Sword Among Us

Chapter 1035: The second level of realm, the hall into the room (three more completed, ask for a mo

Chapter 1035, the second level of the realm, enter the room (three more completed, ask for a monthly pass)

Ask for a few ***~


Chapter 1035

Wind full sky: 0.00 (first level)

In the event of the display of any martial arts in the sect of the martial arts, the ‘wind full of sky’ will be launched in advance, and a double attack can erupt! Consume 200 points of internal force! Cooling time is 30 seconds!

(When it reaches the level of 99.99, it will enter the seventh level of the peak, and it will explode at most eight attacks!)

Seeing the introduction of the property of the wind and the sky, I can't help but take a deep breath and know that I am here! !


With his current strength, the advantage lies only in defense and control.

The real dragon-style ‘擒龙手’ can make him invincible in the same level of players, even the top players who are high in one realm can easily win;

"Yi Jin Jing" has greatly improved the resilience and defense capabilities, making Happiness have the potential to become a super meat shield to some extent.

Especially after the ‘真元气场’ was inspired, the happy capital has survived under the yin and the super king’s top peers.

But when it comes to attacks, when it comes to lethality, the strength of happiness is definitely not included in the ranks of top experts...

If the unhappy '擒龙手' has the powerful effect of instantly controlling the enemy; if not, the 'Lingbo microstep' will instantly approach the enemy's ability; if not, the 'Xuan Tie's Epee' invisibly enhances the power of "Magic Endless World"; In fact, the happy killing ability has always been very embarrassing.

Ordinary liberation of martial arts secrets!

Compared to the innocent martial arts cheats, the best martial arts cheats, happiness has been inferior to more than one...

If it is not the absolute control ability of the dragon hand, if it is not the unpredictable body of Lingbo, the happy attack power can be said to be difficult to pose a sufficient threat to the real top master.

Faced with a master like an emperor, if you are happy, you can't compete with the thirteen swords with the blockade effect and heavy sword meaning of the black iron epee!

Attacks have also been the biggest flaws and weaknesses of happiness.

but now!

The appearance of the wind and the sky will undoubtedly make the happy see the dawn.

Although each application requires 30 seconds of cooling time, the unexpectedly explosive double-killing effect of the wind can be said to be against the sky.

And this is just the initial overlap.

Happy thought of the killing ability of the sword from the stone monument!

There are eight consecutive attacks, which overlap, and the deterrents are not elaborated.

Even if the power of "Devil's End of the World" is less than 40,000 points, if you can overlap eight times, you must not be able to retreat from the whole world.


There was a fascinating joy in the happy face.

This trick ‘wind full of sky’ temporarily compensated for the weakness of his own lack of killing. When the key time is taken out, any opponent may not be able to withstand the one-click attack that contains the ‘wind full of sky’.

"However, double the attack, not necessarily how powerful..."

"I have to find a way to raise the realm of the wind and sky, and ascend to the seventh level, you can explode 8 times attack... Although it is impossible to reach the full level in a short time, it will be full before the evil emperor comes to the Central Plains. It should not be a big problem to raise the sky to the fourth and fifth levels."

Looking around, the happy sight fell to the mythical prisoner in the cell!

The latter's body trembled with an unpredictable hunch.


The premonition of the prisoner of mythology is not wrong.

In the past, every time I was happy with the sparring, I was happy to never fight back. I just let the attack, but it has already made him extremely frustrated - a small strong who can't die.

Nowadays, I am happy to come up with a practice.

In the face of the unstoppable Xiaoqiang counterattack, no one's mood will be too good.

The black iron epee brought out a fierce half-moon hurricane from the air! The powerful air pressure instantly extracts all the air around the mythical prisoners!

The latter's face changed.

Konjac sentient beings!

Happy one is one of the three most powerful killers in "The Devil's World".

"Give me broken!"

Even Shi Zhixuan, in the face of such an attack can not turn a blind eye, not to mention the master of a mythical early stage, seeing the happy offensive is amazing, the eyes are condensed, the left hand is fishing for himself, the right hand is like a whip, and it is included. The internal force spits out from the air.


Hey! !

The sound of a series of air screams quickly in the air.

This is the abnormal sound that the boxing wind quickly breaks through the air. Only when the speed exceeds a certain degree can it appear. The master of the mythical world reveals the tricks that have never been used before.

However, happy not only did not show the color of horror, but instead showed a slight look.

The konjac sentient beings, the comprehensive lethality is close to 50,000, has been very close to the attack of the masters of the early days of the mythology, with the 'wind full of sky', the power that burst out instantly is definitely not an ordinary myth. If the latter is still sloppy, the situation will only be worse, and the other party will go all out, but it will best reflect the power of 'wind full of sky'.

Hard hit!

After a series of air blasts, the continuous palms are like the blast beans, and the speed is strikingly slamming into the black iron epee...

The swordsman who has spit out has not yet arrived in front of the mythical masters and has been smashed by the continuous force!

There are still a lot of rest.

Instantly destroy the swordsman, the rest of the hand does not hinder the bang!

Just when the mythical masters showed their smug colors, suddenly the air rang as an inaudible ‘唰’.

It seems that there is a soft sound of willow swinging in the ear.

Very strange and peaceful.

The sound becomes clear instantly!

Hey! ! !

An imposing manner is not inferior to the swordsmanship of the ‘the konjac sentient beings’. The speed is amazing, and the remaining palm of the mythical master is defeated and ruined.

boom! !

Although the body was quickly lifted up in vitro, it could still be snorted uncontrollably, and ‘蹬蹬蹬’ stepped back a few steps, stood firm, and then stared at the happy with a ghostly expression.

"Suddenly, it’s good, but it’s impossible to deal with the evil emperor with a double attack.”

Open the psychological wisdom to make an evaluation.

However, this does not affect his emphasis on ‘windy sky’.

After all, it is 1.00, the first realm is full of sky, this trick has a huge room for improvement, and it is very good to be able to retreat from the early stage of myth.

"carry on……"

The corner of the mouth bends out a good-looking arc, and the happy and decisively recruits the other three mythical masters into the same cell.

Thirty seconds to arrive.

A white breath rushes out of the happy body!


The wind is full of sky!


After half an hour, happiness was completely depressed.




"This is too slow..."


“‘The wind is full of sky’ can only be applied twice a minute, and each time it can only increase the rating of 0.01!”

"It took only half an hour to upgrade to level 0.6! This is not appropriate!!"

Happy, complaining, he was the first time he encountered a martial arts that was so difficult to cultivate from the 1.00 level, so that the three mythical masters had been practicing hard for half an hour, and the result was still not in the way, and the second level was far away. At this speed, you will be able to enter the second realm of the day and you will see ghosts...


the next day!

It is also the seventh day after the evil emperor disappeared!

The discovery of happiness is very sad, after the practice of day and night, I finally raised the level of 'wind full of sky' to 10.00, but the wind is still the first level, but unlike the level of ordinary martial arts, after entering level 10 Immediately in the second realm.

"...not with such a play."

But happy soon to accept the fate.

After all, the seven-layer realm of ‘wind full of sky’ is even the realm of 99.99. You can’t use the usual method to calculate the realm of ‘wind full of sky’.


The third day...

Happy found a more unacceptable fact!

When practicing to the third day, the 'wind full of sky' is upgraded to level 15... Each time the 'wind full sky' can't be upgraded, it needs to be accumulated twice to make the second decimal point after the decimal point increase. , that is, a one-minute increase of 0.01, the progress is twice as slow as before.


Happy has been depressed and can't speak.

I thought that for up to four days, I could practice the wind and the sky to the second level. When the evil emperor descended on the Central Plains, at least the wind could fill the third realm!

But now it seems...

Obviously the previous plan was a bit of a delusion.

The scholastic moves left by the strong people of heaven and earth are not ordinary hard to practice!

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I was so depressed that I continued to work hard. I was alone in the prison of the squad of the Fengtan Building. The door was not out, and the two doors were not.


at last!

On the sixth day, I was very happy to raise the level of the sky to 20.00, and I finally heard the system's sweet tips:


“‘The wind is full of sky’ and promoted to the second level!”

Happy and busy summoned the martial arts cheats page to see, the property introduction of the wind and sky has changed slightly.


Wind full of sky: 20.00 level (the second level)

In the event of the execution of any martial arts martial arts in the martial arts, the ‘wind full of sky’ will be launched in advance, and a triple attack can erupt! Consume 300 points of internal force! Cooling time is 30 seconds!

(When it reaches the level of 99.99, it will enter the seventh level of the peak, and it will explode at most eight attacks!)


Sure enough, after the realm of wind and sky was raised, the power could double, triple attack...

Happy and happy, I immediately showed it on the prisoners of mythology.


The second attack just shook back the latter, "Hey!" The ground was again, the latter was attacked by the sudden third attack, the chest was sunken, and the people were printed on the back wall, staring blankly. Staring at happiness.

The other two mythical masters who watched by the side also showed a shocking look! Looking at the happy eyes, there is a lot of jealousy and awe.

one move!

One stroke will hurt the mythical master.

"It is!"

After a week of hard work, I finally felt relieved:

The second layer of realm is always a bit like the sky! A little can get it!

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