Sword Among Us

: One emperor appeared (second more)

Chapter 1010, an Emperor Appears (Second)

Chapter 1010

"Mr. Chen, your body is recovering very fast! When I was a doctor for so many years, I was the first time I saw someone recovering from the state of the plant and could walk so fast.... According to my observation, I just continued to exercise. After a week, the body will be completely restored to the previous state, and you will not need to go to the rehabilitation room every day."

On this day, the attending doctor came to the ward and saw the joy of walking slowly while walking on the treadmill. The face could not help but show a touch of appreciation and gratification:

"Of course, this is in line with your active cooperation. We are inseparable from active training! Come on!"

"Thank you doctor."

"Oh, polite."

As soon as the attending doctor left, Xiao Yi, who had stopped a little outside the door, came in:

"Congratulations to the master! It seems that the master will be discharged soon."

"It has been two months since the calculation time has passed, and it should be good." Happy smile from the treadmill.

"But I don't think that the master is very diligent, except that it seems to be in a hurry to move the recovery time to dinner and after dinner." Xiao Yi nurse muttered.

Happy smiles in the heart, but the surface is not heard.

Who knows his hard work.

Both sides must take care of...

After a day of grinding, the day will pass, and the natural needs of time will be carefully calculated and not wasted.

"Right, Master, now it’s rumored that you want to take this opportunity to completely destroy the court. Now the city has already gotten up early, and Yipintang has called many masters back, that is, ready to deal with you, you really intend What is the starting point for Yipintang?"

Xiao Yi nurse asked the question that had been lingering for a long time.

Xu Yao had a meal and looked up.

Since learning about the fun in the rivers and lakes, Xu Yao is now paying attention to the message in the rivers and lakes every day. The happy rumors will not miss a little bit, and naturally know this.

"How can it be so easy to destroy a restaurant?"

Happy shaking your head and laughing.

"But the outside is very hot. The master is going straight to the capital. All the way to destroy a few altars, even a group of top players led by the murder have been killed by you."

Xiao Yi’s nurse’s eyes are sparkling, and the burning inside is full of flaming flames. It’s quite a question of not asking for anything to stop.

"There is no exaggeration as the outside world says..."

After a few seconds of indulging, I sighed happily:

"There were no masters who had been destroyed before, and there was no master sitting in the town. Even if they didn't dare to come out easily, no one could stop me."


Xiao Yi nurse was very tangled and nodded and shook his head:

"But even a group of top players called by the ridiculous killings have been killed by you so much..."

"Who asked them to choose to work in Longmen Town."

Happy to hear and laugh:

"Although I expected that so many of them would only lurk in Longmen Town, but I did not expect that the murder would be so unsettled, I couldn't wait for me to leave the city, actually I started with me at the death and death..."

"When you leave the city, don't you leave the encirclement of Yipintang?"

Xiao Yi nurse's face is confused:

It is clear that it is a happy place to find a happy, but from the happy words, it seems that the situation is not as simple as the outside world imagined.

Smiled, happy and quite leisurely sitting back to the hospital bed:

"From the beginning, I didn't intend to start with Yipintang's altar. I was not so stupid. I ran to Yipintang to die."


"No matter whether the cornerstone of the squad of the squad is more than ten times stronger than that of the ordinary squad, the total hall of the capital of the capital of the city has at least hoarded more than 80,000 horses! There are countless masters!! You think that like ordinary gangs, you can rampage?"

"80,000 horses! This power is enough to smash the scope of a square of rice. Anyone goes in is a dead word. The murder has brought dozens of people this time, and put a small one in the life of the Longmen Town. 'Flying in the sky, let me almost go out, how can I be stupid enough to rush into the main hall of Yipintang to die, and plainly give Yipintang a name?"


Xiaoyi nurse is more confused.

"However, Yipintang should know the reason why I am high-profile north, so I have to send a murder to intercept... Longmen Town murder tells the truth to make me a little accidental, flying the sky is also an accident! If the murder can be steady, wait for me to leave When I was in Longmen Town, I might do it again. Maybe I still hope to leave or kill me... Unfortunately, he chose Longmen Town, which is not too spacious, and wants to cut my momentum in the face of all parties’ forces... How is he? I know that this just gave me a chance to win."

After a pause, I was happy to look at the little easy nurse with a confused look:

"Forget it, tell you that you can't understand it... Simple, that is, I don't have the strength to be alone in the whole hall. I don't want to go to the main hall of Yipintang, but I don't mind creating a little for Yipintang. Tense atmosphere."


Xiao Yi nurse patted her head in dismay.

Xu Yao seems to understand the meaning of happy words:

"You want to make the enemy nervous, and reveal the flaws..."


In the eyes of happiness, I gradually condensed a few points:

"Now all the people in the world know that the collusion of the wolf organization is definitely a product! It is a dream cloud! But Yipintang is a hard and hard bone, so strong that no one dares to take the initiative to shoot a product... including the wind building is not easy For this enemy, move the swordsman. At this time, you need to let Yipintang expose some weaknesses..."

"After the murder, this ambush you failed, is it not a weakness?"

Xu Yao’s words were heard with a happy brow, and she looked at her up and down in a strange way: “Yao, it seems that many of the things you have accumulated in the “Jianghu” for three years have not been thrown away.”

"...I want to forget everything, how easy is it?"

Xu Yao looks a glimpse.

See you, happy to know that you mentioned something that should not be mentioned, immediately tone:

"Yes, this mistake is wrong. The master of the Tianyin School, the Wudu Gate, the Killer Hall, and the Blood League should not leave the capital. Even if he has the plan to deal with me, once he leaves the capital, he will leave the Shipintang. The place where I want to go back to Beijing in the whole body is impossible."

The strong self-signaling Xu Yao and Xiao Yi nurses in the discourse are surprised!


"The phantom of the wind building, Bai Xiaosheng, the alliance of an emperor, you should be clear."

"of course."

Xiao Yi nurse nodded.

Before the evil emperor defeated an emperor, Bai Xiaosheng contacted an emperor and phantom, and established the strongest alliance of the Central Plains against the wolf organization.

Three people, one is the iron mouth of the Central Plains, can not count the world;

One is the first strongest in the Central Plains, and the well-deserved sword god;

The other one is the helm of the greatest power in the Central Plains!

Since the evil emperor retreated from the Central Plains, the three rumors have never relaxed to resist the invasion of the wolf by the wolf organization...

By Bai Xiaosheng's test!

The phantoms are scattered throughout the Central Plains, and the omnipresent forces!

Finally, there is a master of the world who is second only to the evil emperor - an emperor!

The iron triangle formed by the three giants maintains stability in the Central Plains and blocks the erosion and penetration of the wolf organization.

It is also the most active and active person against the wolf organization!


Xiaoyi nurse and Xu Yao didn’t think about how happy they suddenly mentioned this.

"The wolf organization colluded with Yipintang. Do you think that once it is fully unfolded, is there any chance for Bai Xiaosheng, Shefenglou and Yidi?"

"No... not at all!"

Xu Yao and Xiao Yi nurses shook their heads at the same time:

"The strength of the evil emperor in the whole world has witnessed it for a long time... not to mention the many top players in the wolf organization! But Bai Xiaosheng, the phantom, and the sacred building that the emperor relied on, on strength, is only more than the dream cloud. Yipintang is strong."

Xu Yao added:

"Yi Pintang also has a strong ally, blood alliance ... on the strength has exceeded the wind building! Once the wolf organization and Yipintang, the wind building is not an opponent."

The two women were pale, and they finally understood the meaning of the happy words.

"Unless the entire Central Plains martial arts people are mobilized!"

Xiao Yi nurse muttered.

Happy and unrelentingly interrupted:

"You should already know that ordinary martial arts people, even if they have more quantity, have no deterrent to top players..."

"You mean……"

"I do not know."

Facing the gaze of the two women, the happy and irresponsible staller replied: "If it is me, I will never give a chance to join hands with the wolf organization! Let's start and destroy Yipintang, even if the Central Plains is devastated. The wolf organization can't work in this land, and will leave sooner or later, and there will be opportunities in the wind building and the Central Plains."

"If you miss this opportunity, the wolf organization will enter the Central Plains strongly. The first thing to destroy is the Fengfeng Building and Bai Xiaosheng! At that time, Yipintang and the wolf organization will control the Central Plains, and no one can shake a half!"


Two women screened tightly:

"You didn't tell the Phantom of this?"

"No need... those who are tall, don't like others to point at them, but although I don't know how the phantom is planned, this woman has always been very smart, knowing to seize the opportunity, doing things very courageously... I think she It shouldn't let me down! At this point, I should have already started the people who are ridiculed!"

I smiled happily and smiled.

However, Xu Yao and Xiao Yi nurses can't smile!

The situation is already urgent to this point, but everything that is happy to say is only his own speculation.

The eyes of the two women fell on the tablet on the coffee table at the same time...

Unanimously joined together and quickly opened the official website.

boom! !

The explosive series of posts on the forum appeared prominently at the top of the forum:

"Declare war! The wind building officially started to Yipintang! The culprits and other top experts, all the fate of the town outside Longmen Town... Suspected that an emperor appeared! 》

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