Sword Among Us

Chapter 1057: Absolutely contend (first)

Chapter 1057 Absolutely contend (first)

Chapter 1057

Yipintang General Altar

With the official emperor and happy hands, the waves of discussion in all directions gradually disappeared. Everyone held their breath, and only heard the cracking of the stones and the heavy whistling and sonic sound in the air.

The two have not played many times, but the speed is very amazing, the frequency is very fast, and the sound of the explosion is also heart-rending!

Especially just now...

After the horrifying spirit of the evil spirits, the ground suddenly burst and the body inexplicably slammed back, and then the ground in all directions seemed to be quickly smashed by countless invisible swords. !

All of this is deeply involved in the minds of everyone.

Taoist genie!

Everyone knows that the evil emperor has just used a terrible killing trick, which will make the happiness that has always been very tenacious and powerful appear so obvious flaws and weaknesses.

But fortunately...

After the evil squad’s slamming, it did not seem to break the happy defense, and the happy counterattack was also thundering!


The sound of the air in the air implies a wonderful sound.

The evil emperor's face changed!

The powerful spiritual power made him feel the threat that only felt from an emperor from the happy sword!

Almost subconsciously, the evil emperor's body was ghostly retreating, and several irregular shifts were made, from five meters, ten meters, and twenty meters, and flashed three times in an instant.


The wickedness of the evil spirit is extraordinary, but the happy Lingbo microstep is in front, gaining the opportunity, the sensation has always locked the movement trace of the evil emperor, and has never let the evil emperor break away from his attack range.

The figure of the two turned into an incredible afterimage...

boom! !

Five meters to the left, the ground was crushed by the evil emperor, and countless stones instantly formed a circular shield half a meter thick in front of him.

The moment the shield is formed, it is easily opened by the black iron epee like water tofu...

The face of the evil emperor changed quickly.

When I moved to the right ten meters away, I still felt that the sword of Yu Wei carried a threat that never weakened.

Do not dare to neglect.

Hands clasped into a spin!

Dao Xin!

The evil emperor's shot speed is so fast that he stunned, and his hands clenched out two strange black vortexes, which were combined in front of him, and the other two powerful swordsmen contained in this sword were intercepted.

Yu Wei of the first sword was completely offset.

that moment.

The evil emperor has had a more surprising judgment on the attack of happiness:

The lethality of the mythical mid-term? !

how is this possible!


The vortex of the Tao has not disappeared, and the two more violent forces almost hit the two palms of the evil emperor lightning...

boom! !

There are only a handful of masters in the crowd who have carefully discovered that the black heart whirlpool in the hands of the evil emperor collapsed instantly, and four amazing momentum slammed into each other.

Hey! !

Ten meters to the right, the location where the two played against each other, the area of ​​10 meters was swept away by an invisible shock wave.

The ground is short.

The vision of countless people has been completely driven.

Jumping 20 meters away!

Hey! !

The two men split at the same time with a sigh.

The biggest characteristic of the life-and-death struggle while moving at a high speed is that Yu Wei is completely reflected until this moment.

The high explosiveness of the wind and the sky is full.

Even if the evil emperor used a series of super-protective means, but still can not completely offset the damage caused by the happy sword, was shocked to retreat a dozen meters before stopping;

However, the evil emperor is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although the spiritual pressure is not effective, it is still possible to force the ‘species’ after the ‘Dao’.


The chest was boring, and the eyes were slightly black. The happiness was repulsed by a more powerful mental force, and the steady color behind the footsteps was stabilized:

The real gas field can't offset this mental shock!

Fortunately, the will attribute is high enough, the body is strong enough, and the damage is not great, just the chest is stuffy.


Happy, evil kings are separated again.

This time, it made the people around the watch clearly feel the strength of the two people, and countless people were stunned...

Evil king...

I was shocked to be shocked.

People who hide in the crowd and come to Yipintang are more difficult to swallow and can't believe their eyes:

"Could it be that……"

"The strength of happiness is enough to compete with the evil emperor?!"

"Impossible! Never!!"

"It is still too early to judge, and there are not many moves. Happy this guy, the strength is really strange, and the evil spirits understand his means, that is when the kid is killed."


"I didn't expect that I still looked down on you."

Looking at the eyes with happiness, the evil emperor slowly opened his mouth again: "It's a good light work, beyond the strength of the innocent body, the good will, actually can not be suppressed by me now... your The strength really improved a lot compared to the time of the wind building, it seems that this is what you intend to give me a surprise."

The sorrowful words of the evil emperor are exchanged for the ridicule of happiness:

"I just want to tell you that your strength is not strong enough to sweep everything and control everything."

"Maybe." The evil emperor smiled coldly without ridicule:

"But unfortunately, even if your strength is improved, you have no chance to overcome me. The mental ability of "Dream of the Dad" gives me 30% of my defense and attack. Even with the flesh, I also Can easily block the kind of killing you just made... And if I didn't guess wrong, the kind of killing you just made is not only very internal, but also can't be used continuously.


Happy face changes slightly.

The secret of the wind and the sky is actually trying to hide it, but he did not expect to be noticed by the evil emperor;

And the evil emperor is right.

The incompetent first master, the strength is indeed extraordinary, although he just took a shot, he seems to be cheap, but in fact the wind is full of the limit he can create, half a minute, but still understated by the evil emperor The block was blocked and did not cause any substantial harm.

However, if the two match up to now, if the momentum is suppressed, he will lose faster!

With a tone of voice, Happy Lang laughed: "Mr. Evil King's words, I can understand that you have no way to take me?"

"Try to know." The evil emperor smiled, the whole person disappeared from the place, and the silent sound of the sea breeze suddenly sounded in the air.


After the happy show was revealed, the evil emperor finally put aside the last trace of his heart and attacked with all his might.

Three phantoms, with smashing shadows, cover the sky and waves like a happy face!

Every punch brings out a suffocating sea breeze;

"Break the Sea King Boxing"

The evil emperor's most proud attack martial arts, in line with the "Dao Xin Devil Dafa", the power to catch up with the late masters of mythology.

In addition, the biggest advantage of boxing is speed! flexible! changeable!

Happy hands hold the black iron epee, in front of the evil emperor, there are no two moves, the attack speed is dwarfed, and the disadvantage suddenly emerges.

In the face of the overwhelming offensive of the evil emperor, I am not happy to continue to distract me, and I am willing to take care of it, and be careful to cope with the darkness and spiritual pressure that may erupt at any time.

At this moment, the strength of the evil emperor finally showed up completely!

Such as the tide of the general offensive endlessly fluttering on the body, even if the body has gained a great leap of happiness, at this moment can not help but slightly frown, from the high-frequency attack to feel that their true vitality is being little bit reduce.

More than three feet from the beginning!

Less than half a minute, the body has already had at least forty palms, and the real gas field has been compressed by nearly one-third. This value is still due to the advantage of using the advantage of the move and the black iron epee to resist most of the attacks. The record that has been retained.

"Sure enough... the gap is still big."

Happy and hard to resist, the heart made such a silent sigh.

Although I am happy to have the two major Shaolin collections of "Yi Jin Jing" and "Knocking the marrow", but the great advantage of "Dao Xin Devil Dafa" is still not to be obscured, not to mention the evil emperor still occupies a realm of advantages, such a crushing situation Although happy, although depressed, but not at all surprised - the loss of one and a half years is not so easy to be erased.

And the evil emperor itself is a super master who is not inferior to an emperor!


Happy is not going to let the evil emperor always crush himself.

The purpose of the confrontation with the evil emperor is to crush the fear of the evil spirits of the Central Plains martial arts, and completely smash the shadow that envelopes everyone's heart - no one can counter and block the shadow of the evil king's footsteps.

Lingbo micro step!

Small dragon shape!

The two major exercises are launched at the same time, even if the evil emperor will have a moment of feeling of losing happiness.

Grab the fleeting opportunity of this moment, and happily start the ‘龙摆尾’ without hesitation!

The speed of the whole person becomes more elusive!


The evil king's pupil suddenly tightened.

Unexpectedly, he has the courage and opportunity to counterattack when he is fully committed!

Immediately, the killing intention in the evil king's heart is stronger and firmer!

A guy who has been lying in a hospital bed for a year and a half has actually rushed to the point where he can threaten himself. If he can't kill and suppress it in a short time, the Central Plains is likely to have an invincible enemy in the future!

For the evil emperor who has a strong desire to control, this is the scene he least wants to see.

Dao Xin!

In the face of the happy dragon's tail-tail attack, the evil spirit did not hesitate a mental storm to smash up, but he did not forget the happy killing trick 'wind full of sky', so he was very cautious in front of the spirit defense;

The figure is pulled backwards, and the palms are separated!

However, what makes the evil emperor very depressed is that at this time, he was very embarrassed that he did not start the trick. Instead, he used the Xuan Tie epee to easily parry down two palms of the hand, and at the same time, from the perspective of undetectable The pellets are quickly bombarded in the mouth.

Seeing this scene, the evil emperor quickly understood the intention of happy, the eyes angered in the burning, the killing is more concentrated - the latter actually used his time to avoid the wind full of time to take the remedy to make up for the loss of internal force.

Taking two high-grade medicinal herbs to supplement the internal force, the real gas field slowly expanded at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and happy to meet the cold and cold light projected by the evil emperor, smiled slightly:

"carry on!"

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