Sword Among Us

Chapter 998: Five poisonous strong counterattack

Chapter 998, five poisonous strong counterattack

The shackles of the wolf have been taught once!

The three men of the wolf reappeared in the Central Plains, and there were two women who had met in the General Hall of Wudumen before! I have been very happy and cautious!

However, the latter actually showed the exquisite 'Swordsmanship' as soon as it came up. The long sword left the hand, and the long-sword was driven by the willpower. The natural and vigilant nature was raised, and it was easy to be controlled by the wolf once again. The attack speed of the swordsmanship is amazing, and with the quirky control ability of the wolf, you can instantly hit any top master.

Therefore, in the moment when I saw the black scorpion suddenly appearing in the wolf, the inertia of the fast rushing suddenly stopped!

The speed of Lingbo's microstep is not the fastest among many top-level light work...

But Lingbo Weibu must be the most mysterious and exquisite in the light work!

The movement contains an ever-changing technique of making a move, and the mind is moving. The happy momentum disappears, and it is backed out at a speed that ordinary people can't understand at all, and the distance from the wolf and others is opened.

This time, it is to spur the desire of the group of people who are ready to deal with the happy wolf!

Seeing happiness is about to enter the attack range, the move has already come out...

The other party suddenly broke away from the attack at a faster speed!

The all-out attack fell into the air, and the wolf's face was red, and the blood in his chest rolled, and he almost didn't have to vomit blood.

Xian Er, Tao Hong two female brows tight.


boom! !

The attack of the blood prison knife and Jin Luozha fell into the empty space, and his face changed.

At the same time, the two white snow swordsmen who cut through the space are instantly piercing a series of afterimages that are happy to stay in the same place, chasing all the way to happy!

The sword is completely guided by the mind, and it changes completely at any time and place. The five wild wolves are masters. Only Xianer and Taohong barely keep up with the changing rhythm of Lingbo Weibu, and they are rushing to the front.


clang! ! ! ! !

The black iron epee swept across the air.

The space is shaking!

Two snow white swordsman also made a sigh at the same time, while the bomb flew out.



The internal forces of Xianer and Taohong have been attached to the blade. The power of the feedback has slammed into the body. The two women squirted blood at the same time. The face was red and the body was swollen and took a few steps to catch. Take back the weapon.

The wolf and others are shocked!

Xianer and Taohong are in the organization, and the strength is still above them. I didn’t expect it to be a happy face.

The wind chimes are not idle.

After the happy and strong shot attracted the attention of the five masters of the wolf, the wind chimes decisively changed the sound of the piano, and the sound of the blade around the whole body turned into a thousand-sounding edge, and it was rushing to the fairy who had just eaten a small dark loss. ,pink!

Look at her sick, want her life!

The timing of the wind chime shot is very good!

Unfortunately, the enemies facing this time are top-level people. Although the sound blade is good at killing, and the number is numerous, the speed is really not flattering.

When the sound blade cut through the air, the three wolves shot.

Guns are like a forest!

Boxing raging!

The continuous sound blade was instantly destroyed by three people.


The wind chime sighed in the heart.

It was actually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If more than 20 guards around the guard can seize the opportunity to take the initiative, it may be able to disrupt the rhythm of the wild wolf master and destroy the tacit understanding of the five!


Those who are super-class players facing the wolf simply do not dare to shoot.

They can only rely on the defense of the formation to resist the wild wolf master!

And the task that Bai Xiaosheng gave them is only protection, not killing the wild wolf master! They can't do it, they can understand it.


Such a good opportunity is hard to come again.

After the loss of the fairy and pink women, they recovered their weapons and quickly took the pills and ushered in their reinforcements!

Hey! ! !


Various poisonous species such as snake worms and cockroaches suddenly swarmed out from the Wudumen branch.

Because the Qinmo wind chimes were suppressed, the wolf's people appeared in front of them, and Ao Cangsheng knew that even if he denied everything, it would be useless. He simply took all the power out and pressed it into this battle.

Ao Cangsheng knows that he still has the opportunity to die and live!

As long as you can take the wind chime, the wolf will lose a care, and it will be effortless to invade the Central Plains!

Once the Central Plains falls into the control of the wolf and Yipintang, Wuzhimen can survive even if there are countless enemies;

Yipintang is the best hero in the world, and still has the chips to control most of the resources of the Central Plains!

and so!

Seeing the wild wolf's shot, Ao Cangsheng did not hesitate to touch the twelve witches, and ordered the subordinates to release all the remaining high-level poisons.

A million poisons attacked out!

Twelve sorcerer disciples at the same time!

"Be careful!"

"The Witch Gate of the Five Poisons!"

Since the emergence of the five masters of the wild wolf, to be forced to retreat attack is nothing but between the electric light and flint, many people have never reacted! Until the people of the Five Poisons were swarming out of the altar, more than a dozen venomous snakes and flying scorpions rushed into the crowd and harvested their lives without fear. This finally caused the anger of countless martial arts people.

"Five poisonous doors really collude with wild wolves!"


"Kill!!" "Kill this group of dog-legged traitors!" The voices are full, and more people meet the five poisonous disciples, greet countless poisons.

At this time, the entire Wudumen sub-altar area fell into a chaotic chaos!

Thousands of people are battling into battle, and more people are ready to fight!

"A bunch of waste!"

"court death!"

Twelve sorcerer disciples and Ao Cangsheng stand side by side on the steps of the gate, condescending, commanding their own virginity.

Although the sorcerers of these people are not as perverted as the six-winged golden-winged apes, each locust has a different role and the threat is not small.

A fly-winged locust with a double-winged head is about two feet long. The shell is bright red and bright, like a magnificent ruby, flying in the air, constantly releasing red poison to cover up its own line.

Every time it flies out of the red mist, it is as fast as electricity. The mouthparts and thorny tentacles are creepy. Every time you fight, you can bring out a series of terrible tragedies and death.

A double-headed snake.

The appearance looks the same as a normal viper, mixed in a creepy group of snakes, accidentally looking up, but the two snakes can shoot a dark, ink-like venom, squirting far and wide.

People who are contaminated with toxic juice will be unlucky, and the internal force of this venom will not stop...

Even weapons and equipment will have a high-intensity corrosive effect when they are contaminated to a half point, but they will lose their durability and lose their inherent properties.

Contaminated to the skin, the whole person is like being ignited, the pain is constant, the body will rot out a large area!

There are several other vicious sorcerers, but the strength of two sorcerers has caused a lot of vigilance!

One of them is bloody!

When released, there is a fist size that gives a very dangerous feeling.

But blood Zen rarely comes out to attack people, but carefully looks for those dead poisonous insects in the back.

Every time you eat a poisonous worm, the **** body is thicker and the body becomes smaller.

Later, like a humble little bug, a bright red light spot, the speed of the amazing shuttle back and forth in the poison group.

Several guards of the wind chimes were accidentally smashed into the blood, and when they came out, the whole body's blood essence was swallowed up!

If you are not happy, you will be holding a few people, and I am afraid that the wind chimes have been attacked by Xianer, Taohong and others!

However, because of the full force of the five poison doors, the pressure on the wind chimes is not small!

She wants to help everyone to eliminate the violent battles summoned by the five poisonous doors, but it is necessary to be on guard against the raids of the swordsmanship, to protect themselves, and to help the five masters who guard against the wolf organization. Make a difference.

Seeing the venom of the five poisonous doors continues to advance!

The powerful locusts of the twelve sorcerers' disciples rushed through the crowd as easily as the sharp soldiers, and almost formed a momentum of encirclement. Happy finally shouted:


"I am coming off! You will bring your people away from here!!"

"it is good."

In fact, the wind chimes did not expect the wolves and others to stay in the Central Plains. They seriously underestimated the counter-attack ability of the wolf organization and the five poisonous doors. Seeing that the situation turned unfavorable, it had already moved to withdraw from the plan, and nodded without hesitation. promise.

clank! !

The piano sounds a turn.

The violent melody instantly turns into a thousand-tone tangles and wraps around the wolf!


With a wind chime, the dozen or so guards around him did not hesitate to rush in front of the road.

A group of people quickly left the area of ​​the Wudumen.

"Want to go?"

The main purpose of Xianer and Taohong’s appearance is to leave the wind chimes, and naturally they will not let the wind chimes leave like this.

Whizzing! !

Two flying swords were shot and hit the wind chimes.

A sword of swordsmanship, with a dull and low-pitched voice, a huge black scorpion broke into the air!

"Block him!"

Xianer and Taohong quickly told me.

The three wolves snorted and rushed from different directions.


The foot stepped on the Lingbo microstep, the black iron epee broke through the air!

Hey! ! !

The madness of the blood prison knife slammed on the mysterious iron epee! A loud noise! ! The former soon revealed a faint color!

The body was shocked, and an unrivaled powerful force slammed into the body along the black iron epee.

Unpretentious masters, in the case of ready to go all out, was slammed out by a detached master!

The tiger's mouth cracked! ! !


The power of violent rushing into the body, followed by the darkness of the ruin.

Trauma and internal injuries, a stream of blood spilled into the sky.

The eyes of the blood prison knife are unbelievable and weird!

Jin Luozha, who is ready to help, is reckless, but when he sees the **** knife, his eyelids jump, and he starts the bodyguard without saying anything. The offensive turns into a defense block.

The wolf was also scared to hide.

From the outside, the three masters of the wolf were swept by a thousand swiftly swept ones, and they repulsed one.

Fairy, peach red Qi Qi raging eyebrows, had to quickly control the long sword back!

Created a chance to leave for the wind chimes, happy to send the former quickly away from the chaotic land, this is the cold eyes of the arrogant and the twelve sorcerer disciples opposite the venomous array!

When the wind chimes go, he has no worries! !

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