Chapter 999 is even two


"Wolf! What are the three of you guys!!"

Seeing that the wind chimes were low, the fairy and the peaches were angry and screaming at the three men. They were angry and they couldn’t stop being happy.

The wolf's three faces are not very good looking.

"His weapon is weird!"

"The blood knife can be injured by a sword. I use the boxing method. The result of hard work with him will only be worse..." Jin Luochao took the position of the second woman in the organization, but she could not explain it.

"It's all an excuse! I think you are relaxing for too long, have forgotten to think about things with your head... Now that the wind chimes are gone, the five of us have also revealed their identity. After returning, we will definitely approve five of our services. See how you confess!" Xianer and Peach Red resisted the open and big offensive while chilling and venting their dissatisfaction.

The three wolves are afraid to speak.

Happy but somewhat speechless.

"I dare to talk in front of me..."

Lingbo micro step!


Although the two women's double-sword swordsmanship is very sharp, the change is very well-informed, and the rapid and amazing, but the aggressiveness is not very strong, hard hit hard, the second woman does not take any cheap, but because of the lack of support of the arm, it can not stop the mysterious iron Sword 100 point arm force suppression effect.

Every time they hit hard, they can easily fly their long swords. After two consecutive times, the two women are forced to turn into the battle to find opportunities.

Seize the opportunity, happy to abandon the two women, the Xuan iron epee continued to sweep, people like the tornado storm, ruined and rushed to open surrounded by five people, crashed into a million-strong battle!

"court death!"

The wolf and other people’s eyes are bright, and they are not shocked.

It’s a good news for them to break into the big poisons! There are not only a lot of poisons in the big poisonous array, but one will accidentally enter the poisoning state, the strength is greatly damaged, and there are two more advantages - there are twelve powerful witches hidden in the venomous array. insanity! Once surrounded, happy is the stuffing in the buns, running.

Another advantage is the fairy sword and pink sword!

The power of the swordsmanship and swords can only exert greater power when it is safe, and the attack speed is amazing, so that the enemy can not see.

Next, Xianer and Taohong are afraid to be cool...

It is only a simple matter to control the double-sword murder in a safe position.


"Don't let him run!"

"Going out of the wind chimes, can kill happy once, finally able to save some of our wolf organization's reputation!" The second woman is also a hi, very tacitly chasing the edge of the venomous battle, the double sword cut through the sky, break into In the line.

The attack of the two women is very close, and at the same time!

One left and one right, intertwined and spin, forming a layer of sword nets, pocketing towards the cover of the past, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the true position of the sword.

Even if you are a top player, you are in a big battle, and it is extremely difficult to concentrate on the long sword.

at the same time.

Ao Cangsheng and a group of witches and disciples also noticed the joy of breaking into the venomous battle.

A group of people do not hesitate!

On the front line of the venomous squad, more than a dozen horrible locusts were evacuated at the same time, surrounded by happiness from different directions!


The eyes of Ao Cangsheng shimmered with sinister sorrow.

In his opinion, the accident broke into the happiness of the big poison, and now it is already a dead one!

Cooperate with the five masters of the wolf organization, the twelve sorcerers and the sorcerer, and if they can't do a little happiness, it is a hell!


Happy after making a big deal, make a very unexpected thing!

Powerful Huashan! !

Very common tricks...

However, under the black iron epee, it is very unusual.

The heavy blade with a dull whistling as the thunder descended, and under the eyes of the public, pulled out a wide gully that was more than ten meters long!

The solid ground is instantly crushed out of a clear gully!

Along the way, the swordsmanship was over, and numerous poisons were crushed into powder by the fierce swordsman.


The sacrifice of these poisons is a slap in the face of the venomous battle!

Seeing the happiness after a blow, I quickly fell into a heavy encirclement and immediately fell into desperation.

After the ground that bears a happy sword is in the gully, the ground suddenly spreads a crack like a spider web.

all of these……

No one has noticed it.

Because at this moment, there is only one happy person in the big poison!

Moreover, the tens of meters of the area is covered with dense poisons, and it is impossible for the naked eye to perceive...

No one is aware of this change.

No one noticed that after a happy sword, the lips curled up a faint curve.

Until the locusts of the twelve sorcerers approached, until the two long swords controlled by Xianer and Peach, such as Jinghong, were intertwined with a continuous sword net.


Happy, this is a gentle glimpse of the ground.

Dark and thin!

boom! ! !

In the meantime, the ground centered on happiness has picked up!

A piece of stone slab flipped without any sign!

Oh la la...

From the nearest slate.

Then, to the slate where the poisonous giants are covered with poisonous worms, the snake worms and ants have been shaken up by the darkness of the explosion!

For a time, the visions of Xianer, Taohong, Ao Cangsheng and others were covered by countless slate and poison.

The fierce and sharp swords have smashed countless poisons and slate all the way, and the power is greatly reduced!

The twelve locusts lost their target position at this time. They looked at the corpses of poisonous stones and poisons in front of them, or they were already involved in them, and they creaked in their bodies.


Although the wolf and others did not understand the intention of the move, they obviously felt that the situation was not good.

Although the ability to listen to the wind is well-established, it is basically impossible to play a role in the environment of voluminous sounds and chaos.

Only use your eyes at this time.

The trick of being happy is to use the vast array of drugs to completely lose their mastery and judgment on the happy position.

"Forcing him to show up!"

Xianer and Pink have the quickest response, and they hurriedly screamed: "Fast! We can't see him, and it's hard for him to judge the situation around him!"

The twelve sorcerer disciples ordered the locusts.

A bright red line of lightning struck between the broken stones and the poisonous bodies, and rushed into the area where you were happy.

Bloody! !

At this time, the small-sized poisons are more likely to be close to happiness and attack the happy.


They obviously expected the power of the "Yi Jin Jing" to be wrong.

Even if you can't listen to the wind, even if your eyes can't judge the change of the situation from a complicated environment, you can control everything in a condescending manner.

If not, happy will not put yourself in the danger of uncertainty!


Capturing the traces of the bright light of the **** light, happy and unrelentingly a sword shakes out!

The huge black scorpion screamed low and condescended, just picking up the blood red light!

boom! ! ! !

The traces of **** light coming in like electric light seem to be swallowed up by a black mang, and the light glimpses, followed by a loud noise, and the petite blood is suddenly slammed into the ground.


On the steps of the five poisonous doors, the witched disciples who were united with blood and mind only saw the sound of the wind and thunder in the chaos. Then suddenly the heart came with severe pain, and the whole face suddenly became pale and bloodless. The lightning strikes back two steps, and he vomits a blood from the cockroach, and his spirits go down.

"Xiao Yu!"

Ao Cangsheng changed his face and immediately realized that this was a serious injury caused by the Witch’s disciples’ life-threatening locusts, which caused the sharing of life.

"not good!"

"Get your blood back!"

The deeper the injury to Xiao Yu, the more dangerous it is to prove bloody!

A group of witchcraft disciples were shocked.

"Liancheng! Prepare to save people!"

Ao Cangsheng is almost useless.

Next to one person, he said that he had manipulated a black and bloated worm to move a little forward.

In the mouthpiece that can't be seen clearly, it emits a strong black mist.

Where the fog passed, among the dead bodies, some of the poisons that were still struggling and seriously injured seemed to have gained a new life, and suddenly they recovered their ability to move freely.


This kind of mist can greatly enhance the poison, not only heal the wound, but also seems to be more lively than before.

The fog is in the direction of happy...

This is the **** blood of the unpredictable situation in preparation for the rescue of the dangerous situation!

At this time!

The mad laughter suddenly came from the opposite side:

"Aomen Lord! The two heads of your five poisonous doors, this son has received! Hahahaha!"

I didn’t wait for the arrogant and sensational reaction. Suddenly, Xiao Yu, who was stunned and bloody, was violently twisted in the arms of the two five-drug disciples. The body fluttered stiffly and rolled his eyes...


"Xiao Ge, he..." The five poisonous disciples noticed that Xiao Yu’s pulse stopped beating, his body trembled, and Ai Ai called for arrogance.

The voice did not fall, and suddenly there was a black smash in the chaos! The claws of the claws fluttered toward the bloated aphids that constantly spit black mist.

"Hugh think!"

Liancheng has been paying careful attention to the situation of Xiao Yu. Seeing Xiao Yu’s body convulsing and stabbing, he immediately knew that his locust had become the next target and did not hesitate to tell the little guy to protect himself.

The black and bloated worms screamed, and the poisons in all directions rushed to be happy;

At the same time, the locusts glimpse and roll to the door of the five poisonous doors.

"Haha... still want to go?"

Happy laughter, do not put the poison in all directions in the eyes, the black iron epee swept away, a majestic swordsman smashed and smashed countless snake venoms in an instant;


A dark force erupted from the ground and rushed into the locust.


The latter screamed.

At the entrance of the Wudu Gate, there was a **** spurt in the corner of the city. The anger was staring at the open poisonous group and fluttering to the happiness of his own sorcerer. The eyeballs almost all came out, and the mouth was hysterically angry:

"you dare!"

Other Witched disciples tried to direct their respective locusts to rescue.

It is a pity that if you look at it from the bloated insects, the black iron epee will tear the air and divide the latter into two from the bottom up.

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