Sword Among Us

Chapter 1053: The first realm of "Purification of the marrow" (three more completed, ask

Chapter 1053 "The marrow wash" first realm (three more completed, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 1053

As the reincarnation picture began to be seriously injured and crippled, the wolf dragged himself to the main square of the wind building. Happiness has already broken away from the regrets, and his eyes have become cold and cold, but as the torture unfolds, the mood gradually changes. Have to fly up.

This is the biggest secret of happiness!

that moment……

Whether it is attacking the wind building, Yipintang, or the evil emperor, and the wolf who tortured the bones and tortured, he never thought of it. In that period of time, he was happy not to think of forced offline, not thinking about biting the tongue. Self-employed.

But happy to know that leaving the game yourself will only be the shadow and shame of your life!

Avoid the war!

This is the shame that the military is most intolerable.

As for biting your tongue...

Happy heart is extremely unwilling, and because "Yi Jin Jing" has become a big success, a little bit of strength is not enough to bite off his tongue - even if he succeeds in biting his tongue, he may not die. At present, his root bone is already strong. Not like a person.

Being strong enough to be hard to destroy is a good thing in many cases, but in this case it is very troublesome.

So, at that moment, happiness is almost trying every means to anger the wolf, let him kill himself under the black hand...


The unexpected thing started from that moment.

When the wolf broke his fifth bone, the intense pain continued to hit the nerves, and the whole body was almost soaked with sweat, and it was too late to support it...

But at that moment, the system came with a crisp reminder that made him feel refreshed:

"Will! Increase 1 point!"

Being beaten by the evil emperor, and being tortured by the wolf to death, in this case, the happy and powerful willpower is once again improved.

2 will!

The first willingness attribute obtained from the back of the **** accumulates the current 1 point, which makes the happy mistakes soon surprise.


In fact, at the moment of bearing the spiritual pressure of the evil emperor, I am happy to know the magical use of this property!

The will seems to be able to be realized and acquired only in an extremely harsh environment between life and death!

Those who have experienced life and death can often see through life and death, and those who have great will will not easily shake when faced with the oppression of foreign spirits!

This is the role of the will.



The surprise that makes you happy is not over yet.

Just happy to continue to suffer, and when the third will attribute is expected to come, it really appears...

At this time, the whole body bones were broken and broken more than 20 pieces, the whole body could not move, the pain in the body was unbearable, and it was very itchy, just like 10,000 ants crawling in the body, which is unbearable.

"Get 1 will!"

"The current will reach 3!"

"The Washing the marrow is promoted to the first level!"

The continuous system prompts that happiness suddenly has a feeling of regaining a new life, and the limbs seem to be undergoing some wonderful changes...

Although the bones can't heal themselves without medical treatment, when the happy one hears the last system prompt, the whole person glances, and then the heart is filled with an unprecedented ecstasy!

Wash the marrow! !

The marrow wash has finally broken through!

The two consecutive feelings between life and death, has experienced several difficult times like this, and the "Knocking the marrow" that has never been moved has finally improved from 1.00 to 9.99!


When I continued to endure the torture, I finally saw the magical effect of Washing the marrow.

Although I just entered the first realm and opened the attributes of the "Purification of the marrow", but the information I got was very unexpected and exciting:

Washing marrow: 9.99

Shaolin Supreme Collection!

Wash the marrow! Break and stand!

The first level of realm:

You can feel the tremendous changes in the body, the changes in each meridian, the impurities are completely removed, the eyes look farther, the spirits are more meticulous, the body is lighter, the bones become more tough, and the realm of returning to the real world, all martial arts are handy, It consumes 80% of the usual internal force, which gives you a feeling of rebirth...

Very strange property introduction.

All this makes it easy for you to relive yourself and see your specific changes, and see what kind of power the Washing Sutra brings to yourself.


Because of the further strengthening of the body, now wanting to commit suicide has become an unattainable expectation.


Hey! !

Happy has a strong feeling of falling from the sky.

When the feet were on the ground, the happy consciousness finally returned to the body from the reincarnation of hell, and quickly noticed the crowds around, as well as the noisy sounds:


The surrounding is like a market. Although the space of the Wu Temple is very large and wide, but because there are more people rushing in the air, there is still a feeling of being in the market.

The people of Yipintang, the people who attacked the wind building, and the people of the major gangs in the capital, are constantly appearing in the martial arts temple. They are pale in appearance, and they are still very tempered after coming out, **** for tat, and full of gunpowder. It is seen how fierce the battle in the altar of the Fengfeng Building is.

However, I am happy that I have no interest in the surrounding atmosphere. He is now only trying to know how his strength has improved...

Look down and look around.

"Fortunately, there is no explosive equipment."

Happy and secretly relieved, and took out a ‘Life and Death Dream Dan’ sent to him by Bai Xiaosheng from the Qiankun bag, and threw it into the entrance with many people’s horrified eyes.


"Taking a dream list of life and death, recovering from the abnormal state of injury..." The system prompts a drop, and the feeling of weakness in the body quickly fades quickly.

While walking out of the martial arts temple, I raised my arms while I was happy.

Before the outside of the altar of the Fengfeng Building, because the whole body was broken and there was no force to move, I could not feel the change brought by the "Purification of the marrow", but now... I feel very strong.

If we say that the changes that Dacheng had brought to him at the beginning were the savvy, the strengthening of the roots and the emergence of the real gas field, then now.

From the moment I appeared in Wu Temple, I was happy to feel that my spiritual consciousness has expanded more than half, and within a radius of more than 100 meters (Wu Temple), everyone’s breath is clearly reflected in my mind. Among them...

At the same time, he has a feeling that he has a powerful power in every move.

I didn't use any internal force, I didn't have any moves, and I didn't open the inner realm. Every move seemed to be able to make a very good punch, and there was an urgent need to stretch my hands and feet.

This feeling makes happiness both exciting and refreshing!


Happy looking around, there are already many people who recognize themselves and look over here.

There are too many people in Wu Temple!

Obviously, this is not the best place to test your strength.


Just wondering if you want to go to the general altar of the wind building to test your latest strength in the face of the evil emperor, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.

With the sound of this sound, the noisy sounds around it were a lot smaller...

Happy to look at the face, I saw the phantom with a group of people attacking the wind master, coming from a separate crowd!

"You are here too."


In the face of happiness, the phantom is very apologetic, and the group of people behind him settled in the happy body with a lot of emotions, reverence, admiration, and excitement.

They all witnessed the scene of being tortured by the wolf in front of countless people.

I thought that I would be happy to have a look, but when I saw the happy move, it seemed that I was happy to have a passion for going to war!

"Sorry, this time because of my negligence, I have suffered." The phantom voice is very sincere - she certainly does not guess as happy as outsiders why she does not commit suicide or avoids suffering offline, in her opinion, if not Happy and supportive, the wind building has been unable to keep up until the evil emperor lowered.

Happy not to sigh with emotion:

"I am the one who wants to say sorry, there is no way to escape the evil king's ambush... If you are careful, you may be able to support you."

"You will say this again, I will be more self-blame." The phantom eyes looked bitterly into the sky, and immediately smiled: "This is our mistake, let Mengyun take a few more steps, preemptive advantage, but we still Have a chance, are you right?"

"of course."

Happy smiled and nodded.

In the sun, the two faces of the losers who came out of the Wu Temple actually overflowed with the strong confidence that made people feel trembled!

The people nearby are lost.

A few seconds of silence, a burst of cheers bursting inside and outside the Wu Temple!


"We still have a chance!!"

"Lord! Lead us to kill!!"


"Picture with a group of dogs and a group of **** dogs!"

in contrast……

Even if there are top players in the vicinity of Wu Temple, but the people on Yipintang seem to have lost their voices collectively. There is a feeling of self-defense in front of the confident smiles of the top two strongest people in the Central Plains--who let Yipintang stand in front of one to let all the Central Plains people Not shameful position?

The martial temple that has always represented the sad and awkward land, at this moment, because of the dialogue between the two people, it became full of vigor and enthusiasm!

The phantom is greatly relieved, and the quiet voice is transmitted into the secret passage:

"Thank you."

The reason why I just raised the tone and talked happily was to improve the morale of all the brothers and sisters of the Wu Temple and regain their confidence.

Today, it seems that happiness is not only very powerful, but also the brain turns very fast, and suddenly understands the reaction.

Happy naturally knows the reason for the phantom voice thanks, a slight smile, not mysterious voice back: "In fact, I know that you can go back now, but you can't recover the ending of the collapse of the total square of the wind building... In this case, Why don't you put a knife in the heart of a product, and come to life!"

"Do you want to start with Yipintang?"

The faint eyes of the phantom are quickly turned bright!

"It can be considered that Mengyun must completely take down and destroy the general altar of the Fengfeng Building. It takes at least half an hour, but an emperor can enter the capital to join us in ten minutes... but we have very few people..."

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