Sword Among Us

Chapter 1049: Digestive (second more)

Chapter 1049 is dying (second more)

Chapter 1049

The wind is changing!

It is appropriate to use these four words to describe the current situation of the General Hall of the Fengfeng Building.

A moment ago, countless Fengfenglou disciples also managed to contain the attention of the evil emperor and helped the Fengfeng Building to kill a large number of top experts in the Yipintang. The morale was like a rainbow, but I didn’t expect it. The top pillar of the wind building collapsed.

No one knows what happened in the middle!

Even Wu Kui and a group of top players are staring at each other from the figures of the Yipintang crowd, and their faces become very ugly.

The change appeared too fast!

A group of people had no time to react, and they saw the attack of the evil emperor coming, and the range of happiness was blasting!

After that, I didn’t have a quick break through the previous few times to continue killing... There was a slight boring from inside, and then a black flame leaped from the dust, and I didn’t wait to see what happened inside the wind building. The happy body seems to be struck by an unusually powerful force. The body of the real body is madly cut, and it quickly changes from a thickness of two feet to a thin layer, and eventually there is no chance of rebellion. He was thrown at the feet of the evil spirits.


In the sound of pumping, countless lines of sight are tightened at this moment!

What did they see...

Although the happy magical instrument belongs to the 4th level of the best, in just a moment it seems to have suffered numerous attacks, the whole body up and down, especially the chest and back, the magic device is damaged many places, the blood penetrates from the damaged part, the wound flesh and blood blurry.

Compared with the happy, the evil emperor, who is close at hand, stands tall and tall, as always, the majesty is tall and tall, looking at the flesh and blood under the feet, the dying, the sight of the fatal wound in the chest for a few seconds, the expression on the face is not Know whether it is indifferent or dignified:

"If you don't hide like this, fight with me, I will give you the most fair environment, but unfortunately..." Although the evil emperor's words are low and do not use internal forces, but this moment the audience is silent, all eyes are Staring in the same direction, every word he said was clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

A group of disciples who attacked Fenglou saw this and walked out several figures from the crowd of Yipintang!

Seeing these people, the pupils of Wu Kui and others suddenly enlarged.

Walking in the forefront is the "Lion 吼" master Shi Huasheng, surrounded by the dark master Gao Jing, who was indirectly killed in the same time at the same time. The two men came out from the crowd with complex expressions and came to the dying happy neighborhood, staring The latter's body looked at it for a while, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't have a good time to move his body.

The last one who came out of the crowd was not the master of the Central Plains, but the master of the Central Plains martial arts was very familiar with him - the master of the wolf organization '焱狼'.



Has been lurking in the Central Plains, has not revealed the hidden and windy guys for half a month.

The latter is different from Luo Jing and Shi Huasheng. The murderous walk out of the crowd and come to the happy neighborhood. ‘嘭’, he kicked the happy body unceremoniously:

"The bastard! I don't dare to go online for ten days!"


Happy, I was sore and sore, and now he was stepping on the wound with a light footstep. There was a feeling of dying in the past.

Seeing this scene, countless disciples in the wind building understand.

The reason why happy is killed in an instant is obviously caused by the combination of a class and a wolf!

The control skills of the wolf, coupled with Shi Huasheng's guilt, Luo Jing's darkness, three special top players with the world's first master 'fighting emperor', such a lineup, I am afraid no one in the rivers and lakes can be controlled in such a horrible way And survived under ambushes.

Wu Kui and others saw that the wolf also put his foot on the happy body, and the eyes suddenly became red! Gently cut your teeth one by one! I can't wait to give up everything and immediately rush to save people!

Who is happy?

Happy is not the person who hits the wind building!

This is the battle of the relationship between the wind and the building! But for the Central Plains martial arts, happy resolutely refused to pull the biggest peak rights organization in the rivers and lakes, standing on the side of the wind building to help them resist the Yipintang and the wolf organization.

In this battle, I am not happy with any benefits, even dangerous...

But happy to stand up and stand up.

And help the wind building has been supported until now.

"All the disciples of the Fengfenglou listen to orders! Save me with me!!!" Wu Shuo binoculars are scarlet, a pair of fierce and murderous will be set aside.

"Wu Louzhu!"

"The big picture is heavy!!" A group of elders around him have long noticed that a group of people in Wushu are not feeling right, stopping them, and yelling in their mouths: "The landlord is waiting for us outside, we can't be self-defeating!!"


Wu Kui turned back and shouted: "Happy to die, you think who can stop the footsteps of the evil emperor!"

He is the most aware of the situation at the bottom of the wind building. It is also clear that the so-called reinforcements need to wait at least thirty-five minutes to appear... but until this moment, he still maintains some reason and does not say the phantom and the embarrassing situation of the capital.

"Wu Louzhu! Happy brothers can still be resurrected! We still have the opportunity, don't be self-defeating, there are tens of thousands of brethren in the General Altar who need your command!!" Many elders have a terrible pain, and they have stopped a group of people. .



The evil emperor glared at the glance.

The wolf perceives the dissatisfaction of the evil emperor, and this is the time to accept the foot. However, he does not forget to sip a sigh of relief. "The kid will dare to resurrect, and Lao Tzu will kill you, so that you will call Laozi shameful..." After that, this is two steps back under the anger of the evil emperor, no longer snoring.

The evil emperor did not pay attention to the chaotic situation that lost the pillars and pillars on the side of the wind building. After the sight was taken back from the wolf, it fell back to the happy body and browed slightly.

"You are very good."

I heard the evil emperor’s happy speech, and the sound of Yipintang’s voice was closed.

"In the front, I have two palms, and I have a lion cub and a dozen waves of darkness. In this case, my seven palms can still survive and die. Your life is really hard. It is worthy of Shaolin Supreme." Yi Jin Jing, let you develop for a while, maybe you are the first master of the Central Plains, and even the one of the emperors must be out of reach."

boom! !

The evil emperor said this, and Yipintang suddenly boiled.

Countless people face each other, their faces are full of shock and incredible!

The evaluation of the evil king is not high.

This is all right...

Listening to the evil king's words, just a few seconds in the chaos, happiness was actually besieged by several top players. Three special top players helped the evil king to control the next move of happiness, which led to happy fall. .


In that case, happiness does not seem to have died.


Looking at the flesh and blood on the ground, the dying pleasure, the hatred and anger of countless people are dissolved in the invisible, replaced by awe and shock...

The people on the side of the wind building heard the true confession of the evil emperor and learned about the happy encounters. One by one, in the anger, they couldn’t say whether they were sighing or happy for the happy achievements.

"Hah, ha..."

Just when everyone thought that the evil emperor’s words were already the last words before the happy birthday, the heavy and happy on the ground suddenly moved his fingers and sent a series of unsatisfactory ironies: “The evil emperor...you I can say it myself, I am not surprised at all. If, if I am exposed, tell everyone that you are relying on three masters to help me, I am afraid, no matter the wolf organization or your evil emperor, it will be very No face, haha..."

Countless people were shocked to see the flesh and blood on the ground, can't believe that a person who suffered such a serious injury survived and could talk.

I don't know if it was because of being happy to reveal something, or because of the irony in the happy words, the evil emperor's eyes flashed a murderous murder, and then quickly recovered as usual, and the tone was calm:

"Whatever you say, if you are still alive, I will not kill you..." After a pause, the evil emperor stayed down and said: "After destroying the wind building, I will stay in the Central Plains for a while, then, at any time. Welcome to the door to challenge!"

Some words will show off the evil spirits domineering and self-confidence!


The wolf went up two steps, staring at the happy eyes:

"Head, still keep his dog life to do, kill the clean, the emperor will soon rush to the capital, and the gang forces outside the capital..."

"Do not."

The evil emperor did not go to see it again, smiling:

"It is good for us to keep him, so that he will not be able to resurrect. In this way, the strength of this kid is good, it is hard to fight, and then come back, it is still very annoying..."

The wolf and the people around it are all bright!

The evil emperor is right.

Happy just killed the top six or seventy masters in the first battle, indirectly killing more people, and Lingbo microsteps from the Wu Temple to come over can not be much time - really if you come again, it will bring no small Threats and troubles.

"The head is wise!"

Although the wolf was unwilling, but his eyes turned, he said: "Exactly, let me see this kid, and promise not to kill him, and to ensure that he can't move his hands." Swim up at the joints of the hands and feet.

The evil emperor glanced at the wolf and slowly nodded.

The wolf is overjoyed, knowing that the head means acquiescing to let go.

Without hesitation, he grabbed the happy back neck and lifted his happiness to the rear like a dead dog. He looked at the countless people on the side of the wind building and looked radiant and roared.

"Bastard!!" "I swear to kill you!" Wu Kui excited to bite the corners, blood stains red teeth.

The wolf completely ignored the roar behind, and he threw himself into the outside wall, and sneered in his mouth: "Hey, boy, the heart is very powerful. It seems that "Yi Jin Jing" strengthens your body. It’s not a little bit worse than the average person. It’s not a serious internal injury or trauma. It’s not a problem with the dislocation and fracture.”

If you haven't finished talking, your hand is already very easy to break your happy arm.

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