Sword Among Us

Chapter 1041: "What is this knife!" (third, ask for advice)

Chapter 1041 "What is this knife method!" (third, ask for recommendations)

I went to the cinema and watched "Longmen Flying A" for a while. It felt pretty good and kept the state.

Ask for a few ***!


Chapter 1041

Standing on the roof of the street outside the main altar, condescending, Mengyun can clearly see the part of the main hall of the Fengfeng Building easily.

Among the more than two hundred top players, there are several strength extraordinary people who are directly directed by Meng Yun!

One of them is the master of the Buddhism "Lion", "Shi Huasheng", one is Ling Yunjian Xie Lingyun, and the last one is the shocking leg "Rojing".

The strength of these three people is very outstanding.

The former does not need to say, masters the rare sound wave stunts, can easily counter the wind chimes, and even use the sound wave stunt to deal with the raids;

Xie Lingyun's swordsmanship is very sharp, the swordsmanship of inaction, rare and fast, rare and fierce, can give the enemy the most deadly and fierce attack in the shortest time;

The last Luo Jing, although there is no name on the Central Plains strong list, but the control and use of the dark power is superb, the whole Yipintang and the twelve major gangs, no one can do better than him in this aspect, is the kind that can Inadvertently smashing the characters of the sky, hence the name 'shocking legs'.

Three people, one can create opportunities on the front, get overwhelming repression; one can create opportunities in the dark, unexpectedly; then one is a good swordsman, with a swordsman second only to the threat of an emperor.

The team composed of these three people, even if the phantom of the wind tower personally led a few top players can not easily stay.

These three people are also a card that Mengyun stayed in the first impact camp.

While assisting the offense, they are always ready to receive the instructions of the dream cloud. That is to say, the dream cloud is outside the battlefield, and the place that is beyond the reach of the battlefield often needs to personally intervene in the battlefield, carry out major acts, and a voice is secreted. Help her to do it, not to find opportunities but miss them.

Dealing with the wind chimes is the first order that Mengyun gave to the three.

As long as the wind chimes are extinguished, Bai Xiaosheng is a Zhouyi teacher. Even if he has a transcendental status in the Central Plains, but no one obeys his instructions, he is just a scholar who has no strength in his hands.

When the wind chimes die, the iron triangle is equal to a small piece collapsed!

Seeing that the three men had three other companions rushing to the opposite roof, Meng Yun’s face showed a hint of heartfelt smile.

Qinmo wind chime...

From today on, we must become history.


At this moment, somehow, Meng Yun smelled a touch of uneasiness from the calm and calm reaction of a group of masters who guarded the wind chimes.

A group of people who protect the wind chimes are the people who attack the wind tower.

However, when Xie Lingyun and others rushed in, the Bailai people on the roof not only did not take the initiative, but even the lineup did not change;

What makes Mengyun somewhat puzzling is that the wind chimes of Jiuyin's body are as if they have not seen these assassins. As always, Qin Qin supports the following Wushou and others, and there is no intention to evacuate to a safe area.


The uneasiness in Meng Yun’s heart is slowly expanding.

However, she always has great confidence in the three people Xie Lingyun who personally appointed them. As long as the three are together, who can keep them except one emperor and evil emperor?

Meng Yun stared at the opposite roof and rushed from six people to a group of guards. Under the cover of the lion cub, Xie Lingyun spurred the wind chimes in the splashing tiles, and Meng Yun gave birth to a kind of The overall situation is easy.

When a dream cloud is placed in the belly and the color of gratification and joy is revealed, unexpected things happen!

Over the most chaotic roof of the wind building, when the guards were confused by the combination of Luo Jing and Shi Huasheng, a heavy voice accompanied this majestic black sword mangling suddenly from the sky tiles.

boom! ! !

With a heavy impact, Xie Lingyun swept the wind chime like a tofu block, instantly collapsed, Xie Lingyun spit blood, and even people with swords crashed into the rubble and flew out of the roof.

The situation below is inherently confusing.

Under the pressure of a group of top players, the people in the wind building did not have to look after the situation on the roof, suddenly heard the wind behind the head, and quickly evaded.

Hey! !

Seeing that Xie Lingyun flew down from the roof, the disciples of the nearby Fengfenglou showed their surprises, and many people subconsciously greeted the past.

But the sword is added, but the people on the ground have no reaction at all...


"He is dead!!"

The careful person quickly noticed that Xie Lingyun, who had fallen from the roof, had actually closed his breath in the air.

Although I don't know who made the hand, but Xie Lingyun rushed to the roof to be shot down but the blink of an eye, can kill a top-level master of equipment in such a short time, they can not imagine.

Even if the situation is urgent, someone can't help but turn over the bricks and thank the body of Xie Lingyun...

As a result, the body was turned over to the sky, and many people couldn’t help but sigh with a sigh of relief:

"What is this knife!"

I saw Xie Lingyun’s front, and there was a huge crack in the shock from the shoulder to the chest and abdomen. It was so **** and fuzzy that it seemed like a moment to cut a few knives... It seems that it is not a knife mark.

On the roof, the sky's tiles have settled with dust, and the roof seems to have been baptized by a tornado, leaving only a huge bare beam, and the other five are on the side of each other and have not fallen.

Under the high forest, I saw the corpse in the crowd below the roof, and Shi Huasheng and others were mutatis mutandis:

"Ling Yunxiong!"

Xie Lingyun has fallen.

They can't believe their eyes!

Especially Shi Huasheng and Luo Jing.

The time for the three people to work together is not short. Just a lion scorpion almost shocked all the people on the roof, and there was an instant delay and blood rushing, unable to make the most timely and accurate response;

In cooperation with the darkness of Luo Jing’s outburst, all the rubble on the roof was turned over, creating the best lore wind!

They clearly saw Xie Lingyun not badly shot, Jianfeng almost reached within three feet of the wind chime, did not expect everything will be rewritten in an instant.


Just a moment of shock and distraction, the five eyes focused on a man and a woman on the roof beam...

The natural beauty of women is wind chimes.

In the independent posture of the golden chicken, standing in the center of the five people like a benchmark, holding the piano in one hand, holding the strings in one hand, and glanced at the five people with gaze;

As for the man, although the face is very unfamiliar, wearing ordinary guardian costumes, but the heavy black sword in the other hand is to let the five people present at the same time appear pupil tightening.


Luo Jing's face is ugly, almost using the tone and demeanor of the teeth to break the identity of the mysterious enemy.

Happy did not continue to conceal his identity, in front of the five people, did not hesitate to uncover the human skin mask on his face!

At the same time as the original appearance, I was deeply moved to the roof of the street opposite the main square of the Fengfeng Building. I turned my eyes back to Luo Jing’s face: "I didn’t expect Yipintang to have a good darkness. Master... Your legs are good, and the darkness is also used well. The only pity is that if you deal with too many people, your strength is too scattered. Otherwise, it is difficult for me to seize such a good opportunity. The swordsman hit and killed."


Luo Jing’s face is even more ugly.

Happiness has disappeared since half a month ago. No matter how much taunting comments have been made by the outside world, he has not seen him appear, and people have almost forgotten this fiery top master.

A lore to be sure to win, because the wind chime has hidden such a life-threatening bodyguard, using human skin masks to smash everyone, leading to defeat.

The five famous people who are happy are not unaware of them. Even the masters of the wolf organization are eating in their hands. Just now, Xie Lingyun was killed in the blink of an eye. How can they not be frightened and the atmosphere of five people? They are a lot heavy, staring at the happy and the wind chimes behind him.

"Well, wind chimes, help me control these two people."

Happy to say the wind chimes behind him, and at the same time took the sword and ordered Luo Jing and Shi Huasheng.

In fact, there is no meaning of excessive nonsense with them. The reason why I say a few irrelevant nonsense is because there is a wind chime around.

Need to give the following people time to react, re-establish a line of defense that protects the wind chimes, and at the same time, restore the internal forces that have just been consumed because of the wind that is being applied. In addition, you must kill a top master with the wind and the sky as you just did. It takes half a minute.

"Just the two of them, there is no problem." Seeing the endless source of the enemy, the enemy is approaching the altar of the wind building, the top master is rolling down to the roof, the wind chimes are already in a hurry, and the words are in the strings. Skillfully lead one by one...

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The fiercely broken voice blade was accompanied by the subsequent sound of the cymbal sounds and quickly cast toward Luo Jing and Shi Huasheng.


Luo Jing and Shi Huasheng did not have the idea of ​​playing with each other happily.

After seeing the fall of Xie Lingyun, the iron triangle was broken, and the two were ready to evacuate. The strength of happiness was terrible, and with a pervasive piano, the two sides were not equal in magnitude.

After seeing the situation from a long distance, Meng Yun’s face was slightly ugly, and it was also ordered at this time to temporarily evacuate and protect himself.


At the moment when the wind chime hits the sound edge, I have already started the Lingbo microstep and went out.

The first goal of happiness is Shi Huasheng, a master of the lion cub. When he is shot, it will be thunderous. Under the microstep of Lingbo, the other person who was attacked by the wind building was blocked and was happily chased behind him.


Shi Huasheng’s turning back is a glimpse.

As a result, the happy figure was directly shaken by the lion, and the latter was fascinated from the front of Shi Huasheng, with one hand and a dragon...

A sword squatted on the body, and the latter smashed from the sky to the ground, falling into a group of sharpening knives and hurlings.

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