Sword Among Us

Chapter 1009: Breaking the whole body and retreating (first)

Chapter 1009 broke the game, the whole body retreated (first more)

Chapter 1009

Smoke bombs, a relatively low-level props of rivers and lakes, have been sold in many places. They are very popular among players at the beginning of the game. They are usually used to deal with players, or to escape. They are cheap and affordable items.

Because the smoke bombs are not aggressive, they are purely small-scale smoke, used to create visual obstacles, so the people of Yipintang are quite helpless in the face of the sudden intrusion of countless smoke bombs! Watching a group of smog quickly spread in the three nowhere zones, blurring their own vision, there is no way.

Although the smoke bombs were shot from the streets, this behavior was within the tolerance of Longmen Town and many masters who maintained order.

A large area of ​​smoke envelopes the entire life-and-death platform and the three areas, and the sky is full of life. The lost target is lost. If the killer is even worse, it is impossible to test yourself in the presence of many people. Can you win a prize of five million?

The murder is the first to react.

"Dispel smoke! Fast!!"

The ravages are anxious!

Seeing this scene, he already understood what kind of plan he was happy to do. When he was sneaky, he was happy to use the unique environment and visual obstacles of the sneaky scorpion, and the pursuit of the squadron led to the death of the blood league disciples.

There is only one person who is happy, and there is no scruples in the shots, and their number advantage is the biggest weakness because of limited visibility.

In short, you can never give a happy chance to kill!


The smoke bombs coming in from outside the crowd are not one or two.

The smog filled the entire three areas.

Even if dozens of masters use the palm of the hand to force the smoke, but the airflow circulates under the cycle, the situation does not immediately improve.

The crowds have begun to appear the whistling of the heavy tearing air that makes them feel terrified! The screams of the sound and tragedy of the physical collision with the heavy objects!

"The owner!"

"The smoke can't be dispelled!"

"There are people outside!" Many people were furious in the smoke.

The sound of the smoke bomb bursting around and the top of the head continued to ring.

The view around me was just a little clearer, and it was immediately overshadowed by new smoke, making people extremely depressed.

During this time, the heavy and screaming voices and screams continued to ring.

The ridiculousness can be felt, the happiness is constantly approaching, and the people around you have fallen at least seven or eight. The wind that the body tears the air to drive the smoke cyclone is very clear, the speed of happiness is fast, the rhythm is not chaotic, and it is not like being The result of the heavy blow, but there is a kind of exuberant and thoroughly erupted after the suppression! Destroy the rush and rush to a place not far from the neighborhood.

Listen to the wind.

In five years, the ravages have already developed this ability.

However, in such a complicated situation, there are countless flying days on the top of the head, and it is the first time to deal with a strong enemy in the case of all around.

His face was pale, and for the first time, there was a kind of fear and uneasiness to grasp all the deficiencies. He listened to the sound of the wind and screams constantly coming from the ear, and his feet screamed in the smoke.

At this time.

The murder has not even dared to open the door to the people around.

The speech just now made it easy for me to determine my position. He was afraid that he would be happy to lock his position.


This choice of ridiculousness is obviously not very rational.

Suddenly the chaotic situation, not only the people who killed the temple have completely lost the ability to control the situation, the masters of Yipintang and the blood alliance also seem to be overwhelmed.

Without a vision, everyone is shackled and unable to let go of their hands and feet. The unknown situation and the screams of their peers quickly magnify the fear of happiness in everyone’s heart.

Back! !

Far from the screams, it is the only thought in everyone's heart.

And a group of people outside the field responsible for controlling the situation is also unusually annoyed and helpless!

The silver shirt people are very good.

But for those who are in the protected area of ​​Longmen Town, they are also afraid to act rashly...

Watching a smoke bomb rush from the inside, bursting out a smog of smoke, in addition to angering the eyes, there is no way.

The people in the killer hall are the most depressed!

A group of super-classed masters sneaked around and they immediately became the most obvious enemy in the smoke!

Those who are super-class players may still be able to support a few tricks in front of their happiness, but these killers who are walking in the darkness can't even get a shot in front of the black iron epee, and they are directly crushed and vomited. Even being shocked on the spot!

In the midst of chaos...

The screams are more frequent and dense!


"The killer disciples, all retreat."

The leader of the killer hall roared in the smoke - although the previous agreement with the murder was not like this, but in less than half a minute, he heard at least the screams familiar to more than twenty brothers, but the **** one was a little bit There was no response to it. He could not calmly sit down and watch the brethren sacrifice one by one.

The voice just fell and the air flowed.

A strong wind led the smoke to strike.

The leader of the killer hall was also very responsive, and quickly realized that he might have been stared at, and he was shocked. He was so busy that he started the guard and swooped to the left, avoiding the hot section of the sword.

This kind of skill is already very good in the ranks of super-class players!


What he encountered was not an enemy of this level.

"Give me back."

Although the sword is empty, but happy, but with the flow of aversion to the air and the sound of the air quickly locked the other side of the trajectory, the foot stepping on the wave microstep, one-handed dragon, the latter immediately was an irresistible force Suck into the hands.


The poor killer head only felt a powerful force to control, the body was stiff, and then the dirty was smashed by a fierce force, and a sweet blood poured into the eyes of the blind.

I didn't have time to make further moves. The amazing swords were like the top of Mount Tai, and the eyes were black. The pain instantly wiped out all consciousness.


Although the killer's head was defeated by a command, the killer hall thus avoided the catastrophe that was annihilated by the whole army. Two hundred people, more than one hundred and sixty people successfully escaped from the birth, escaped from the smog-filled three areas. .

But the murder and others are not so lucky...

More than forty famous warriors between the top masters and super-class masters have lost more than half of them. The blood league sacrificed seven people, Yipintang lost 13 people, Tianyin sent three people, and the non-gang masters lost five. .

As the devastating people and others evacuated from the smog-covered area, the situation of the smoke bombs in the crowd gradually decreased.

Happy but did not come out from inside.


The wind is raging!

Most of the smoke ran a lot with the wind.

The three areas that were hidden by the smoke gradually became clearer, and the life and death stage appeared.

At this moment, everyone is holding their breath!

Until the squally winds blow away all the smog in the three zones, the situation inside is incomparably clear, and the crowds are exclaimed for a long time.

Around the life and death stage, the bodies scattered around the ground...

More than 70!

Although the number is not spectacular, the people who saw this scene are in a complicated mood.

The people who set up the stagnation and killing happy people are not ordinary martial arts people, nor are they like ordinary disciples in Yipintang.

Whether it is Tianyin, Killer Hall, Blood League, Yipintang, almost everyone who can come here is famous on the rivers and lakes!

In particular, dozens of masters who are happy with the murder, each of them are strong who can feel the power of the Central Plains.

But now...

Dozens of strong people who remember their names, the bodies are cold.

The horrific flying squad that had before it had disappeared, and there were still a few flying scorpions that fell to the ground.

"Where did he go?!" The disciples around Yipintang, who surrounded the eyes, glanced around in a circle but could not find a happy trace.

"This guy ran?"

"With the tricks, we killed so many people, even if we didn't say anything, we didn't say anything!" The momentum that was originally taken away seems to return to many Yipintang disciples. Many people have opened their mouths:

"Which direction does it run?!"

"You so many people actually didn't stop him?!"

In the boiling discussion and condemnation, only the ridiculous and **** Presbyterians face ugly, looking at the empty three-way zone, has been silent.

They are very happy why they will leave!

Dozens of top players were killed in the chaos just now, and the killer disciples were killed more than 30 people!

The people who kill only the killer and the remaining dozens of masters are not enough to threaten their happiness. They even continue to face happiness, and the courage to fight with them has disappeared.

Happy must be the guess of the next product, so I did not hesitate to leave Longmen Town...

"Immediately flying pigeons to the church owner, telling her that our mission has failed..." After a pause, the ridiculous face ugly glanced at the crowd: "Someone assisted, but not the wind building." The person, happy is sure to continue north, went to the capital, informed the owner, let her prepare early."


The Yipintang disciple who turned back was quite languid and unwilling.


After all, Longmen Town is the distribution center of the Central Plains martial arts information, the fastest place to disseminate information.

Happy to contend with Yipintang, broke through the Tianluo network formed by Yipintang, Blood League and Killer Hall, forcibly killing dozens of heads with face-faced masters and the whole body retreating. The whole time spread throughout the Central Plains.

Rivers and lakes again 掀 然 ***!

Even the rumors began to appear on the rivers and lakes, saying that the final destination of the happy time is the capital city, the main hall of Yipintang...

Happy is going to use the negative impact of the Yiwotang collusion on the wolf organization, destroying Yipintang in one fell swoop, destroying the second largest force in the Central Plains, which has been rooted in the Central Plains for five years and five years!

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