Sword Among Us

Chapter 1034: "The wind is full of sky" (second, for recommendation)

Chapter 1034, "The Wind is Full of Sky" (Second, for recommendation)

Chapter 1034

After the departure of the 'Imperial Emperor', I was happy to quickly get rid of many thoughts in my mind. Time was already very urgent. It was really no time to worry about the emotions of other people. In order to counter the evil spirits who are about to come to the Central Plains, the confrontational strength has expanded. An unimaginable one, you must pay attention to every minute to improve your strength!

Put yourself in a cell, happy and decisively sitting on the knees, take out the stone tablets that have passed the task props protection time limit from the pockets of your arms.

"The ancient gods of the Great Buddha Temple seem to be in the realm of the madness of the peak of punishment. Presumably this is a stone monument with a trick, and the things contained in it are not too simple. Otherwise, it is impossible to attract the evil king Shi Zhixuan. It is impossible to attract Cihang Jingzhai to shoot!"

When you are happy, you will look at the stone tablets in your hands and see if you have other organs. You can feel the material and special features of the stone tablets.

I ran for a day with a stone tablet, and I finally had time to look at the stone tablets in my hands.

When it comes to heavy, the lines above are not like those carved out by ordinary means, because I am happy to see that the player is desperate to destroy this stone, but the texture on this stone is very complete, can not see a little bit. Traces of damage...

"I don't know what material is made?"

I was a little surprised in my heart.

Although there are many things on the rivers and lakes that are not easy to be destroyed, such as the Tianshen Jinpa, but the stone tablets made of this special material, he saw it for the first time.

Why do you want to engrave your clothes on four different stone tablets?

The doubts in my heart are getting stronger.

The Great Buddha Temple was destroyed for many years, and it is naturally impossible to dig the secret inside.

"First realize that you will learn again."

Happy to leave everything behind, and study the lines on both sides of the stone monument wholeheartedly...

The stone monument is probably only as large as two palms, and the grain is very clear. The front side shows a scene view. With the wind, it has no words, and the back is a pool of water.


No words.

There are also no system tips.

The happy expression is slightly stiff, and the heart begins to give birth to a bad premonition: Could it be...

Could it be useless if this thing only has one piece?

The stone tablet was turned over and over in the hands of happy hands, and the happy and uplifting mood disappeared little by little.

Looking for a long time, the stone monument does not see the slightest embarrassment and organs;

One of the words is not;

There is no system prompt;

The most awful thing is that before the system prompted to enlighten to get the school inside, happy to stare at the stone in the hand for half an hour did not get any useful information.


"I don't believe this evil."

"Since both the teacher and the evil king have taken the stone to leave, there is no reason why there is no secret in this stone in my hand..."

carry on!

In the heart of happiness, there is a strong unwillingness, and both eyes are on, and I continue to stare at the wind and the willow.


Another hour passed...


Helplessly sighed, happy to turn the stone to turn over, every trace of the wind and the willow map has now been completely burned into the depths of his mind, but still no gain.

"Is this the lake behind..."

The happy sight stopped on the lap of the circle on the lake.

Do not know why.

Seeing this vividly painted lake, the heart of happiness suddenly recalls the ‘well of the moon’ that was learned in the other side of the world.

A flash of light in my mind!

Could it be...

There is no meaning in this picture, just to convey a message of state of mind.

Well in the moon!

The ancient well has no waves, and it reflects the moon.

I am happy in my heart, and I feel that I seem to have caught something.

Staring at the circle of the lake, happy gradually put a happy mood, calm the mood, slowly close the eyes, recalling their own understanding of the ‘well in the moon’ state of mind.

With the breath of breathing, the mood is unconsciously calm down...

The mythical prisoners who have been staring at this side have been holding their breath.

I didn’t understand what I was looking at when I was over and over, but now, as I am happy and calm, my brows are gradually rising.

He can feel it.

The happy mood is slowly opening, and an all-inclusive peace of mind is unfolding!

I don't know how long it has been.

Happy to blink again...


The voice full of suspicion and joy rang from the prison.


Open your eyes and look at the moment on the stone tablet. Happy has a very strange feeling...

At that moment, the lake on the stone tablet seemed to have a layer of ripples, as if it had come alive and slowly.

Happy and unrecognizable take a deep breath, but dare not easily destroy the current state of mind, calmly look at it.

There is indeed a strange change in the stone tablet on hand.

The lake surface came over on the stone tablet.


Water sound!

There is also a layer of turbulent mood, and all the changes in the lake make it easy to fully understand.

"Good guy."

"Sure enough, only by letting the mind calm down and entering a realm like the ancient gate of Buddhism, can you really get a glimpse of the mystery in the stone tablet."

The happy face showed a relieved smile.

After a few hours, it was finally let him crack the secret of the stone monument!

"The lake surface is just a matter of expressing the state of mind and opening the secrets of the stone monument. Then the side of "The Wind and the Willows" should really hide the school."

Slightly take a deep breath, and slowly flip the stone monument.


The stone monument turned over, and a breeze came with the smell of willow, fresh and tangy.

In the seriousness of the fun, the willow on the stone strews slightly!


At first glance, I didn't get any useful information immediately.

However, happiness has been understood from the previous lessons. To treat stone tablets, we must not be eager to maintain the calm mentality of the ancient wells.

Immediately, I was happy and calmly browsing on the stone tablet.

The frequency of swinging from the willow, details...

Put a little bit of it into the depths of your mind.

Time passes by one minute.

It’s been half an hour to have fun with this insight!

The willows on the stone tablet are still swinging slowly.

Happy seems to have caught something, and my eyes are gradually dignified and focused...

It’s been another ten minutes!

The willows in the happy eyes are still a little, and then the breeze blows, and suddenly the rows of willows are turned into swordsmanship!

In the eyes of happiness, the number of willows in the twinkling of the moment turns into a sword, and there is no sign to come – the vivid image is transmitted directly from the stone.

The breath of breath on the stone monument!


Really angry! ! !

The amazing swordsmanship overlaps to form a momentum that makes you happy and fearful. The strong real moments will come out from the limbs and instantly wrap yourself up.

The swordsman was transmitted from the stone tablet, and it seemed to be a row of willows, sweeping from the happy body with a slight cold breath...


Rows of willows.

It’s like a sword mandled together!

A sword and a mans swept through the happy body, and the amazing breath quickly cut the thickness of the invigorating real gas field at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The three-foot-wide true gas field collapsed when the fourth swordman swept the body! Forced to be happy, he quickly started the golden body of Luohan to resist the erosion of Jianmang.

puff! !

Happy or underestimated the lethality of the sword from the stone monument.

A total of eight swordsmanship, side by side, instantly increased the lethality to the apex, and the speed that people can not cope in a short time.

The golden body of Luohan instantly collapsed.

Yu Wei, the seventh sword, slammed into the body!

"Erh!" snorted, happy body like a broken cloth leather was abused by the sword, and became bloody, and then the body trembled, like a lightning strike on the wall of the cell," Hey!” The wall behind it even had the same texture as a cracked spider web.


A stream of blood was sprayed on the ground, and the happiness fell off the wall, and the chest was violently ups and downs.

A mythical prisoner was shocked. I didn’t expect that the seemingly unremarkable stone tablet in my happy hands would have the attack of the mythical peak.

The young man in front of him was once under his full strength, but only one blink of an eye was almost killed by the inexplicable sword attached to the stone tablet!


The eyes of the mythical prisoners who looked at the stone monument suddenly became extremely strange.


I can't believe that I actually survived... The attack just now is like a mythical master who shot eight times in an instant, and I actually resisted it between the electric and the flint.

The first to the fourth roads are forcibly resisted by the real gas field;

The righteousness of the Luohan body only resisted the fifth and sixth attack; the remaining two attacks completely ate, and the body collapsed. If it was not a set of 4 pieces of magic equipment, the defense would be lower and perhaps reincarnation. .


This adventure was not in vain.

The sudden outbreak of the sword's mind had made him a bit open for a moment, and the vivid willow leaves turned into swordsmanship, which was quickly deduced in his mind.


The system prompts you to come late:

"Successfully withstand the sacred tricks of the gods and thousands of buddhas staying in the stone monument, 'the wind is full of sky'!"

“‘The wind is full of sky’ is the sacred way of the gods staying in the stone monument?” Happy while rubbing the blood on the corners of his mouth and the clothes, he suddenly looked at the stone on the ground.

A weird thing happened.

After the system prompts, a gust of wind rises out of nowhere.

The stone tablet turns into a pile of soft powder in the eyes of happiness, and it quickly weathers away.


Happy, some unfortunately looking at the empty space where the stone monument disappeared, sighed slightly, then quickly recovered as usual, summoned his own martial arts system, and looked at the details of the system's tips for enlightenment.

At first glance, happy eyes are round:

Wind full sky: 0.00 (first level)

When you start any martial arts, you can start a ‘wind full of sky’ in advance, and you can explode a double attack! Consume 200 points of internal force! Cooling time is 30 seconds!

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