Sword Among Us

Chapter 1056: The evil king killer, three consecutive kills (three more finished, ask for a monthly

Chapter 1056, the evil murderer, three consecutive kills (three more, the monthly ticket)

Chapter 1056

There are more and more people watching the martial arts outside the main hall of Yipintang. With the tentative contact between the evil emperor and the happy one, it seems that there is a momentum between the two who will not let anyone evenly match.

This level of interaction is a must for all martial arts people to miss!

Ordinary players have a lot of tricks, usually they will scream, and then they will play tricks, or they will play yin...

The first time that the evil emperor and happy ones did not touch the slightest movement, they were more intense and wonderful than they had seen before.

Silent shots, evenly colliding! Instantly provoked the spark of fascination, everyone held their breath, and the eyes stared at the two men on the open space square.

After a few seconds, the evil emperor shot again!

The evil spirits who are proud of their hearts seem to be very reluctant to move their own steps first. They have lost their momentum and swayed the prestige.

The next step, the darkness is spewing;

At the same time, the calm eyes suddenly burst into a fierce radiance, as if two cold swords, with a strong spiritual pressure, smashed into happy eyes;

Spiritual storm!

Dark power!

Cooperate with the silent style of boxing.

The evil emperor's shot is the Thunder's offensive, and he continues to use the temptations that do not pose too much threat.


I am happy to know the strength of the evil emperor, and know that the evil emperor not only has the advantage of internal strength, but also the power of "Daoxin Demon" is unusual. Cooperating with spiritual pressure can weaken people's will and strength, and grind in both spirit and body. Press the enemy.

Under the triple attack, happiness didn't care - because the 3 o'clock will have been able to ignore the spiritual pressure brought by the evil emperor.

But happiness is not to prematurely expose all the power of the evil spirits of the evil spirits - the biggest purpose of this battle is to smash the myth that the evil emperor is unattainable, and to smash the myth that the evil emperor can not be defeated.

A little under the feet.

boom! !

The black iron epee in front of the deep insert was broken by the dark power.

At the same time, happy feet off the ground, people like the so-called spin-up in the movie, so that the evil emperor's attack time all fell to the ground of happy stay.

boom! boom! boom! !

The darkness just burst from the position of happy stay, and a storm of wind and wind from the sky sweeps away the dust and gravel into a whitefly.

The powerful attacking momentum will bring out the fun of the game and the ability to grasp the timing!


Seeing this scene, countless people shine!

In the face of the evil emperor, it is daring to be able to use such a way of being full of flaws.

Seeing people in the air, the arms are happy, the evil emperor is a glimpse, but soon revealed the anger - the entire rivers and lakes, I am afraid that only happy and dare to cope with themselves.


Without a knee-swinging move, the whole evil spirit of the evil spirits rushed up and swarmed, and under the right hand, there was a palm of the hand that almost disappeared in the air.

The speed is amazing.

The joy in the spine seems to be that the evil emperor will have this, the body miraculously stops rotating, one hand lightning out, lifting lightly on the black iron epee that happened to fly to the front.

call! !

The black iron epee that broke straight out of the ground was happy with the power of the sword. The blade of the sword turned, and the dark and heavy sword body screamed and greeted the evil king.

This turning into a magical palm is to push the evil emperor into danger!

Although the black iron epee flew like a giant hidden weapon, but the moment of contact with the black iron epee, a pure internal force, it turned out that this weapon that was close at hand became the most fierce and threatening. s attack.


The evil spirits who came to the Central Plains to deal with this person was originally an emperor. After uniting the top three top players to squander their happiness, there has always been a feeling of big bullying. Now, if they are not attracted by a single move, others will What do you think?

A glimpse of the eyes, the evil emperor swept the black iron epee on the black iron epee did not offset the full strength of the black iron epee, immediately the second palm of justice did not hesitate to shoot, finally the Xuan iron heavy sword shocked back to happy.

The dark black iron epee with a strong aftershock brought the puzzle back to happy, but the evil emperor's castration stopped.

The confrontation between the two top powers seems to have become wonderful.

The two have never really touched each other until now, and a black iron epee roared between the two, whistling back...

In the face of the return of the black iron epee, happy laughter!

"Come back!"

Ingeniously reaching the peak of the peak in the Xuan iron epee, the dark power contained in the toes instantly defeated the Yu Wei inside, but also hooked the black iron epee in the hand, slanting out.


People in the air, this puff seems to be flawless, but the action is like a stream, in one go, and gives everyone the feeling of a sword.

"This sword is a bit like a look."

At this moment, the evil emperor finally realized that it was really easy to face himself with pleasure, instead of simply showing the applause to the surrounding onlookers, the posture of this sword looked very spoof, but caught it. He fell to the ground and could not help the new force of embarrassment. The counterattack was very fierce. The heart whispered and his feet alternately stepped on one step. The whole person suddenly pulled up a few feet, and when he was happy, he became a evil emperor. on.

Condescending, the evil emperor will naturally miss such an excellent opportunity!

Happy when people are in the air, there is no ability to evade.

Spiritual storm! !

The evil emperor said that the hand is a palm of the hand, and the attack of the tornado with the spirit of the attack will be happy to fly out.

This blow, when attacking the wind pool, the altar, happy also need to start the weird real energy field to be able to withstand.

boom! !

Happy did not let the evil emperor disappoint, the real gas field started to offset all the damage, the body only slightly trembled, when the time of falling has quickly controlled the balance of the body, stepping on the floor of the storm that was smashed by the spirit storm Yu Wei.

"Look at how many tricks you can pick me up!" After the evil emperor noticed that his attack did not seem to cause too much damage to his happiness, the pupil was slightly shrunk, and two consecutive palms rushed to the surface - he naturally had It is noticed that the real gas field outside the body is very inconspicuous, rather than being as sharp as a quarter of the thickness of the entire square.

Happy is not so honest, he is playing!

Small dragon shape!

The foot stepped on Lingbo microsteps, the dragon shape started, people like phantoms, the evil emperor's attack all fed the floor...

"Eat a sword!"

The dragon shape is both retreating and entering.

Squeeze your fists and fight them out. The power is bigger and more fierce.

Even the evil emperor knows the boxing method and the sword method, especially the happy hard fight with the black iron epee will have more losses, the eyes are cold, stepping out in advance, the whole person suddenly illusions two phantoms, three A wicked emperor appeared in front of happy, all of them were the same savvy, and the move was fierce.



This trick has never appeared in the rep of the evil emperor against the emperor.

In rep, although the strength of the evil emperor is very good, most of them are powerful and invincible oppression by the use of spiritual pressure. The real strength can only be said to be comparable to that of an emperor, but this move is obviously Unexpectedly unexpected.

In the face of the lifelike three evil emperors formed by the entrapment circle, the happy action was dull.

A slight delay between the masters is a loss of opportunity.

Some are opportunities to win, some are opportunities for life!


The darkness came from the foot and slammed into the happy body. The latter's chest was boring and immediately realized that he was in danger.

Fortunately, the real situation is not too bad.

"You can let me use the "Shadowing Shadow" and "Daoxing Devil" of "Daoxin Demon" at the same time, you can be proud!"

Seeing that he was happy, he was recruited under his own "Dream of the Heart", and the face of the evil emperor flashed a touch of color, and his eyes were so fierce.

The avatar is to use the mental power to create two identical ones in the other's eyes...

The Taoist genie is a very powerful trick that he can currently perform. He will put his spirit into the enemy's heart and instantly destroy all the will of the other party. This trick can control the opponent for at least two to three seconds.

Two to three seconds, enough for the evil king to kill happy many times!


The separation of the shadows, the darkness, the Taoist genie three-style connection is seamless, and the happiness is stunned by the darkness and has completely fallen into the attacking rhythm of the evil emperor, and the Taoist genie that followed has a happy one. The feeling of being wrapped in a strong fear.

"not good!"

Happy and unbearable teeth close, the spirit that almost fell into a sigh.

Hey! !

Almost at the same time, two consecutive palms are coming! The palm of the hand is fierce!

It is a evil emperor, directly choose the weakest part of the human body to fight, if both palms hit all, even if the real gas field can offset all the attacks, but the darkness contained in it can still cause no small harm.

On the occasion of life and death, happy and unhesitating to start the real dragon ten style fourth style - dragon disk! !

Hey! ! !


The evil emperor started from the happy realm of the weakening of the field, and felt the uneasiness of the majesty being challenged and threatened, so he would start the killer who was originally prepared to kill the emperor without hesitation, and intend to solve it with the most savage and fierce means. Happy.

But what he never imagined was that the happy willpower with the three wills was strong enough to have the ability to forcibly break free after the ‘Daoxin Demon’.

The attack that is about to succeed is firmly on the dragon-shaped phantom that emerges from the happy body...


As if hitting the iron wall of the steel wall cast by the steel, the other party did not move.

Even the dark power contained in it was shaken and destroyed, completely smashing the last hope of the evil emperor.

"The Taoist Devil" is really mysterious, almost in the middle of the move."

Happy is also a cold sweat, almost reincarnation, this time blocking the evil king of a round of killer, holding the attitude of not coming to indecent assault, start ‘wind full of sky’...

"You also eat me a sword!"

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