Sword Among Us

Chapter 1054: No one's first-class hall, the showdown! (first)

Chapter 1054, the one-man hall of the people, the showdown! (first)

Chapter 1054

"It can be considered that Mengyun must completely take down and destroy the general altar of the Fengfeng Building. It takes at least half an hour, but an emperor can enter the capital to join us in ten minutes... but we have very few people..."

Although the morale was revived, the phantom knew his own embarrassment.

In the encirclement of hundreds of thousands of enemies, the disciples in the altar of the Fengfeng Building could not escape safely. Most of the disciples of the Fengfenglou were just resurrected from the Wu Temple. Only those who have a state of prosperity have used it. Life and death dreamy Dan's, at present she can rely on only an emperor who is about to enter the capital, as well as the imaginary martial arts hero who does not know when it will appear.

"The evil emperor appeared in the capital so quickly. The reason why Yipintang joined forces with the wolves so quickly is that they don't want to fight hard with us. Therefore, this war does not require too many people to participate. I will go alone..."

Happy and happy.

Nowadays, the "Purification of the marrow" has been broken, the strength has been greatly improved, and the confidence of happiness has expanded a lot.


The phantom frowns: "Happy, you are alone, after all, it is easy to be slain again, so I send a team of people to go with you to the main hall of a product... You don't want to refuse, I picked this Brothers, the strength is absolutely reliable, and now, I have no way to shoot, rather than idle, it is better to fight with you to kill the power of a product."

The voice has not fallen, and one person is attached in Wu Temple: "Yes, it’s better to kill a few more than it is idle... If the photo studio owner and happy brothers still get the secret weapon of my Tangmen disciple, count me and my younger brother. ""

During the conversation, a group of Tangmen disciples came to the phantom and happy in the face of the young man: "The current altar of the Fengfeng Building is already a melee, and our Tangmen hidden weapon does not come in handy, but I went to Yipintang. I believe that there is still something to do."

Phantom and so on.

Even when I heard the words of the people who volunteered, they also had a feeling of bright eyes. They nodded and agreed: "I have heard that the disciples of Tangmen are unparalleled. Today, I saw my eyes and opened my eyes. Ok, but The number of people should not be too much... Tangmen disciples can only go to three or four."

"Yes, this is a deadly life, more life and death dreams Dan is better to keep the battle behind." The phantom nodded.

"it is good!"

The poisonous Buddha’s heart was very refreshing and turned back to the names of the three younger brothers. Later, he said to other people: “You brothers, when I am not there, you listen to the arrangement of the phantom landlord!”

"Yes, brother!" "Know."

At the same time, the phantom also quickly pointed to a team of people, including the martial arts, a total of twelve people, all breathable, suffocating.

Looking around, the 16 representative representatives of the top of the wind building, happy did not express their words to encourage morale, the eyes sink:

"I don't want to be late...start!"

A group of people have returned to the peak of their prosperity.

As soon as the voice fell, the 17 people started their light work. They rushed over the crowd outside the Wu Temple and climbed across the street at an alarming speed, plunging into the direction of the main altar of Yipintang.


"not good!"

"Quickly report to the owner, happy to take us to our altar!"

The direction of Yipintang and the attacking wind building is just the opposite. The people of Yipintang near the Wu Temple have seen the purpose of happy people, and many flying pigeons have risen from the Wu Temple.

The people who attacked the wind building all showed the color of anxiety.

Several elders of the wind building regained their gaze and looked at the phantom without fear:

"The landlord..."

"Don't worry, unless the evil emperor rushes in, no one can stop the happy step..."

"But the martial arts master them..."

The phantom brows a glimpse, she naturally understands that the elders are worried about the safety of Wu Kui and others, and the complexion suddenly becomes extremely solemn:

"Yellow elders, you have to know that this battle, the relationship between the survival of the wind building, is also related to the lifeline of the future of the Central Plains martial arts, whether it is the martial arts, or my phantom, more deaths must not back down ... not to mention, you think Wu Kui, they don’t know if this line will be in danger?”

The elders with a few emoticons next to them screamed at the interface: "Yes."

"If I can, I can't join it."

"This war, as long as it is able to consume a lot of life, even if our people are all dead, they die."


The elders of the surname Huang have understood the intention of the phantom to put any group of people to the main hall of Yipintang.


From the Wu Temple to the Yipintang Grand Altar, it will take a long time to reach the top of the top master, and it will arrive in five minutes...

It is different from the situation in the style of the wind.

Because the general hall of the Fengfeng Building gathered the eyes of almost everyone in the capital, the Yipintang altar is now very calm, and the nearby streets can't even see the player's figure. It is surprisingly quiet.

When a happy group of people came to the area of ​​the Yipin Hall, there was no one disciple in the big square...

The wind blew through the dust!

The main hall of Yipintang is closed!

There is a strong chilling atmosphere in the air...

After a group of people landed, including the poisonous hands of the Buddha, they were all attracted by the unusually quiet and strange atmosphere here, and they immediately increased their vigilance.

"The people of Yipintang already know that we are coming."

"Everyone is careful."

Wu Kui's face was dignified, and he turned back and said.

A group of people nodded.


In the low sound, a group of people started to open the realm and open the body.

Although Yipintang is attacking the wind building with a big attack, it is impossible to arrange a group of people to stay behind in the grand altar base.

Seventeen people have always been very thin. Now, when they encounter such a situation, it is easy to get out of the game without raising their vigilance.

"It seems that Yipintang wants to give us a gantry array..."

Happy but know that Mengyun will not easily send a large number of people out to consume, it must be extremely dangerous, immediately smile, turn back to Wu Kui and other humanities:

"You stay here, I am taking the lead and exploring the bottom of a hall!"

"Good!" "Happy brothers are careful!"

Happy nodded and smiled, turned and faced the main hall of Yipintang, and seemed to step out slowly...

Lingbo micro step!

A step of a few meters, a hundred meters away from the breathing room was happy to shrink to zero.

Wu Kui and others were surrounded by the local police, and they were not nervously staring at the happiness that had already reached the steps of the Grand Gate, and their eyes were condensed.


boom! ! !

The thick red copper nail gate was directly drawn into a few pieces by the Xuan Tie epee, and the whistling wind blew into the lobby of the General Hall.

"no one?"

Wu Kui and others saw a scene that made them stunned through the opening of the government.

The large front yard lobby is so empty that you can't see the half-personal shadow...

I was so happy that I blasted the gang door in such a big place, and there was no one in the Yipintang who came out to pick up the trick.


"There was no reaction at the door, and I wouldn’t want to fight it."


Wu Kui's face is dignified: "The news of the collusion of the wolf organization by Yipintang has confirmed that the major forces of the Central Plains Wulin have sharpened their swords. If Yipintang can't save a more complete force in this battle, it is likely that we will attack. The wind building's counterattack can't hold it... According to the mind of Meng Yun, it is highly probable that I will leave this place for the time being.


"Meng Yun is a woman who is too shameless."

"No matter how much, even if a person is not in the hall, we have to make a difference!" Wu Kuo quickly made a decision and told him: "Lin Xuan, Qing Ming, you two to the left and right to give me the outside of the altar. Get up... Others and I entered a hall and attacked the cornerstone of the gang of Yipintang!"

"Haha, it's just what I want, I really want to see, the face of Yipintang when faced with hundreds of thousands of black pigeons!" The poisoned Buddha's heart and Wu Kui and others plunged into the main hall of Yipintang.


Happy and condescending, with a sense of spirituality sweeping a circle, did not notice a trace of popularity from a product hall!

Meng Yun actually ordered all the left-behind disciples of Yipintang to withdraw from the altar. This decision made the speech very speechless and depressed.

Full of joy and ran to test their latest strength, I did not expect to receive such treatment - no one came out to meet.

Seeing that Wu Kui and others surrounded the gang's cornerstone and madly attacked, happy did not participate in it, condescending, silently frowning and deducting.

The woman of Mengyun is really not simple.

The overall hall of the Fengfeng Building will definitely be the first step...

Meng Yun waited until he got back and helped him back. The cornerstone of the gang here is still safe.

Happy, I don’t want to waste time in the autumn wind here.


At this moment, I was happy to frown, and I looked at the direction of the capital of the city.

A heart-rending momentum is flying fast from that direction, flying fast to the main hall of Yipintang...

It's him!

He actually came.

A heart that is happy is slightly heavy.

Originally, I wanted to borrow a new person to experiment with my latest strength, and to test what kind of realm my strength has reached. I didn’t expect the first opponent to be a evil emperor.

"Wu Tangzhu!"

With a heart and mind, I quickly alerted the people below: "The evil emperor is coming, you should be careful, let me go out."


A group of people in Wushu quickly stopped and looked at the distance.

At this time, Lin Xuan and Qing Ming, two masters of the wind-fighting building who were monitored at the height of the left and right, had already rushed over, and their faces were pale and hurried: "It is the evil emperor!"


"Happy brothers, really don't need our helpers?"

"No." Happy looking around in the quiet and spacious surroundings, the heart gave birth to a powerful atmosphere: "Meng Yun took all the people here, and originally wanted to create an environment that is not disturbed by the evil emperor and me. You can't avoid it... You will come over, but I won't feel at ease, but now there is a chance! You can send a message to the phantom and tell her that the evil emperor is here... there may be some time when the evil emperor has no way to leave, let She looked at herself."

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