Sword Among Us

Chapter 1048: Happy death? (first more)

Chapter 1048 Happy Death? (First)

Chapter 1048

The evil king stops!

At the same time, Wu Fenglou waited for a sigh of relief, showing an incredible and pleasant expression.

"It is!"

No one ever thought that happy will bring them so many surprises one after another.

The first master of the world, the evil master of the world, failed several times to deal with happiness. Instead, he was happy to use the environment to kill more than 100 top players in the Yipintang. The remaining top players and the people who stayed in the lobby of the General Hall were fewer and fewer. It is difficult to pose a threat to the wind building.

Although the pressure brought by the evil emperor still exists, but because of the happy containment, it makes the wind building feel that the situation is developing in a very good direction.


Wu Kui heard the words of such gratitude in the crowd: "This kid, it is no wonder that the landlord is safe and bold to leave the altar for so long..." "Continue to drag on, wait until the emperor and our landlord return, maybe there is a chance Fight off the evil emperor and drive the evil emperor out of the Central Plains!"

"That's right!"

Numerous disciples attacked the wind and the disciples of the past half a month and the previous oppression, the red light, the morale is high, the confidence is great!

In the other three directions, the number of people in Yipintang has exceeded 30,000. Under the morale, a group of people who pushed to the wall of the total altar 30 meters away were retired.

At this moment, anyone can see that the morale of the wind building is like a rainbow, and there is no situation in which the evil emperor is in danger.

At this time, standing behind the crowd is a hand-picked white stationery, his face is ugly, and after repeated reading twice, inhale deeply.

Until then, he got the flying pigeons from the phantom!

The situation is very bad.

The phantom was directed at lobbying the four gangs of the capital, but I did not expect that the four gangs would be slow to decide when they arrived. They did not respond to the phantom and the urging of Bai Xiaosheng, and immediately called the people, and at the same time, around the four gangs. There have also been many disciples of the blood alliance and the Beijing gang.

In other words...

The phantom's lobbying failed!

The four major gangs in Beijing are unlikely to bring people to help.

What makes him even more worried is that when the Phantom of the Opera left, he asked about the time it took to return to the next emperor, and made a wrong inference - it is estimated that it will take at least forty minutes to return.

But the evil emperor has already appeared.

The phantom speculation, even if there is happiness, it is difficult to support such a long time in the altar of the wind building... so she is ready to wait until the emperor returns to Beijing, and then gathers people to launch an attack from the periphery.

However, I did not expect that I was able to force the evil emperor to repeatedly succumb to it. Now I regret that I want to go back to the general altar commanding the battle. I can't get close to the altar of the Fengfeng Building. I only have a group of brothers waiting nearby. In the restaurant.

"..." The heart of Wu Kui is bleeding.

Although the current happy time temporarily helped them win the respite, the situation of the attacking wind building was slightly improved, but the evil emperor could not give them forty minutes.

Moreover, those top talents who have fallen out of the city will soon be able to fly from the nearest Wu Temple. At that time, the wind building will have to bear more pressure - even if it is happy, it can not be able to turn the tide!

"Wu Louzhu, is it the landlord's flying pigeon biography, what did the landlord say in the letter?" An elder in the vicinity turned to see the singer holding the letter, and the eyes lit up: "When will the landlord come with the reinforcements?"

Wu Zuo did not go over his face, took a deep breath, and replied in a calm voice: "The landlord let us continue to insist, she now took the reinforcements outside waiting for opportunities, and also in the continuous gang of gangs in the Central Plains... Once the emperor returns, the time is ripe, and the landlord will launch a strong attack from the outside to the Yipintang.” After a pause, Wu Shu’s voice said: “So, brothers, we must continue to stick to the altar and give the landlords more time!"

boom! !

The heroes promised.

The lie of goodwill makes the morale of the patriarch of the Fengfeng Building even more magnificent, and the arrows and rains are stable and stable, and countless enemies on all sides resist it;

The situation in the lobby is also slowly improving. With the happy restraint, more and more people in the hall have to retreat and withdraw from the scope of the altar. The wind building began to slowly recover lost ground.

It seems that the wind building is gradually pulling back the situation!

This scene has made some people in the Yipintang class somewhat discouraged;

But in the street crowd, countless martial arts people have shown concern...

In a few minutes, although I was happy for the wind building, I got a good situation and gradually pulled back some of them, but all of this was only temporary.

Mengyun is now dispatching troops on the street roof frequently!

The fallen top masters rushed back and forth from the direction of Wu Temple, stopping in the vicinity of Mengyun, one by one, and have returned to the peak state;

In the open space on the front of the main square of the Fengfeng Building, hundreds of archers and two archers are arranged into two large squares, ready to go, and they are made clear that the breakthroughs on this side will not form a line of defense;


A dozen of the five poison masters who had disappeared for a while, came out of the crowd and, under the leadership of Ao Cangsheng, appeared outside the altar of the Fengfeng Building.

Nowadays, the battlefield against the wind building does not need to use a huge array of drugs, nor is it a threat that can be threatened by the mega-virus, but the personal combat strength of the twelve sorcerers is quite good, and they can be comparable in the battlefield. Master, even played an unexpected effect.

The masters gathered in the outer hall of the wind building!

All this, by the phantom, was seen by many martial arts people!

Everyone's face is dignified several times, they can feel the sinking dream cloud began to earnestly, planning and brewing a more intense attack!

"It looks like Mengyun is going to play once big."

"I will inform Wu Ku immediately, let him prepare in advance." In the restaurant, the phantom wearing a human skin mask is staring at the altar that is faintly visible in the distance.


"Also, continue to contact the four helpers! Tell them about the situation here, the Central Plains has not lost! Let them make a decision as soon as possible!"

The phantom knows what the four people are worried about, and knows that they will certainly not be willing to carry their heads and all the interests and gambles, but she still does not want to let go of even a slight chance - once the four gangs decide to Come in, although not enough to lay the effect, but at least win face can increase by at least 20%!


"The landlord is relieved, the Wulou master is doing very well now, the evil emperor has been coming for so long, but the people of Yipintang are gradually being driven out by us... Maybe it will be able to support an emperor!" Someone looked worriedly The phantom walking around, try to comfort her.

"Put up to the present, there is not much relationship with the martial arts." Charm smiled and shook his head: "Wu Chou is my brother, he will not know what he is. I will stay in the altar, just to calm the army and let him be at the key. Time to cheer up morale, he just did according to my arrangement, but I did not expect the evil emperor to appear so fast... I don’t give me any chance of preparation, but fortunately... I am happy in the altar, his strength. Exceeding my expectations... If it weren't for him, the battle of the total altar of the wind building is now coming to an end.” Speaking here, the phantom sighed slightly: “When Bai Xiaosheng and an emperor told me, I still don't believe it, but now, if time can be reversed, combining the strength of an emperor and happy, not to resist the evil emperor, even if I take the initiative to drive the evil emperor out of the Central Plains, I have at least 70% of the grasp!"


The people on the side were stunned.

I did not expect the phantom to evaluate the happiness so high!

"Unfortunately, it has been missed now, and Mengyun must have realized that the strength of happiness will give her the threat of this action."

The phantom brow is close:

"Next, if I am a dream cloud, I will fight in the third line, use Witch to open a breakthrough, and continue to push people to the front, and continue to create pressure with the evil king! In this way, the front door master of the lobby is always ready. Facing the situation of distracting the enemy."


A group of people heard this and turned their faces to look at the direction of the main square of the wind building.

His face became gloomy.

Because they have already seen, some of the top players gathered near the dream cloud have turned around in other directions...

At the same time, another group of people continued to rush to the front lobby.

"..." guards the face of the savage building masters in the vicinity of the phantom, and sure enough, Yunyun has realized that the situation is not good, and began to race against time to seize all the time.

For them, this is not a good news.

"The landlord, let us find a place to kill directly, and join the brothers of the altar!" Some people could not help but suggest.

The phantom slowly shook his head and his tone was low:

"Don't say that we can't rush, even if we can rush over, we can't break the attack rhythm of the current altar. Now the firepower of the three parties is even and stable. In the past, we will certainly create flaws and loopholes for Yipintang, but will accelerate the general altar. Destruction... We don’t have many people. Even if we don’t do anything in the altar, it’s better to wait and see what’s going on and continue to summon the reinforcements.”

"Don't we just sit here and wait, watching the brethren fight desperately, but can't do anything?"

"For the time being, I am afraid it is."

When the phantom voice fell, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became more severe and stagnant.

At this moment, the phantom suddenly made a small horror.

"Lin Xuan."

Lin Xuan, who is paying close attention to the situation in the direction of the general altar of the Fengfeng Building on the roof, heard the phantom voice very urgent, and quickly responded: "Landlord!?"

In the eyes of the phantom, with a trace of uneasiness, the tone is rushing:

"What is happening in the lobby? For so long, there is no movement... This is not the style of the evil king."

"I don't know, I can't see clearly. Yipintang has just sent a group of people into our altar. There are too many people. However, the evil emperor seems to have no big moves..."

Having said that, suddenly Lin Xuan’s voice seems to be broken by something!

Soon Lin Xuan’s screams sounded anxiously and fearfully:

"The landlord! Happy to die..."


In the restaurant, all the sounds disappeared instantly!

The phantom suddenly plunged from the restaurant onto the roof, and his face became incomparably ugly.

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