Sword Among Us

Chapter 1042: Cut off the tentacle (first, ask for advice)

Chapter 1042 breaks tentacles (first, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1042

The appearance of happiness still brings a lot of trouble to Yipintang.

Not only did it defeat the dream cloud to take away the wind chimes and fight against Bai Xiaosheng, but also caused the fall of Xie Lingyun, and indirectly caused the death of Shi Huasheng.

The two top masters died, and the remaining four were even more shocked. They refused to take the disciples from the wind and all the way. They bite their teeth and bear the sword. They rushed from the crowd at the fastest speed, trying to be big with the roof. The troops meet.


Attacks from all sides of the attacking disciples can use the experience and skills to avoid most of the attacks, some attacks can even ignore, but...

The wind chimes that have become safe have focused all of their attention on four people, especially Luo Jing, a master of savvy.



From the life and death, the wind chimes are not arrogant to Luo Jing. The sound of the piano is a turn, and the long dragons gathered by thousands of sound blades roll over the sharp body, whistling, with a kind of not easy to resist and The posture of escaping, from the sky and the moment, will completely roll up Luo Jing.

At this moment, the wind chimes finally show the strength of the piano!


Luo Jing’s body was instantly attacked by countless sound edges. Under the messy and fierce swordsmanship, he could not see the surrounding situation at all. He only felt the sharpness of the bones smashing through the body, over and over again. I lost my ability to control the body, only feeling faintly that the body was swept away from the ground by invisible power.

Although Luo Jing's equipment is very good, but the wind chimes go all out, the endless sound blade is wrapped around his body without interruption. The latter has no chance of rebellion, and the equipment quickly appears densely scratched. The place where the meat and the flesh are splashing.

Screaming screamingly, accompanied by the flesh and blood that sprang from the sound of the blade, the wind chime turned Luo Jing into a victim of the horror film.

The dark power is not used at this moment!

Seeing that Luo Jing was completely controlled by the wind chimes, he was happy to give up Luo Jing, such as the smog illusion, quietly swept down from the roof, and the disciples under the wind Fenglou shunned him to give way.

Although the morale here is low, but the suddenness of happiness, and the seemingly unstoppable black iron epee, brought them a lot of strength at this moment.

Although they don't know how happy they will appear silently in the altar of the wind building, I don't know what I am doing for half a month, but I am happy to kill Xie Lingyun and completely destroy the top six masters. The bureau's handwriting has greatly boosted everyone's confidence, and even thought that this is the backhand of the landlord's arrangement.

Happy did not let them down!

Lingbo micro step!

"Take him away!"

The people at Yipintang have finally acted decisively, and they are catching up with the amazing speed of the happy ones. The other two are decisively rumors that they will be happy to catch up with their companions.

Strong man broken wrist!

It’s no wonder that even Xie Lingyun and Shi Huasheng are both happy and uniformed. The happy in their hearts has long become unfathomable. They can’t give up the idea of ​​counterattack. They only hope that their companions can win for themselves. The opportunity to escape.

As soon as the latter bit his teeth, the sword turned and turned to the left side of the Fengfenglou disciple, attempting to split the two.


Just turned less than a foot, a powerful sucking force pulled him from behind.

The latter's face is white! Reflexively waits for the sweep, forcing the people behind. However, the biggest feature of Lingbo Microstep is not the speed, but the ability to evade in a small area.

It is easy to sway to another direction, the dragon hand is stiff and the opponent, the mysterious iron epee with strong dark power is like a mountain, and ruthlessly squats on the latter.

The back skin is open!

Although the disciples of Fengfenglou are not able to compete with the top players in strength, the strength of the dog is absolutely good...

Surrounded by the outside for a long time, seeing the master of a product hall was happy to fly over, and immediately seven or eight people came from behind with a sword.


puff! puff! !

Without blocking the momentum of the latter's fall, several people took the initiative to separate them to the two sides, and the swords and swords brought a blood mark from the latter; the people behind it painted the gourd.

When the man landed, the body was already smashed, and the whole person seemed to be **** and broken, and swallowed the last breath.

A catch, a sword, happy not to see this hapless, reflexive plunder from the crowd, chasing the blood of the other two people, and chasing behind the ass.

Although the dark-sounding impact contained in the dragon's hand is not very strong, the sword of the magical dynasty is enough to break the latter's one-third of the body, and it is not a light internal injury. Darkness can cause more than two seconds of blood surge, falling into a group of elite hands in the wind building, not to die!


I noticed that my companion died so fast, happy as the smashing of the bones, and the other two were scared to be amazed!

Fortunately, the big troops are close at hand!

Several top-class masters took the initiative to break the line of defense formed by Wu Kui and others. The fierce attack was fiercely and tightly intertwined and greeted with joy. "You are too useless. If you are happy, you will scare you away."

"do not!!"

The two people who escaped from the birth of the day finally gave birth to a sense of security, but when they saw the few brothers here, they were so happy that they were happy, suddenly changed their voices, and quickly shouted out warnings: "Don’t fight hard with him. !!"

Xie Lingyun was killed by a sword, and Shi Huasheng was abolished by a claw and a sword. Based on them, they rushed out and sent themselves out.

At this time, the police is already late!

I was not happy to stop when I was happy.

Seeing the five top master knives smashing into a net, the cold breath rushed to the surface, happy suddenly stagnation, the black iron epee rose high, squatting in the open space in front of the five.

boom! ! !

The hard bluestone bricks are smashed like water tofu in front of the frontless black iron epee.

A loud noise!

The ground trembled fiercely, and countless stones became sharp concealers at this moment, smashing the face of a group of people offensive.

Five people changed color.

Without waiting for the correct response, the darkness contained in the stone hit the body, and the five people were directly knocked out...

Carrying Yu Wei, happy and rushing to rush, the Xuan Tie heavy sword whistling and sweeping, several people who came from behind to try to rush to help like a collision on the wall, the power back from the mysterious iron epee back directly shocked them.

"Up!!" The situation on the side of the wind building was already in jeopardy. I didn't expect to be happy, directly helping them to kill four top players, and tore a torn from the iron barrel line of a group of top players. .

A group of masters of the wind building suddenly felt a bright spot:

I dare not neglect, a group of people have made efforts in the happy opening situation, with the archers behind, with the sound of the wind chimes, in the worst situation, the most violent counterattack, more than two hundred top experts in the momentum of the stagnation The 'convex' type of propulsion front was rushed into a 'concave' character.

In the twinkling of an eye, happy and unscrupulously hurt a few people, a black iron epee in hand, start Lingbo microsteps into the depths of the enemy group...

Dragon hand!

Grab a person easily, followed by a spin to the back, let a lot of roads and sharp swords, sweeping thousands of troops!

Hey! !

The controlled haplocrime smashed out two steps, and a black whistling sword ran over it. The whole person twisted into the crowd like a twist.

The masters of the front lobby of the Fengfeng Building are almost all the top masters of Yipintang, Xuemeng and Twelve Jingcheng gangs. They are all proud and confident.

Seeing that I was happy, I rushed in with one person, and I was able to turn the tide of the arrogant posture. I was angered by these high-spirited masters. On the spot, some people vacated from the crowd. When the air bursts out of the dense swords, the sky is scattered. Happy face hood falling.


"Look at Laozi’s collection of you!!”

There are still a few shots at the same time.

Why is it because everyone is a person in all directions, each person is using a locked attack.

Happy did not put these people in the eyes, rushing into the chaos, the swords and flowers behind them, regardless of the face, the cold and illusory shadow, easily escape from the lock attack.

Happy to know that the wind building now still has the absolute advantage and advantage!

More than two hundred top masters broke into the altar, and the elite players behind them are still flowing inward. If they can't be solved as soon as possible, the wind building will soon be broken by the front line and slowly extend to other directions. Completely collapsed.

Now we must seize every minute and every second to strike as much as possible to destroy the attack rhythm of Yipintang...

The people who lead the rhythm of Yipintang are the top experts!

When this group of people die, it will not be a problem to expel the people of Yipintang from the general hall of the wind building.

Thought of this, happy to take a deep breath, silently start ‘wind full of sky’! !

At this time, thirty seconds have passed.


"The other direction is steady!"

"There is only one happy, give it to us!"

"Brothers are careful, the happy Xuan Tie epee is amazingly lethal, with a good arm suppression effect, everyone should not care! Start the body, prepare for dark resistance, we are entangled in him!!"

"Sweeping the army is not terrible, use the block to offset the damage, don't be self-defeating." In the face of the sudden impact of the uninvited raid, Yipintang quickly responded, someone stood up and directed, specially brought a The group is surrounded by happy, and the parry moves to reduce the damage.

As everyone knows, happy is waiting for this moment!

The wind is full of sky!

The whistling Xuan Tie’s epee ring was pushed out, and the majestic internal force cooperated with the fierce swordman’s smashing into the top masters in all directions...

Hey! !

A group of people just had time to spur the darkness to offset the happy attack and the darkness contained in it. Suddenly another more powerful force collided like a wave against the chest.

puff! !

Hey! !

A group of people couldn't get out of it, and the breastplate seemed to have been hit by a fatal and terrible blow. They were sunk and collapsed. More than a dozen people were seriously injured on the spot and smashed into all directions.

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