Sword Among Us

Chapter 1047: Openly recruited (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1047 openly recruits (third, ask for recommendations)

Chapter 1047

The moment when the evil emperor came, happy immediately felt that a majestic force came silently from the collision, and started the little dragon shape without saying anything, the figure that was supposed to be sustained by him did not fall on his body. The top of the unfortunate Beijing gang who rubbed his body and hit the top of the gang, the latter's breastplate was sunken directly, and there was no chance of screaming. The body violently leaned back and crashed into the distance, and then could not climb. .

Happy after the start of the dragon shape, the horse rolled over and rolled, and the black iron epee made a whistling wind in the air, and the heavy front was inserted in the ground.

Boom! !

The bluestone plate is broken, and the black iron epee is deeply immersed in it, as if one and a half feet have a shield in front of it.

Just as soon as it was set, the Xuan Tie treacherous trembled, and a powerful force slammed into it.

Hey! ! !

Happy only feels an arm of the arm, clenching the teeth and holding the giant sword, but still under the impact of this force, even the man with the sword is pushed a few meters away.

The Xuan Tie Epee dragged a gully beyond the width of the blade from the ground, stopping only after a few seconds!

Needless to say, this blow is the credit of the evil emperor.

Constantly avoiding and forcing the evil emperor to make a continuous shot, this attack will not stop to pick up the move, the subsequent darkness and attack will be more uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the roots and arm strength of the Xuan Tie Epee did not disappoint him. With the powerful block effect, the hard-boiled slaying of the evil emperor did not suffer much damage.

"It is the world's first recognized master of the evil spirits, "Da Dao Devils Dafa", worthy of the four great books of the rivers and lakes!"

Happy and quick to hide in the sleeves of the small Dandan bomb entrance, while getting up and pulling the sword, the mouth is not too slow to mutter.

Under the offensive of the evil emperor, he was safe and innocent, and he also killed at least 30 top experts, indirectly causing more than 20 people to be killed by the evil emperor. This record not only made the evil emperor seriously, but also surrounded The top masters of Yipintang also stepped back tens of meters in chills.

of course!

It’s not just because of happiness. The evil emperor will not allow anyone to approach or intervene when playing against others. On the wind side, a group of Tangmen masters and archers indirectly caused dozens of them to be damaged. The remaining people are now less than 80! The huge advantage is gone.


"I didn't expect that in the short time of the Central Plains, there was another amazing master. Yes, you are really good."

The evil emperor's face has been restored as usual, calm and happy, without concealing his appreciation: "If you are willing to give up the past with Yipintang, I can invite you into the wolf organization..."


The words of the evil emperor are like throwing a blockbuster in the altar of the wind building.

In the same words, the evil emperor once said to an emperor, the Central Plains, and only one emperor was optimistic about the evil emperor, and personally opened the door, but the emperor did not agree!

Unexpectedly, after a year, the evil emperor threw out an olive branch and listened to his tone. He also wanted to actively resolve the grievances between happiness and Yipintang.

Is it in the eyes of the evil emperor that happiness has reached the level that can rival one emperor?

Countless people are pumping air in their hearts!

They are very clear about the temptation to join a wolf organization for a person!

The wolf organization now controls 80% of the world's resources, and it is easy to grasp the lifeblood of the largest power group in every country in the world. This is both status and power, as well as benefits!

As long as you promise, it is a step to the sky!

One emperor will refuse, and many people can understand, because the emperor is the first master in the Central Plains itself, and there is no shortage of status and interests.

But happy is not the same...


A group of people in Wu's face looked slightly happy, but they saw that the latter seemed to have some heartbeat to stop, standing opposite the evil emperor, frowning, as if he was hesitating.

Seeing here, the hearts of countless people in the wind building began to sink...

A evil emperor has been hard to resist, and the happy brave martial arts are all seen in the eyes. It is completely a moving cold-blood weapon, and its deterrence is not inferior to the evil king.


Just when countless Fengfenglou disciples held their breath and waited for a happy decision, only the wind chimes sitting on the roof not only showed no nervous expression, but took the opportunity to retract their magical piano into a sword box and quietly retreated. Attacked the deeper part of the altar of the building.

"You think about it, no."

Others did not notice the departure of the piano magic wind chime, but the evil emperor who cultivated the "Daoxin Devil's Law" to reach a certain realm was aware of this situation for a time. The brow was slightly wrinkled and looked impatiently: "It is becoming Friends, or continue to be an enemy."

As soon as the voice fell, I was so happy that I shrugged my shoulders: "It’s not a bad decision. On the one hand, it’s national justice, and on the other hand, it’s the highest status and interests. Hey, can you give me more time to think about it?”


When I was happy with a serious expression, when I said this, the voice of Mengyun came from a place far away from the square of the wind building:

"So a despicable way to delay time, you think you can deceive someone!"


Happy and surprised, in front of the evil emperor's face: "I was seen so quickly." Having said that, half a minute is enough to make a happy recovery of a lot of internal forces, and the wind has passed the cooling time, you can again Show.

The people on the side of the wind building understand this. The act of thinking about it is just to delay the time. One by one, letting go of the big stone at the same time, admiring the pleasure of happiness.


The evil emperor's face is unchanged: "I can only express regret for your choice." During the speech, one hand lifted, and a whirl-like mental storm quickly emerged from the void, tearing it to the latter.

This time, the two people are close at hand, and the mental storm evolved from the palm of the hand faster and more imposing.

The speed of the evil emperor is accelerating, but happiness has always been vigilant against the evil emperor's every move, and he is aware that the latter is also using the range of attacks, launching Lingbo microsteps, without hesitation, flying back and plundering the direction of a master.

"Sure enough, it seems that you also have the will attribute on your body. Otherwise, it is impossible to be indifferent to the spiritual power of the Taoist Devil's Law." The evil emperor's tone is dignified in the back, and a palm is shot on the happy body. I noticed that my attack was happily weakened by the strange layer of real elements: "Your body is also very good, but it is determined to be too exhaustive, I guess it is right?"

"I still have a shortcoming, do you know?"

Happy, while flying non-stop, swaying the taste of evil spirits.


The evil emperor did not stop making moves, and the mouth did not stop: "I want to hear the details."

"Block him!"

"Don't let him in!!" "Miscellaneous stuff!"

In the face of the rapid rushing pleasure, the people in Yipintang were shocked and afraid. They knew that this kid planned to use them to bear the spiritual storm of the evil emperor. Apart from nothing, they made a move to intercept, and for a time they became a street mouse.

But happy is not to care so much, "Lingbo Weibu" is best at shuttles from the crowd gap, with strong and meticulous spiritual sense, no disadvantages - not to mention these guys are affected by the evil spirits, the state is not good.

Happiness barely encountered obstacles, easily mixed into the enemy from the cracks in the attack, once again forced the evil emperor to use a locked attack.

But in this way, the happy little dragon shape can play a good dodge effect!

Even the evil emperor has to admit that happy understanding of the battle is very thorough, even if it is surrounded by enemies, the environment is fully utilized, and the sinister environment is turned into a favor for him, but he is somewhat awkward. Fear of feet - although I don't care about the life and death of the top masters of Yipintang, but killing more than the face of Mengyun can not pass, he himself will be laughed at.

"Happy, you are also a master of this level of the emperor, can't you dare to face me?"

"Don't wear a high hat for me. Now who in the rivers and lakes don't know that I have been lying in the hospital bed for a year and a half, and soon after returning to the rivers and lakes, I really want to go to the Central Plains. You have to leave the Central Plains. After waiting for a few months, I am in a state of nowhere. , I’m more than ever!”

In the other side of the world, happy may care about your reputation, but here, happy will not have so much scruples, alone, no title, no burden, against the evil emperor, is also known as the world's first master, Nothing, the winner of one of the four great books of the rivers and lakes.

So many dazzling auras shrouded in one body, and there was no burden of playing a rogue. When you were in the crowd, you solved the two people with ease.

"Hey, are you going to use this method to delay the time?"

The evil emperor is now angry...

If the opponent is a normal master, he can squeeze to death with a slap;

It is a defense that is more powerful than an emperor. It runs faster than a rabbit. It is a rival to the fox. It is specially drilled into a crowd of people.

Unless Yipintang withdraws troops, or desperately kills, it is impossible to hold happy in a short time.

"Since you don't fight with me, I don't bother to catch you. I shot these people directly and destroyed the altar of the wind building. I can see how long you can still."

The evil king is the leader of the international mercenary, and the means can be no less than happy, and quickly grasp the happy death.


Unexpectedly, when he was ready to leave, he was happy to reply in the crowd: "The wind building is not mine anyway. You can't destroy it for a while. Since you can't catch up with me, we will play fair. See who kills more people and see who can't support them first!"

The evil emperor had planned to use it, no matter what he said happily, he had to use the wind building to make a happy decision. He did not expect that a happy words would make him not come to Taiwan.

The world's first master, because it can't catch up with a silent little boy, has to be happy with each other.

The world's first master, if you do this, does it mean that you are happy to be on the same level as yourself?

When the eyes were cold, the evil emperor decided to stop.

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