wolf counterattack

Chapter 997 Wild Wolf Counterattack

"Retreat into the altar!!"

In the face of the wind chimes, the proud Cangsheng finally panicked, realizing that it is a stupid decision to continue to talk to the wind chimes outside the altar. One bite, drink and let the five poisonous disciples all retreat to the altar.

At this time, thousands of disciples and disciples finally found the main heart, and did not dare to neglect, swarming back to the altar, and people’s vision was isolated from the wall of the altar!


With a loud noise, the door is closed! !

The five poisonous doors completely shut all the outside discussion, wind chimes, happy people and so on outside the altar.

"Wang Ba Gua! Dare to collude with the wolf organization, brothers, what do you say!!!" Outside the five poisonous gates, many people who were originally just watching the lively martial arts are very angry at this moment, they have already seen it, five The door of the poison door is proud of the fact that the guilty conscience is not daring to face the public, the style of Lenovo's five poisonous doors, the crowd suddenly rushed, and the voice of the five poisonous doors was clashed:


"Together! Central Plains can not afford this cancer!"

"Five poisonous doors betray the Central Plains! Everyone together! Clean the portal!!"

The sword was unsheathed, and countless martial arts people shouted slogans and gathered from the onlookers to participate in the attack on the five poisonous divisions.

Some temperament can not help but rush into the altar area, from the wall of the courtyard to the five poison door!

With people taking the lead, there are more and more people who follow the trend!


"Bearing the horrible life! Destroy the five poisonous doors!" Wenxun from a distance, the lively martial arts people saw the picture of the group of men overturning the five poisonous doors, one by one stunned.

Happy is also true...

I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing in the Wuzhimen Altar in Nanjing. The situation of single-handedly alone Longtan did not appear, but instead turned into someone else.

Under the erroneous, happy looking back at the wind chimes.

at this time……



"Damn..." "Run!"

Numerous martial arts influx into the five poisonous doors suddenly plucked from the courtyard wall at a faster rate.

The mind is tight, and the happy attention is re-engaged by the five poisonous doors! After a careful look, the brow suddenly came together.

A million drugs!

The five poisonous disciples restarted the venomous array under the command of Ao Cangsheng. The poison in the whole altar was flying, and the people who entered it instantly lost most of the time, leaving only a small number of people to run out quickly.

Seeing this, happy is also a pity...

After all, Wanduomen is a big gang of the Central Plains martial arts. Although it is far less than the wind building, Yipintang, but no one can compare the five poisonous doors!

Everything is open, and the worms are phagosomes! Few people can get out of the line.

In addition to the altar, countless martial arts people saw the poisonous scorpion in the five poisonous halls, and the poisons fluttered in the air, and the surrounding area stopped and stopped.

The high-end poison treasure of Wudumen, each has the attack power of the inferior masters, and carries the highly toxic effect. In front of thousands of poisons, even the top masters have no courage to compete with them, let alone A group of temporarily entangled people.


Noticed that the wind chimes rose from the roof and held the piano with one hand and landed.

"Happy little man."

"Windbell girl, don't come innocent."

"The last time thanks to the happiness of the happy and young man, I did not expect this opportunity to fight side by side with happy and young."

Volt! !

The clothes were broken.

A group of people flew down the roof following the wind chimes, surrounded by groups, separating some players who were trying to get close.

"The wind chimes are coming right, there is no magic sound. It is really difficult to break this huge poisonous array!"

"The master asked me to come to Nanjing this time, just to help the happy young man to deal with the five poisonous doors. I will be responsible for breaking the battle later, and the rest will be happy."

"do not worry."

Happy nod.

As soon as the voice fell, a group of masters who followed the wind chimes quickly opened the way and cleared a small open space outside the five poisonous doors.

The wind chimes sit on the ground and the celestial piano is placed on the knees.

The sound of the cymbal sounded with the wind chimes, like a series of slashing swords, quickly pulled a magnificent picture of war in front of people.

Hey! Hey! Hey! ! ! ! !

Ten fingers flew!

Sound blade is like snow!

The notes flowed into the air and quickly turned into snow white flying knives, which were like ten-and-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand A million drugs!

The overwhelming mass of catastrophe was suddenly torn apart by this snow-white wave!

Sound edge collapsed;

The poison is screaming.

The wind chimes have been fully devoted to the performance.

Ten fingers cheerfully plucked the strings from the strings, and a string of visible sounds of the naked eye quickly became ripples in the city, layered in layers, rushing into the five poisonous halls from all sides, breaking into the venomous array.

The sound blade is rolling like a wave, and it is endless!

The poisons in the venomous array were instantly smashed, and countless poisons in front of the sound blades were turned into powder.

In less than half a minute, the five poisonous catastrophe was destroyed by nearly a quarter, and the large poison at the door was completely eliminated!

Many martial arts people feel that the concentration of air poisoning cockroaches has become meager, and they have jumped back to the walls of Wudumen.


"The poisonous array of the five poisonous doors will be broken!"

"Windbell girl! Good job!"

The people on the wall have noticed that as the poisons are greatly damaged under the guise, the five poisonous disciples have rushed to recover the surviving poisons again. In an instant, the mega-catastrophe in the altar is weak and most of the power. It seems that it is possible to crash at any time.

boom! !

A loud noise.

The door of the five poison gates was broken into thousands of pieces under the Xuan Tie epee!

Under the eyes of countless five poisonous disciples and Ao Cangsheng and other people who are poisonous and resentful, they are happy to come in from outside the gate.

Seeing the picture of the poisonous body inside the lobby empty space, I couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, and my heart was amazed:

"The six-finger piano devil's clothes are really overbearing! Nine yin and ruin, really amazing!"

He now understands a bit why the wolf must exhaust his efforts, spending a few months, using a lot of manpower and resources to ambush the wind chimes.

In large-scale group battles, the sound of the wind chimes is a strategic weapon!

One song, the soul is annihilated!

Even if the wolf organization dumped all the masters, the Central Plains could not control the Central Plains. The only hope was to unite the Central Plains forces such as Yipintang to completely control the Central Plains, and they live behind the scenes – but these ordinary masters are easily annihilated in front of the wind chimes.

Thinking of this, the heart of happiness suddenly flashed a trace of uneasiness!

not good!

At this moment, suddenly the crowd outside the five poison gates shouted a roar.


Twenty martial arts people around the wind chimes are super-class masters of the Central Plains. They are responsible for protecting the wind chimes.

Wind chimes clear the five poisonous door million poison big array!

They are responsible for the safety of the wind chimes.

But at the moment when the mega-virus squad is about to be broken, suddenly a few black shadows are rushed out from the crowd not far away!



Before the wind chime guards got the news, there was a 12-fold increase in vigilance.

But the speed of coming people is too fast!

In the twinkling of an eye, it has already rushed to within ten meters! Two white swords, like the psychic gods, flashed through the swords and swords intercepted by several guards.


"The wind chimes are careful!"

"Flock!!" A group of guards were shocked.

Seeing the two long swords one left and one right attacking the goal of their protection, a group of people have changed their minds.

Hey! ! !

Hey! ! !

As soon as the sound of the piano was turned, the continuous sound edge quickly changed its course, forming a huge lotus flower, surrounded by the whole body.

Two white swords lighted like a shovel on the wall, emitting a series of harsh metal sounds, and the long sword bounced into the air.

"Your wolf organization is still so insidious, shameless... In addition to attacking and assassination, you don't know how to play a fresh routine." Since the wind chimes dare to appear in such a complicated environment, it is naturally completely prepared. The cascading sound blades are like the same invisible wall, swaying around the whole body, while resisting the impact of the swordsmanship, while splitting part of the sound edge, assisting the guard attack to block several wild wolves.


"The last time it was because of the happy stupid boy that made you lucky to get rid of it. I didn't expect you to come to the door!"

The people who rushed out of the crowd not only had the fairy and pink of the wolf organization, but also followed the three masters of the wolf, the Jinluo, and the blood knife.

The five people have always been hiding in the Yangzhou General Altar of Wuzhimen!

But the happy battle made them have to migrate to Nanjing...

This is no problem.

After the fun of destroying the five major altars of the five poison gates, they actually went to Nanjing to die! Ao Cangsheng tried his best to arrange a large array of toxic drugs, but was cracked by the wind chimes, and even shook the evidence of the collusion between the wolf organization and the five poisonous doors.

The five people were also forced to do so. They had to expose their identities in advance and appeared to kill them. It would be difficult for them to leave the Central Plains if they let the wind chimes help to annihilate the Nanjing Dharma.

Faced with five top-level masters, a group of people who guard the wind chimes feel pressure! Can only bite the scalp, unite against each other...

If it wasn't for the constant harassment and attacking the wild wolf master, the sword masters had their attention on the wind chimes, and they had already been killed.

The first attack failed, and the fairy and peach that came out of the crowd quickly turned around and attacked the target!

puff! !

An inadvertent guardian of the wind chime was locked by two long swords, piercing the chest, and the red blood rushed into the sky.


Being blocked by a group of guards, happy is flying from the five poisons.

Lingbo microsteps.

People are like blasts, and they rush from the side to the wolves and others.


"Hands, trap him!!"

The wolf organization has long been prepared, and with a cold and sweet drink, an amazing momentum suddenly rises from the wolf's body and binds to happiness.

"Are this trick?"

Happy to sneer.

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