Sword Among Us

Chapter 1025: Thousand Buddhas (the second)

Chapter 1025, The Thousand Buddhas Change (Second)

Chapter 1025

Facing the outstanding descendants of Cihangjingzhai under the state of prosperity, Zhu Yuxi’s face was gloomy and ugly, and flew all the way to the depths of the Big Buddha Temple.

Everything that happens today makes you want to bite your silver teeth!

First, he was forced to use a silent Shaolin disciple to make a killer. In the end, he had to use the strongest killer and sacrifice a powerful real yuan to kill a junior.

This is also considered.

Actually, at this most important juncture, I met a strong teacher.

Because the sorcerer's sword has just been used, the energy consumption is too large. Today, she is not an opponent of the teacher, and she can only lead people to the center of the thousand Buddhas.

In a day, I was forced to be embarrassed by two juniors. How can I make the mood behind me happy?

Originally, I came to the Big Buddha Temple this time because I haven’t heard from Shizhixuan for a long time. This time I suddenly got the news of the evil king at the Big Buddha Temple from the mouth of the Jingdao Zhengdao, and I know that Shi Zhixuan is definitely a good personality. Wang thought of the dead woman... This time, it was specially to bring the stone lord, which is hard to find, back to the holy gate, to reorganize the holy door and raise the morale of the holy gate.

But now, I have to use the power of the evil king to get rid of the teacher!


Entering the central area of ​​the Thousand Buddhas, the evil king Shi Zhixuan is still sitting here, not moving...


Zhu Yuxi was close to Shizhixuan from the back, and rushed out after a dozen meters, and stopped to face the face of the dew!

"Evil king!"

"Sure enough, you!"

"..." Shi Zhixuan is very quiet, elegantly opened his eyes slowly, swept a bit of Zhu Yuxi, and then regained his gaze, turned to the face of the guardian color of the face, deeply sighed: "Ci Hangjingzhai People...but come to take my life?"

"The evil king! Kill her! The realm of this woman's 'sword heart is clear' has been stabilized, and soon it will be able to enter the realm of heaven and humanity... no longer remove her, Cihang Jingzhai has added a peerless master, to At that time, our holy gates were catastrophic." Standing behind Shi Zhixuan, the face was heavy.


Shi Zhixuan awkwardly glanced at her.

"I just want to be quiet for a while... Why don't you give me a chance?"

The teacher’s eyes glanced coldly and glimpsed a circle. Yizheng’s words: “The rivers and lakes rumored that you were looking for the ancient gods from the ancient Buddha Temple in the ancient times. Today, it’s true.”


A glimpse of the back.

Stone's face is calm:

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The teacher stared at Shi Zhixuan and continued:

"Actually, your news at the Big Buddha Temple, we have known a long time ago, but many people thought that you really had the heart of remorse and goodness, and stayed at the Buddha Temple in Qianfo Temple to wash your mind and concentrate on cultivation... But then I only I know that there was a **** in the ancient world of the Great Buddha Temple in the ancient times... You stayed at the Big Buddha Temple for such a long time, and the goal should be the martial arts secrets left by the god."


Shi Zhixuan’s face finally showed a slight change;

At this time, the Yin also smelled a different kind of breath from it, and looked at Shi Zhixuan with a stunned look, his eyes flashing:

"The evil king, is she really talking? You stayed at the Big Buddha Temple, really to find the martial arts cheats? Have you found it?"


Did not wait for Shi Zhixuan to answer, the teacher is already the first to open, the ethereal voice is like a silver bell floating in the air:

"Nature is not found, how can a person like the evil king be violent, how can he get the approval of the gods and get the clothes of the gods?"

"To shut up!"

The voice was not interrupted and was interrupted by sudden and sudden drinking.

Two women were shocked!

Shi Zhixuan, who has always performed very elegantly and gracefully, was suddenly shrouded in the momentum of a sinister charm.


Shi Zhixuan grows up!

Under the gaze of the underworld and the eyes of the teacher, the gentle eyes that are presented in front of the person are filled with the majesty and arrogance!

"I haven't shot killing for a long time, why should you force me?"

Shi Zhixuan's momentum instantly shrouded out!

The teacher is the first to bear the brunt!

However, the latter is quickly restored as usual after the face changes...

"The master is right, the evil king is always the evil king, and the possibility of being educated may no longer exist! Even if the thousand Buddha residence of the Big Buddha Temple is destroyed, you must not let you get the sacred clothes of the gods, and even more martial arts!"

"One bite a righteous demon! When is the Cihang Jingzhai become the master of this world!"

Shi Zhixuan sneered to show the majesty and momentum of his evil master, a big hand...

The teacher changed his eyes and quickly shifted a few feet from the original.

In the loud noise, the body of a Buddha statue behind the teacher suddenly had a big hole in the fist!

"Since I know the purpose of my visit here, the teacher, you will leave me." In the twinkling of an eye, Shi Zhixuan appeared silently behind the teacher.

The evil spirits of the evil kings are vividly displayed at this moment, which is many times more fierce than when dealing with players.

"Hugh think!"

Although the teacher was surprised, but after the solid state of Jianxin was solid, he made the most calm judgment in the shortest time.

"Heart sword!"

One of the secrets of the sword.

At first glance, two fierce swords are shot from the eyes!

Even the evil king has to interrupt his next move...


The speed of the teacher is very fast, taking advantage of the evil king to avoid the skill of the sword, a little under the feet, people fly so far as to smash out a dozen feet.

In the sky above the group of Buddha statues, it rushed out of the sky...

"Little girl still wants to run?"

The reaction after the yin is very fast, and the moment the open magical field catches up.

However, the teacher is very slippery, even if it is shrouded in the magic field, the speed is not reduced, so Zhu Yuxi is once again surprised!

"Can't let her run!"


Shi Zhixuan chased after the expressionless expression, and pulled it closer;

Although the real yuan is detrimental after the yin, it is not difficult to keep up with the two.

Three people, one after the other, as quickly as the ghosts, cast thousands of Buddhas and leave the Big Buddha Temple!

Soon after the three people walked, three martial arts figures suddenly appeared in the silent thousand Buddhas!

The two men and one woman came to the position of Shizhixuan in the central area of ​​the Thousand Buddhas. They looked very excited.

"Fortunately, the plot has not been destroyed."

"When the kid took the yin back, the heart of Laozi jumped out... his grandmother."

"I don't know where the master is, but I can hold it in my hands for a long time! I also forced the weapon to move behind the yin..." The woman in the team was stunned and surprised.

The two men are suddenly upset!

One of them:

"That's how it is, but it's just a little better. It's not dead at the end. It's stupid like a pig. There are so good equipment that I don't know how to escape..."


Another person is attached.

The three obviously did not hear the conversation between happy and yin, and even the teacher and the yin did not hear it. I didn’t know that happiness was not unintentionally encountered by the mythical peak, but specifically for trouble. - It is no wonder that if you are too close, I am afraid that it has been discovered by the Yin and Shi Zhixuan.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, that kid should be dead now, we have to find out things quickly..."

If you are happy here, you will be able to infer something from the conversation of the three people.

That's right.

These three people are the triggers of this hidden mission. For this task, the three men ran for more than a month, and they did seven or eight related tasks before they finally called out the teacher from Cihang Jingzhai and let her Come here to lead the evil king.


The situation has some plots that are different from what they expected.

It appeared after the yin, and it broke into an irrelevant guy! Fortunately, everything behind it is still doing as expected...

Both the Yin and the evil kings were led by the teacher. They got a safe time to find the legendary ancient gods, or the martial arts cheats.


The woman among the three quickly nodded and swept around, swiftly sweeping around and pounding.

Judging from the tools and more targeted techniques of this woman, this woman should be an organ, and the level is not low.



Looking for a while, she actually found something, and started a seemingly small pit under a broken wall.


A piece of big bluestone brick suddenly sinks slowly...

In the heavy sound, a small Buddha statue is lifted from the inside and appears in front of three players who are ecstatic.

"found it!"

"do not!"

A good-looking woman raised her hand to stop the two people from rushing past:

"This seems to be an institution."

"Then it will break it. The teacher can't support it for too long in the hands of the two masters. We must get the gods in the shortest time!"

"I know!"

The woman quickly took out some tools and played with the delicate little Buddha statue for a while, quickly put away the tools and grabbed the two hands of the small Buddha statue.

Under the strange eyes of the other two, carefully put the two hands of the small Buddha statue into a palm-like posture...

Hands together!

‘啪’, the action freezes!

Nourish! ! ! !

Nourish! ! ! ! !

Under the eyes of the three people, the little Buddha image began to sink in the noisy sound, and the nearby ground sank down a small brick... It seemed that something was coming out from it.

The eyes of the three men stared at the things in the pit!

However, he did not find it. In the vicinity of the heavy voice, a statue of Buddha statue was centered on the three of them, and he slowly moved up!

From the middle to the surroundings...

Thousands of Buddha statues began to move around the three people in a crisscross pattern! !

From the initial sound of ‘Zizi’, it gradually developed into a roar of rumble.

When the three people took out the things inside, the Buddha statues in all directions showed a lifelike attitude...

Like a huge Luohan array!

Surround the three in the center!

All the eyes of Luohan point to three people! To be exact, the woman who got the item!

The latter changed his face, and looked at the thousands of arhats that were hundreds of meters in a cold air, and spit out four words in a tone:

"Rohan big burst!"

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