Sword Among Us

Chapter 1002: Crisis approaching

Chapter 1002 Crisis Approach

After Meng Yun published the post personally, hundreds of thousands of Yipintang disciples indiscriminately bombarded this post into the most popular moment, the most powerful strong post, the domineering of the second largest gang of the Central Plains.

Although there were many people in the period, there were all kinds of yin and yang screaming about Yipintang and Wudumen. However, in the official website forum, the reply in Mengyun’s post was not effective, and it was quickly overwhelmed; Posts, because of the lack of fame, quickly became the last stream, do not know where to be squeezed.

In short!

The situation is the same as what Dream Cloud expected.

In the forum, unless Bai Xiaosheng, Phantom, and an emperor personally posted a message, otherwise, from now on, Yipintang and Wuduomen will have no connection, and no one can collude with Wudumen and the wolf. The thing to deal with a product hall.


Just when Meng Yunzhi is full and thinks that the crisis is about to pass.

A full of targeted posts come into view:

"I am very happy to tell you: dream cloud! I am the one with ulterior motives! ! 》


Dream cloud!

People with ulterior motives!

Every word makes the mind of the dream cloud trembling a bit.


Looking at the name of the poster later, it is actually happy! An unprecedented anger suddenly came out from the bottom of my heart.

The destruction of the five poisonous doors was created because of the happy pursuit.

The five poisonous doors have since become history.

Yipintang was thus stared at by countless people, and the secrets colluded with the wolf organization almost exposed people... forced her to personally step on the stage to defend.

It’s been this time, and I’m happy to jump out again!

Meng Yun almost bite his teeth and cut into the position to constantly improve the heat, and has over the posts of her main post signs! I couldn't help but wonder what this guy said to himself inside:

"Dream cloud!"

"I believe you already know who I am!"

"The post you sent before, I have read it, there is some means in the hall, but it is a pity..."

"This kind of defense has no use for me."

"I will not forget about this one and a half years ago because of your defense. Who told me that the five poisonous doors poisoned me and almost destroyed me forever in the hospital bed!"

Dream cloud!

Blood coat!

"Your name, I remember it again and again every day!"

"The five poisonous doors collude with the wolf organization, which I found and then told Bai Xiaosheng."

"Although the five poisonous doors have been destroyed, Ao Cangsheng may not be able to return to the rivers and lakes in this life! But I am sure that the five poisonous doors are just a knife in your hand... such a role is not enough to put it in the wild. In the eyes of the wolf organization, the leaves are not enough to calm my fire of vengeance. My true enemy is still not dead."

"So! Dream Cloud, you can rest assured, I don't have any ulterior motives. I will tell you now that unless a product is destroyed, my revenge will not stop."

"Although I can't completely destroy Yipintang now, I will work hard... At the same time as you are dealing with one of the halls, you should try to hide the traces of your collusion with the wolf organization."

"People with ulterior motives are going to eat now!"

"See you in the rivers!!"


Although the words are not sensational and gorgeous, they are all about their own affairs, but there are still some things in the happy words.

For example, the partner chosen by the wolf organization, how could it be the second-line gang of Wudumen...

For example, all kinds of things.

But the most important thing is that happy to post this post is to let many people see someone stand up! At the same time, I gave those opportunities to say that there is no proper platform for Mengyun!

A lot of words about Mengyun came out soon after the post.

Wudumen cooperates with all kinds of 一 堂!

Even some of the remarks made by Yipintang disciples have been moved in.

At the time, the happy post became a database of the crimes of a class!

Mengyun pulled down from above, and all the content was more shocking than her happy words!

The face of Meng Yun gradually became pale.

When I saw half of it, I was so angry that I couldn’t wait to get the computer out.

Just when Mengyun closed this page, I suddenly saw a new hot post theme on the forum. The title of the post instantly stung her eyes:

"I, the phantom, representing the wind building, officially declared war on all the alliances of the wolf organization!" No matter who the other party is! ! 》


Hit the wind floor!

She also shot.

Meng Yun’s face instantly sagged.

She had long expected that the phantom would not be indifferent...

However, Meng Yun still has illusions and believes that the other side will definitely consider the stability and overall situation of the Central Plains, and will not make any remarks easily.

It’s a pity that I’m not afraid to be happy for a day!

The happy post came out and gave many Zhongyuan masters a joint platform against her dream cloud!

The phantom just happened to pick such a sensitive time to make a speech, which is obviously a reflection of a product hall, indicating that the wind building will not hesitate to tear the skin to declare war with all the collusion of the wolf organization, the opposite!

Have fun, this only bird is shaking the Central Plains Wulin...

Now the phantom is just right, and the vibrating arm is shouting, and many things are in the water!

This declaration not only enhances the positive influence of the Fengfeng Building, but once the war begins, there will be countless martial arts people who will join the wind building, or take the initiative to contact the Fengfeng Building to deal with Yipintang.

This abacus is playing...

Snapped! !

The computer in the hands of Mengyun finally went on strike!

She knows that the plan for this defense has not been as smooth as expected, and it is so happy to be mixed up, and the negative impact is not reduced! Nowadays, a phantom is still running out, and the situation has turned sharply. The situation of Yipintang is in jeopardy.

at this time……

Suddenly the phone rings!

I copied the phone into my hand:

"Blood coat!"

Meng Yun did not look at it, taking it for granted that it was a **** call, but there was a lazy and magnetic voice in the result:

"The dream house owner seems to be in a bad mood." This voice is obviously not a blood coat.

"Evil... It turned out to be you, Mr. Huang." Meng Yun was shocked. He quickly sat down and his face returned to normal. He waved his hand to let the Philippine servant who came in to pick up the scrapped computer to leave.

"Dream Master, you are my best partner in the Central Plains. Before the cooperation, we have been very happy."

Meng Yun heard the sound of the extra-string in the other party's words. The tone changed and he said apologetically:

"Mr. Huang, I am sorry about this incident."

"You don't need to apologize, you are doing very well." There was a laughter from the side: "In fact, Bai Xiaosheng has no evidence that our people are in the five poisonous doors, and all the people under my hand are not honest. I want to take risks. The apprentice of Bai Xiaosheng, as a result, handed the sin certificate to the hands of the Central Plains... In the final analysis, it caused me to destroy the five poisonous doors, and it was me who made the dream house dilemma. It is me who wants to apologize."

"Mr. Huang is very polite."

Some of the faint faces of Mengyun are not very good-looking, but the tone is not dare to reveal.

"I am sorry for the loss brought by the five poisonous doors to the dream house, but I feel sorry, but..." I paused, and the tone turned: "Dream Lord, you can rest assured, considering your side." Pressure, we can't do nothing with the wolf... I am already at sea, I can go to the Central Plains in less than half a month!"


Meng Yun was taken aback: "Mr. Huang, are you going to the Central Plains?!"


The tone was as lazy as it used to be: "The last time, because "Da Dao Devil's Law" was too heavy, it was difficult to deal with many masters of the Central Plains. This is regrettable and missed the best opportunity to master the Central Plains. This time, I don't Will return to Baoshan empty hand and return!"

"Mr. Huang means..."

Meng Yun took a breath of cold air, and his face showed a complex look of surprise and embarrassment.

In fact, for the wolf organization, the feeling of the dream cloud is still very complicated.

On the one hand, I hope to use the power of the wolf to defeat the Fengfeng Building and the Emperor to achieve the purpose of unifying the Central Plains martial arts; on the other hand, it is very resistant to the involvement of the wolf organization in the Central Plains.

But now.

The situation is in jeopardy. The wolf came to the Central Plains at this time, but it made Mengyun feel a little heart.

"My "Dream of the Daoist" has been cultivated to the third level, and I want to be an emperor for a while to see if his swordsmanship has also entered the country."

"...Congratulations to Mr. Huang!"

"Haha, this time in the Central Plains, simply help you to eradicate 'One Emperor', 'Phantom of the Shadows', 'Bai Xiaosheng', right, and that recently let the dream owner have a headache." Mr. Huang laughed:

"I want to thank the Lord of Dreams."

"Well? What?"

Dream cloud stunned.

The phone was laughing over there:

"Thank you for your happiness one year and a half ago and forced to delete the number and leave the rivers and lakes to become a vegetative person..."


Dream cloud is puzzled, what does this have to do with the evil emperor.

"In the middle of the game, I have been separated for a year and a half, but I can jump into the ranks of the world's top players in a short time. This is the first time I saw that if there was no one and a half years ago, even I can't say that this person's current achievements!" The evil spirit tone turned: "But I am very sure that a year and a half is enough to make him grow into a strong man who is not inferior to an emperor... If there are two such enemies, my evil emperor may not have the opportunity to intervene in the Central Plains!"


Meng Yun has not spoken for a long time.

She did not expect that, far away from the ocean, the world's recognized first strong evil king, the evaluation of happiness is so high.

But soon she was relieved.

This time, the wolf masters often hit the wall in their happy hands, the task failed continuously, and even a few people were buried in happy hands.

The evil emperor must have been investigated clearly.


With the strength of being happy at Wuzhimen, although Mengyun is not willing to admit it, I will try to ignore it, but I still feel happy. Every time I bloom, the light is more intense and dazzling!

"Since Mr. Huang decided to come to the Central Plains, I am going to prepare for it!"

"No." The evil spirits over there are extremely overbearing and confident: "You just have to guarantee that Yipintang will be innocent before I arrive in the Central Plains! Bai Xiaosheng and Fengfenglou, give it to me."

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