Sword Among Us

Chapter 1040: Rainstorm baptism (second more)

Chapter 1040 Rainstorm Baptism (Second)

Chapter 1040


"Dream cloud is going crazy!!"

"There is no tentative attack. I directly press all the people together... Does she think that the wind building is really fragile so vulnerable?" Wu Kui and many of the elders of Fengfenglou felt for a while. At the same time as the movement of a product hall, the face became ugly, and the eyes flashed with anger and cruel eyes.

The former mobilized the scorpion:


The sound spread all over the entire altar of the wind-fighting building, and clearly penetrated into the ears of tens of thousands of disciples who attacked Fenglou: "The moment of life and death is here!"

"Dream cloud this woman, all the elites are pressed up from the beginning, very good... Do you know what this represents?! Despise, arrogant! Mengyun thinks that the power in her hand is enough to take us away from the wind building. She is looking at us! She thinks that we have no ability to resist counterattack in front of their swords!!"

The shouts of vibrating and screaming screamed into the ear, and the mood of the disciples in the wind and the towers suddenly became excited, and the eyes were red and the eyes were shining!

People in the Central Plains martial arts, in addition to protecting their homeland and the country, can devote the most powerful force, while at the same time maintaining their own honor, it is also very determined.

Anyone who defiles his glory will surely prove his things to his enemies with his own actions and swords.

Seeing that the anger of the brothers was successfully ignited, the screaming arm:

"Dream and Yipintang are very arrogant, brothers, what do we do!!"

"What are we going to do?!"

The problem of repetition is shouting out louder and more angry.

The voice did not fall, and an elder with a face around him slammed forward and pulled out his own sword at the waist without any delay.

choke! !

The long sword is empty.

Cold front invites the moon!

This action directly infected everyone present...


Hey! ! !

In the altar, countless people's weapons are unsheathed!

Numerous sharp moments are combined to form a violent and powerful atmosphere, mixing the unmatchable suffocation to make the world discolored.


"*** 一一品堂的兔崽子!!!"

"Small you, let's kill a good!!" Numerous disciples in the wind building roared hysterically, and the sound waves burst out like the ocean.


On the roof of the street outside the wind building, Meng Yun was at the height of the scene and saw the high-level scene in the altar of the Fengfeng Building. After a slight frown, he sneered:

"I didn't expect this guy to be a martial artist. It looks like a cow on weekdays. At the crucial time, he still knows how to shake and boost morale."

"Do we want to temporarily withdraw?" There is a gang boss next to him who frowns without worry.

Originally, under the strong encirclement of a product hall, and the pressure of the even-cutting, there was no phantom to be on the scene. There was no emperor sitting in the town. The morale of the wind building has been reduced to the lowest point, and the battle will definitely be greatly reduced.

However, I did not expect that Wuji’s pre-war mobilization actually saved the morale of the Fengfeng Building from the impasse.

After all, the foundation of the Fengfeng Building is not bad, and the defense lines that tens of thousands of people stick to are enough to easily swallow up several times of enemies and elites, and definitely not to be underestimated.

"No need to."

Meng Yun puts his hand on the wave: "Even if Wu Zhu temporarily twists the people of the wind building together, and builds a temporary iron plate, it is impossible to have anything to do. He is only the deputy landlord of the wind building, not the phantom. The local care is not comprehensive, and now the phantom is not in the room, and the wind-fighting building has no heads and opens the breakthrough."

Mengyun also knows that such a rush will definitely cause a lot of death and injury, but the time will be delayed. When the phantom comes back, the Central Plains will react to it, which will also cause more trouble. It’s better to take the wind and wind up now. altar……


Under a command, people plunged from all directions.

The total altar of the Fengfeng Building instantly became an isolated island under the turbulent crowd, and it seemed so isolated and faltering in the shouts of the shivering clouds.

Hey! Whizzing……

Yipintang launched an offensive, and immediately on the side of the wind building, he responded without hesitation, and the intensive sound of the air broke through the altar.

No need to lock at all!

In the total altar, the disciples of Fenglou had a few arrows in their hands. As long as they were thrown at the outside, the intensive arrows flew out of the courtyard wall and quickly formed a no-frozen arrow rain, like a black iron plate, facing the face of a high-class master. Strong in the past;

The people in the wind building are very urgent and compact. The connection between the second *** and the first *** is almost without any slight delay. The arrow is off the string, and the new arrow has already introduced the strong bow of the full moon.


Collapse! !

The sound of the bowstring vibrate the sound of the wind building.

Tens of thousands of people, violent to the ultimate arrow rain, the hundred meters outside the total altar into a rainstorm!

The sound of screaming and the sound of the body piercing the body are endless.

Although Yipintang and the 12 gangs were prepared in advance, they took out shields and the like, but the frequency of shocks was too fast.

The next second enters the attack range. In the next second, the shield is full of dense arrows. The ground is densely populated, making it difficult for people to walk, and the air is still in the air. The grand occasion has caused many people to scalp.

Under the impact of countless forces, the shield was overturned;

Although the tough war shield can stand on the ground, the people behind the shield can be very rare, one or two, and there is almost no chance to fight back!

In the twinkling of an eye, Yipintang has left more than a thousand elite masters...

Looking at the arrow in front of the forest, and the arrow rain that rushed over like a group, the impact of Yipintang was suddenly dispelled a lot.

of course!

There are only three sides in the failure of Yipintang!

On the side of more than two hundred top masters, under the leadership of several high-rooted bones and equipped big men, they only died and talked about hundreds of ordinary masters. A group of people forcibly opened a hole at an alarming rate. Go up to the courtyard wall of the Wind House!

The entry of a top player can bring a big threat to a total altar, not to mention the fact that more than two hundred top players have gathered together. This kind of luxury lineup is the first time in the history of the war in the Central Plains.

Just as Mengyun was ready to appreciate the moment when his own horses tore and smashed the strongest sound from the total square of the Fengfenglou, suddenly an unusually impassioned sound of the piano was heard from the roof of the wind building.

As soon as the sound of the piano rang, the expression of the dream cloud that had been sneering and sneering was finally unconsciously stiffened!

Staring at the blurred shadow on the opposite roof, Meng Yun’s face changed greatly, taking a deep breath in an unusually dignified manner, and spit out three words in the mouth:

"Bai Xiaosheng!"

She did not think that this apparently dead and deadly group battle, Bai Xiaosheng actually sent his most cherished apprentice to the attack wind building - a nine-yin dynasty that must be re-appeared once it dies.

According to the reason, such a dangerous environment, Bai Xiaosheng avoids it, how can he send the wind chime?


Playing the piano sound on the roof, instantly let a group of imposing smashing defense lines into the top line of the top altar of the wind building, there is confusion, not the wind chimes?

"You are looking for a dead end!"

After the dream cloud changed, it quickly recovered as usual, and the face jumped out more sneer.

If it is only a match between the people and the wind building, the appearance of the wind chimes may fundamentally change the situation at hand...

However, in order to completely destroy the wind building, Mengyun completely defeated the phantom confidence and the morale of the wind squad, and mobilized almost all the top masters of Yipintang, Blood League, Killer Hall and 12 Gangs, more than 200 top leaders. Master, a large number of elite,

The advantage that Mengyun built up has been so large that it cannot be reversed by relying on one's strength.

If the wind chimes go all out, it may affect several top players, affecting more than a dozen people...

But to affect more than two hundred top masters at the same time, it is idiotic to say dreams, because affecting a person requires a certain amount of internal strength and energy.

The strength of the individual determines the size of this energy.

The limit of the wind chimes is affecting up to a dozen top players, and it is only an impact, not a trap...

In the total square of the Fengfeng Building, there are only forty players between the super-class and the top, which can't resist the impact of the top players.

Bai Xiaosheng put the wind chime on the altar of the Fengfeng Building. Maybe he wants the wind chime to help the wind building stabilize the situation, and he is caught off guard. Unfortunately, this cleverness is wrong.

"The wind bell's life, I accepted it."

Seeing the lineup of more than two hundred top masters, after a moment of chaos, tearing the line of defense and throwing it into the altar of the wind building, Meng Yun smiled and said to himself.

It is undoubtedly an unexpected gift pack to destroy a big affliction while destroying the altar of the wind building.



"Can't stop!!" On the side of the wind building, the people who were exposed to a group of top players were complaining. They watched a group of masters who were skilled and secretive, and each of them tried to break through, one by one unable to stop.

Roar! ! ! ! !

The violent lion smashed out, and dozens of disciples in the direction of the wind became a gourd;

A hidden weapon of the goddess of flowers, is also a group of archers hit all injured, the line of defense is chaotic;

As the same record, the boxing heavy punches, put down hundreds of masters of the wind.

"Stay up!"

"we are coming!!"

A group of top players such as Wu Kuo quickly rushed over, the same equipment and skills, finally blocked a group of people unscrupulously rushing, but also prevented the defeat of the wind building here.

I dare not neglect, the wind chimes are a turn, and countless sounds are overwhelmingly directed toward the back of a class of reinforcements.

"No, there are too many people."

"I have no way to stop too many people." The wind chimes quickly felt the pressure, had to put a bunch of piano sounds, concentrated fire to deal with more than a dozen people.

The voice did not fall, and suddenly there were several people in the crowd who tore the line from the side, easily breaking through the wall of hundreds of people, rushing all the way to the roof.

A group of people who protect the wind chimes suddenly became anxious! Wu Kui is anxious! I was so entangled that I couldn’t get away! Watching a few masters fly and grab the roof highlands.

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