Sword Among Us

: Restaurant night language (the third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1011 Restaurant Night Language (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1011

Sleepless night!

The news of happy retreat in the middle of Longmen Town was not long before the rivers and lakes, and soon there was a more explosive news.

Shenlong saw an emperor who did not see the end. He was quiet for half a year and finally appeared again in front of him!

However, this time outside the town of Longmen, it is a group of top players who are extremely hot and devastated. At the same time, the tens of thousands of horses mobilized in the dark of the wind building are after the emperor’s movement, the number will be in all directions. The area in the area was so riddled that it was finally succeeded in destroying all the people who participated in the ambush in Longmen Town!

Once the news came out, the Central Plains shook!

The forces of the martial arts have been stupid...


"I finally decided to start with Yipintang!"

"Phantom of the moment, the timing is very good!"


"Over the past year, since the Fengfeng Building officially became the largest gang in the Central Plains, although the phantom performance was flat, I thought that the phantom has begun to be willing to the status quo. Now it seems that the female glory is not reduced! And it is even better than that. !"

In Longmen Town, Jian Bo and the tea-speaker sit opposite each other and feel deeply:

"When the phantom appeared on the forum, I thought that the phantom was really afraid to do it. I still knocked on the mountain and shook the tiger... I didn't expect it... the battle outside Longmen Town, thunder and smash, don't give the enemy a chance to fight back... Now that there are so many people who control the Wu Temple in Longmen Town, the people of Yipintang are well-known and well-recognized. It is basically the possibility that people who have never been able to break out of the hall... From now on, Mengyun and Yipintang are not allowed to live. It is."

The tea lover silently nodded:

"I didn't expect that she would make such awkward hand after she left happily... and also invited an emperor, and you... no wonder she can sit in her current position, and it is not easy."

"Oh, I will be free, I know my weight, you don't take me to compare with an emperor..." Jian Bo listened to the meaning of the tea-teacher's words, shaking his head and laughing: "One Emperor is called please As for our headhunting organization, it is just taking money to do things... This is the distribution center of the Central Plains intelligence news. Anything that is ridiculous is not my eyes and ears. The Phantom of the Eyes asks me to help monitor the murder of these people. It is also reasonable."

As soon as the voice fell, the tea-speaker smiled and took the glass in front of him.

"The bid is 2 billion yuan, and the headhunting organization is responsible for collecting all the information related to Yipintang and Blood League. I am afraid that the appearance fee of an emperor is not so high. Congratulations, Jianbo!"

The latter has a look at each other:

"You kid! How do you know the price of the Phantom!"

"Hey, secret." The tea lover smiled mysteriously.

Sword Bo is not willing to show weakness:

"I also said secrets in front of me. Since you have a close relationship with happiness, happy and Bai Xiaosheng, Bai Xiaosheng and the phantom, it seems that the iron triangle against the wolf will be renamed as the Iron Four from today. Is it happy to tell you?"

"...whatever you think."

The tea-speaker is undecided: "But you have to think clearly. In addition to buying your message, this money may also bring you a lot of trouble. The people of Yipintang and Blood League will soon know that you are the wind building. Service...will definitely open a price level..."

"You can rest assured that my swordsman does not bother to do things like the wall grass. Since I have received the money from the wind building, I will not receive another money before the end of the event."

Jian Bo’s face is positive.

Although the tea-speaker is spoken in the tone of chatting, isn’t it a formal warning in his opinion?

In his opinion, happy, tea-teacher, phantom, one emperor, and Bai Xiaosheng are all a group.

It is quite clear that tea-teachers are accustomed to doing business in many aspects. The words just mentioned should be warnings!

Even if Jianbo had taken over the business of Yipintang before, and he made more money, now he is no longer a brainstorming.

"Jian Bo, you don't need to be so nervous, how much money the phantom spends has nothing to do with me..."

The tea drinker’s smile is not diminished, and his face is calm:

"I just don't remind you that it is not good for you to be careful with Yipintang and Blood League."


Jianbo did not speak, but his heart was despised.

Since the group of tea-speakers, they have helped to break the demise of a group of people, and the eyes of the tea-speakers are completely different.

Jianbo took the initiative to transfer the topic from the headhunting organization to the phantom action:

"Ipgarten Hall, Blood League can not come under the encirclement of the attacking wind building, the Emperor and the Central Plains forces. I don't know how to have a chance and my heart to deal with me... Say it again! Hit the wind floor this time, choose to be happy After igniting the fire of the Yipintang, borrow the momentum of an emperor! Together with the situation, it has already formed the fire of the Suiyuan! The fear of a product is overwhelming! Even if the dream cloud is so powerful, it is impossible to spend this robbery... After the joint efforts, even after the 'clouds', can not resist!"

"I don't think so."

The tea-speaker looks like a swollen hand in the wine glass: "The ability to make a shadow is not bad. The established Fengfeng Building is indeed the first big gang in the Central Plains, but don't forget, it is because of the incident... ... If it wasn't for that incident, let Yipintang lose its vitality and let the windy building catch the opportunity to surpass it. Now the No. 1 power of the Central Plains is still not hitting the wind building."


Jian Bo’s face changed.

Since he is the head of the headhunting organization and the leader of the largest intelligence organization in the Central Plains, he naturally does not know what the ‘that thing’ in the mouth of the tea drinker is.


One year and seven months ago.

Global swords in the Huashan event, happy because of the delay of time to miss the game, and then under the Lushan Mountain was turned to the level of newcomers, leading to the real world accident, a disease can not afford to be a vegetative...


It can only be regarded as the color door of the first-class forces of the rivers and lakes. After learning the news, it launched a near-suicidal destruction.

Uninterrupted, organized to start with Yipintang!

The gangs and players who incited many people who did not like Yipintang started a revenge operation for several months!

Although a product hall has been repeatedly suppressed, but because the people of the color door are completely holding the two earning psychology, do not use their extreme sneak attack, assassination, ambush, and even poison the trap, and then join the public opinion offensive, will be a hall The bombing was exhausted.

There is a credit for the color of the door, which is actually the inspiration and support of the wind building...

Otherwise, how can a single gang of the Central Plains be so embarrassed by a small gang and public opinion?

It was also because of the great injury of Yipintang. The Fengfeng Building came to the forefront and gradually surpassed Yipintang. Through several things, it gradually gained recognition from the Central Plains martial arts and achieved the first great power of the Central Plains. One of the most crucial things was confrontation. The determination of the wolf organization - everything in the wind building! Fight against wild wolves at all costs! Thereby getting the recognition of Bai Xiaosheng and Yidi!

"Meng Yun is really a very powerful woman, my wrist is very powerful..."

Jian Bodao:

"But the phantom can seize the opportunity to take the name of the first gang of the Central Plains from such a powerful opponent, and it is even more rare!"

"Sword Bo, do you know why I am not willing to be a headhunter, do you have to go deep into the rivers and lakes and board the stage of the rivers and lakes?"


"Sometimes, maybe bystanders are clear; but sometimes... not really involved in it, you won't know many of the real mysteries! Your ambition is to make money, and I, just for the game." Fans let Jianbo silently frown:


The tea drinker opens again:

"In fact, in that incident, Mengyun should know that there is a phantom in the back of the scene, and Mengyun used many means when dealing with my color clothing door. Our color clothing door has indeed received some people's help and intelligence support, so every time. The plan is unexpectedly successful, but you don’t know, we were ambitions and want to completely ruin a hall, use our youth and blood, use our desperate revenge plan, weaken a product and let it go to ruin. ... But the dream of the cloud to let the blood coat leave the Yipintang is to let many of our brothers in the color door immediately lose the motivation to continue their revenge."

"...Is there still such a thing inside?"

Jianbo was taken aback.

"If the blood is not leaving the Yipintang, Mengyun personally admits that I am sorry, and we will continue to act, but the dream of Mengyun is really unpredictable. After the incident, I know that the revenge plan cannot continue to be carried out."

"... indeed, after all, it’s a blood coat, not the whole one."

"But the most powerful thing about Dream Cloud is not this."

Tea lovers are smiling:

"Looking at the wind building, it is a foregone conclusion. Yipintang did not compete with the Fengfeng building area, but helped the blood clothes to pull out a blood alliance and assembled a large number of evil gangs... So, although Yipintang lost the throne of the first force of the Central Plains, The person who truly controls the greatest power of the Central Plains is still a one-of-a-kind, still a woman of Mengyun!"


"In addition to the blood alliance, there are five poisonous doors, and it is also a first-class gang that can stand alone. In addition, there are organizations such as the Killer Hall and the Tianyin School. Which one is not simple, these forces are gathered together. The phantom does not dare to formally declare war on Yipintang."

The tea drinker sighed heavily:

"But this time, with the help of happiness and the power of an emperor, it has a good chance, but the chance of success of the phantom is not great... The power of the wind building is still not enough to subvert a product hall, unless the Central Plains martial arts and the various forces organizations Can be shot in time, otherwise, the winner may not be a phantom."


Hearing here, Jian Bo was silent again.

"So, my situation is really bad?"

"A bit."

Nodded, the tea lover has nothing to do with his own.

After Jianbo’s indulgence for a while, he looked up to the tea-speaker without contempt:

"Well, you have caught me in the chariot. Now I say so much to scare me. I am sure I will not rely on Yipintang. I am unlucky... Say, do you want me to help?"

The tea-speaker smiled and squirmed his lips, and the voice was secret:

"A little bit busy..."

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