Sword Among Us

Chapter 1003: Wind rises, clouds move, rain comes (first more)

Chapter 1003 Wind rises, clouds move, rain comes (first more)

Chapter 1003

Heaven and the Devils!

Since being happily destroyed a month ago, it has attracted the competition of all parties, and has entered the secret caves of the heavens and took the opportunity to obtain the resources inside.

However, Yipintang quickly proved that they had not given up this vital resource point - the next day they rebuilt the altar on the ruins! And the number of troops stationed here has been expanded from 10,000 to 20,000, as if to show the world the majesty and financial resources of the second largest power of the Central Plains!

The fire unicorn blood and the fire unicorn scales in the secret cave are the treasures of all parties' eyes.

However, due to the strength of Yipintang, all parties have withdrawn...

Everything seems to have returned to the mastery of Yipintang!

But this day!

With the collapse of the five poison gates, various rumors continued to spread, and the situation of the devils and the altar changed a little.

Near the ruins of the Tianmen Gate, including the Tianqu Altar, there have been many gangs...

Including the Fengfeng Building, a number of gangs from nearby cities have entered, and this area has been intensively placed by Yipintang.

Every place where there may be disciples and demon disciples near the Tianmomen ruins has a class of disciples waiting here.

From the inside of the Tianqumen ruins to the Tianmaomen ruins, almost ten steps and one post are full of people.

in the past.

Yipintang used this method to shock other gangs and martial arts people.

Players see this kind of battle, and usually understand what is going on, very interesting to turn around and leave...

But today!

The gangs of the various parties have come together, and there are tens of thousands of people!

The black-pressed horses poured into the ruins of the Tianmomen from all directions, and they were close to the devil's altar. Instead, the people on Yipintang were shocked.


"What do you want to do!"

In the Central Plains, I enjoyed the eyes of the major gangs who respected and feared. I was treated like this, but it still caused the anger of many disciples. I finally couldn’t help but jump out:

"I don't know if this is a place for a product!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the opposite side walked out of the crowd.

The emblems worn by these people's chests make Yipintang disciples slightly frown...

Hit the wind floor!

For the first person, I walked out and looked proud:

"Jokes! When did the Devils Gate become the private realm of your class?"

The back crowd smirked very well:


"Is it my own giant whale to help build an outside town near the sneaky scorpion, is the sneaky my site? Funny!"

The face of many people in Yipintang suddenly became very ugly.

Although hundreds of people quickly gathered, but the people from the opposite gangs stood in the wind building, a group of people, not afraid, one by one, looking up and half-heartedly facing them!

In the past, because of the deterrent of Yipintang, the major gangs avoided their strength, which avoided being close to the Tianmen Gate. That is because Yipintang has that qualification!

but now……

The situation is different!

Yipintang colluded with the wolf organization, and it was fixed for them. The second largest force in the Central Plains was in jeopardy. Even the wind building stood up and declared war. Yipintang is now a wind and a sorrowful situation. The major forces are on the one hand for the Central Plains, and on the other hand On the one hand, seeing profitability is also a rush, and will not miss it.

"You are today... want to fight with us?"

In the crowd of Yipintang, some people stood up and gnawed their teeth.

"You are so arrogant that you don't want to put the world in your eyes. Do you really think that the ruins of the Tianmomen are the back garden of your home, can you not get it?! Tell you, just rely on your words, Laozi giant whales help It’s up!! It’s up to you whether this little thing is qualified to represent Yipintang!!”

Yipintang originally used the name of his gang to try to stop the momentum of these small gangs from attacking the wind building.

But I don’t want the giant whales in the crowd to help the mains step on the ground and declare the war without hesitation! This time, on the contrary, the former altar of Yipintang, who was arrogant and arrogant, was shocked on the spot.

He is really not qualified to declare a war to a big gang on behalf of Yi Pintang!

If he is in peacetime, he may have this guts, but now, there is a bigger wind building in the side, and the giant whales help the owner happen to be in the crowd, even if the idiot realizes that the situation is not good.

Yipintang's deputy altar leader unconsciously stepped back half a step.

The opposite side immediately sneered:

"What, oh?!!"

"You kid is not very arrogant just now?!"

"There is no point in the face of Laozi’s arrogance!! Roll away!!" Although the giant whales are only the boss of an ordinary gang, they can have the qualifications of the Central Plains, but they are also somewhat scheming and discouraged.

The attacking wind building has a top in the back. What else is he worried about?

Hearing the ridicule and irony of the big gangs across the street, the faces of a group of people in Yipintang are even more ugly! Many people almost couldn’t help but want to rush out!


The people who attacked the wind building stood quietly watching.

Oh la la!

A homing pigeon descends from the sky.

The deputy altar master seized it in time, took a note and looked even more ugly.

I glanced at a group of people on the wind building, and the eyes then fell back to the face of the giant whales and other helpers:

"You will pay for the speech today!" The face was pale and intertwined, and he slammed a slap in the face, screaming, and took a group of people to turn around and go to the direction of the devil.


"I was scared after two sentences!"

"A product hall, nothing else." Behind him is naturally a more ridiculous ridicule.


Yipintang disciples are leaving faster.


Similar events have been staged in every corner of the Central Plains!


The cause is naturally the three main stickers of the tit-for-tat!

The comments of Mengyun, Happy, and Phantom have raised the influence of the Wolf Organization event to a higher level!

Naturally, the influence of the event spread to the rivers and lakes!

People are chasing the top five scorpions of the venomous door, revenge for the hatred of the five poisonous doors, and the wind of sanctions driven by happy and phantom is also quickly spread throughout the Central Plains.

Although the strength of Yipintang is strong, but under the personal leadership of the first major force of the Central Plains, "Shenfenglou", many gangs have begun to spontaneously boycott Yipintang!

All aspects of the language have become tough.

Friction is constant!

Small-scale friction fight!

On a large-scale battle, the number of occurrences on this day is more than the number of times accumulated in the past one-year period.


This day is destined to be the most turbulent day in the Central Plains martial arts!

The five poisonous doors completely annihilated the anger of the people in the Central Plains martial arts;

Yipintang became the suspect of the biggest wild wolf organization collusion and became the target of the entire Central Plains martial arts condemnation;

Most of the gang forces are eager to move, ready to accept the changes in the Central Plains martial arts pattern, and hope to get enough benefits from it.


At present, they still lack a pioneer who dares to directly work on Yipintang!



Although everyone can't wait to destroy the Yipintang immediately, let the gang, which has been in the Central Plains of Wulin for five years, completely annihilate the rivers and lakes.

But everyone knows the strong heritage of Yipintang!

As the second largest force in the Central Plains, compared with the Fengfeng Building, the gap is very small. Such a giant with hundreds of altars and nearly one million elite players is not as good as people think. under.

For the average player...

They do not want to be the cannon fodder of this incident.

Those gangs did not want their hard-working foundation to be destroyed. Because the strength of Yipintang’s counterattack, even if it was just a whole, it would bring unbearable destruction to them.

As for the wind building.

Although it is the first force in the Central Plains.

However, the first choice of the phantom must be to consider the development of the wind building itself, to deal with a product hall enough to make the wind wind building pay a heavy price.

Therefore, the declaration of the phantom in the official website forum did not name the name of Yipintang and Mengyun.

"Phantom of the woman, I want to wait for me to shoot."

Happy after I received the biography of Bai Xiaosheng’s flying pigeons, I quickly understood it.

At present, the entire Central Plains is caught in an extremely tense and stalemate confrontation. Mengyun’s coping strategy is very simple. He does not take the initiative to attack and does not stick to any altar. However, the foreign language is also very tough. Anyone dares to infringe on Yipintang, Yipintang. Do your best to fight back!

Yipintang has more than one million disciples and its connotations; there are also scattered people and five people who are scattered outside;

In addition...

There is also a behemoth that has been low-key and free from the people's field of vision, and has not been involved in this wave--the blood league!

One bright and one dark!

The two super powers are not something that ordinary people can shake.

The phantom and Bai Xiaosheng talked about it, and the hope of turning around was happy to stand up and ignite the first fire.

"There is no problem with Yipintang, but... I have a condition."

"Whether you have any conditions, the Phantom has said that as long as it is to deal with Yipintang and the wolf organization, but she can fulfill the conditions, even if you include someone! She can also transfer a batch for you!" Students know that they can give happiness to all of them. This condition is naturally aimed at the phantom, and it is ready.

"Very good, I need to be authorized by the phantom, free to enter the gang of the wind building, and be free to use the gangs of the various branches."


Bai Xiaosheng’s answer, the wrong tone:

"This is a small matter. Of course, there is no problem. Even if the wind building does not agree, I can reply to you and provide you with some gang gangs, and the gangs of these gangs will not be worse than the wind building."

"Oh? Then I want another condition?" Happy smile.

"... With you, this time you help the wind building to deal with a product hall. If you really succeed in destroying a product hall and prevent the wolf organization from entering the Central Plains, the attack wind building can probably control more than half of the resources of a product hall, so you have a big opening despite the lion. The phantom, this rich woman, can slaughter and slaughter, missed this opportunity may not have a second time." Bai Xiaosheng is very calm reminder.

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