Sword Among Us

Chapter 1026: Hey, why don't you die! (third, ask for recommendation)

Chapter 1026, Brother, why don't you die! (third, ask for recommendation)

Seeking recommendation, ***~


Chapter 1026

In the Big Buddha Temple, as the three people started the organ, they got a piece of yellow thick cloth wrapped in it. The silent thousand Buddha group suddenly moved at this moment, and the three martial arts masters around the central area! With the rapid operation, each of the Luohan Buddhas used different gestures.

What makes the three people dare not move for a long time is that the innumerable Luohan Buddha statues are so powerful that each one is not inferior to the early masters of the mythical world! And the dead side lives in one direction! Stare at three people!

"Rohan big burst!"

"Damn, I didn't think of it at first..." The woman teacher was so anxious to sweat. If she was given the opportunity to re-select now, she would not hesitate to destroy the Buddha statues that seemed to be very solemn and sacred.

At least this will only face a pile of broken stones, rather than a large array of Luohan statues composed of thousands of imposing Buddha statues.

"Now, what now?"

The other two did not expect to trigger such a large organ after picking up the task props. It was already a bit dumbfounded, and the speech was a bit confusing.

"They seem to be unable to take the initiative to attack."

The woman is not a meticulous organ. After staying there for a while, she quickly noticed the abnormalities of these Luohan Buddha statues. Although it looks very amazing, it is obvious that they will not advance half a step.

"Let me see……"

This discovery made the three people somewhat overjoyed.

The teacher woman tried to walk a few steps forward...

"They are coming to the things we have in our hands, Huang Zhong, you walk a few steps over there."

After the teacher and the woman gave instructions, the three quickly tempted them. Only those who carried the yellow thick package would cause the hostility of the Buddha statue.

The other two people will not cause the slightest reaction of the Buddha statues even if they are close to each other...

"A good news, a bad news."

The teacher’s woman opens:

"The good news is that the two of you can safely leave the Rohan array and will not be attacked... The bad news is that you have to take this thing out of the Rohan, or kill it or die."

"Thousands of Luohan Buddha statues, killing all the way is equal to at least a short time to withstand more than one hundred mythical masters attack..."

"Can we go out first, then you throw things out?" One of them suggested.

The teacher and the woman turned their eyes directly:

"You think too much."

"Don't say that the Buddha statue will be intercepted. Even if you don't intercept it, how far can you throw this thing away?" Looking at the hundreds of meters in front of it, it was a scene of the Buddha statue, and the three were silent again.

"Can you destroy them?"

"You can try……"

The teacher and the woman unconsciously turned their eyes and answered.

The image of the Luohan attacking the mythical realm, even if it can be broken, also takes a lot of time, not to mention the situation is even worse if the Luohan array is triggered.

"It’s not a way to wait for it! The evil king will come in soon!!"

The three are a little anxious.

The teacher’s woman said:

"Luo Zhiheng?"

"He is responding outside. It is estimated that he is going to check the body of the kid. The guy goes through the plucking and will definitely not miss the thing that the kid has violently exploded."

"Flying pigeons gave him a book and let him pay attention to the movement of the evil king!"

"it is good!"


When the three were trapped in the Dahan Temple, the other three of the companions were curiously looking at the undead.

It is obvious that the chest and abdomen were pierced by a sword and flowed to the blood of the land, but Luo Zhiheng was extremely shocked to discover that this guy who should have been blurred has not stood down until now, and the chest will be separated for a long time. Ups and downs, not to mention the vagueness of the face, it seems very strange, but very clear... All this shows that this man who killed the deadly sword after the yin is still alive!

"Your kid is awkward...this is not dead?"

Luo Zhiheng looked at this guy in front of him, and his heart was very depressed.


He was originally looking for money to get something from this well-equipped guy, but I didn't expect to wait here for a while, this guy is not dead...

This made him tangled.

He is coming to kill people, but he is not coming to kill!

Although the situation of this guy looks very bad, it is no different from being dead. Just click it gently and you may be screaming.

But this time the kill is likely to provoke a strong enemy without any reason.

For the unknown harvest and the four-segment magic that may not exist, it is obviously not cost-effective to attract a seemingly powerful enemy.

Luo Zhiheng stood very persistently, waiting for the other party to die naturally... In this way, when the other party reincarnation, they would not get any relevant information and could not find trouble with themselves.


After waiting for a while, this guy’s life is as hard as hehe...

The shocking and deadly wound actually slowed down and stopped the blood;

Although the breath is still weak as if it were a candle in the wind, the heart beats for a long time, but it seems to have some improvement than at the beginning.

This discovery made Luo Zhiheng depressed and didn't turn his eyes...

"you are vicious!"

Luo Zhiheng was disheartened and ready to leave.

at this time!

The roar of the roaring rumbling of Luohan caught his attention.

As soon as the mind was condensed, Luo Zhiheng quickly searched for a broken wall and flew up, looking far away from the situation...

This look, the eyes suddenly congestion!


"What a joke!"

The momentum of the Luohan big burst is like a huge strangling machine, and it is already scary when you look at it from afar.

"It must have been a big problem!"

"No, I have to go find them!"

For a while, Luo Zhiheng forgot the man who will die, and he is ready to rush to the rohan...

But at this moment, suddenly there was a fascinating and quick figure in the distance.

Pupils shrink!

Luo Zhiheng took a breath of air from the chest into the lungs:

"Evil king!"

It is not difficult to speculate that the Qianfo Group has such a loud and dynamic sound, and the evil king cannot be attracted. It is estimated that the teacher has been entangled in the back of the Yin and cannot stop the evil king from entering the Luohan array.

"God bless, evil kings can't get in, can't get in!"

"Rohan brothers, give strength!"

Looking at the evil king who was approaching the rohan array, Luo Zhiheng continued to pray.


I don't know if it was because the Buddha asked for the fault of God, or if there was a problem with my character, what Luo Zhiheng had hoped for did not happen.

The Luohan big squad seems to have never noticed the closeness of the evil king. The latter did not encounter a little bit of blockage, and it rushed into the rohan array very smoothly!

"No way."

"These arhats are all paper-tied, and they are used to scare people?" Luo Zhiheng felt angry and saw that Shixuan ran fast, and suddenly he was shocked and anxious.

If the evil king rushed into the rohan array, the three people would be in danger...

Anxiously, Luo Zhiheng did not find that the person who was weak and the wind blew down suddenly burst into a whisper, and it was very difficult to move his fingers and slowly opened his eyelids.


For happy, this sword almost killed his life, and spent a long time at the moment of life and death, almost exhausted all the strength to survive!

Unexpectedly gaining insight, the "Sperm of the marrow" has been refined and the system sounds not sounding...

Instead, after contending with the annihilation of the dying for a long time, I got a system prompt to get a little will.


"Crack the 'Sword of the Devil' after the yin! The willpower is enhanced! Will increase by 1 point!"


"By using... what is the use?"

Happy to re-sensation of the light from the boundless darkness, but the heart can not help but for the system prompts I heard heard a swearing in my heart.

If it is not because of the strong self-recovery ability of Yi Jin Jing, if it is not because of the tenacious vitality brought by Gao Gen bone, it is now a long time to return to the Wu Temple...

damn it.

Tossing for a long time, tortured for so long, actually still did not understand what the crazy monk said between life and death.

Just a sword...

Such a good opportunity!

When I think of it, I am so happy that I am discouraged.


Happy is the first time to run "Yi Jin Jing" to restore physical strength - the body is weak, the state of crumbling is really not too cool.


"Yi Jin Jing" has just run a small circle, a little bit of strength, and quickly noticed that there seems to be something else in the vicinity.

The gaze shines like electricity!

In the eyes of ‘蟑螂小强’, Luo Zhiheng’s heart was cold, and there was a kind of cold and horror like falling ice...

It's hard to imagine that people who have such a look will be stupid and hard-working, and almost lost their lives in vain!

In fact, when Luo Zhiheng was preparing to leave, he suddenly heard the movement behind him. Looking back, he was almost dead and died.

The impact of this discovery is no less than the evil king turned back into the rohan big battle!


Happy and quickly converge on the sharpness of the eyes, and return to the original to restore the kind of ordinary players.

The other party seems to have some time to come.

I didn’t start with my own state just now. It seems that the character is not too bad.

Thinking of this, happy naturally canceled the previous vigilance and hostility...

However, I was happy to see the change of the Big Buddha Temple.

The rumble of thousands of Buddha statues moving on the ground is like a close earthquake, and it is hard to detect it!

"What happened?"

Happy suddenly thought that the Yin and the evil king may still be nearby, and quickly took out the same thing from the Qiankun bag with his own easy recovery.


Luo Zhiheng, this guy is obviously more relaxed, and can still shrug his shoulders in the harsh environment of his companion's death... But looking back at the things that are in his hands, the eyes are straight!

The blood of the fire unicorn!

The bright red and the blood that radiates a strong life, I believe that every senior person in the rivers and lakes will not be unfamiliar.

However, in the more shocking eyes of Luo Zhiheng, he saw that the mysterious big brother did not wrinkle his brow, and swallowed a very precious blood of the unusually precious fire unicorn.


Luo Zhiheng saw that a heart must be entangled.

The fire unicorn is used to restore the state of serious injury after death, and it is accompanied by the effect of improving internal strength, which is more precious than the dream of life and death!

This guy is obviously not dead... but with such precious things to restore the state...

"Why do not you go to hell!"

Luo Zhiheng hated the land in his heart.

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